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Sonic v Bengal debate thread :D

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  • ha ok my balls are still intact don.t get personal here. This thread is about the debating for a laugh.
    I think i read it on their site or his myspacebut i don.t know where to check officially. I'm not even arguing about them anyway.

    Talking of good glam bands. Lion with doug aldrich. Love em


    • Not that I give a shit, but it seems you throw these random comments about like they're set in stone, then don't have the facts to back them up. Then when you're backed into a corner, you move to another topic. Fine. But that's not arguing or debating, that's shit stirring.


      • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
        Hey, I've got Leather Boyz With Electric Toyz on my iPod...
        That's something you might not want to admit everywhere
        I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


        • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
          Not that I give a shit, but it seems you throw these random comments about like they're set in stone, then don't have the facts to back them up. Then when you're backed into a corner, you move to another topic. Fine. But that's not arguing or debating, that's shit stirring.
          there's a fair amount fo personal opinion here. but then there would be as my one mans perception of one thing is different to anothers. i think i've argued most of mpoints here. and i'm not claiming they are set in stone. what i've said is no more set in stone than endrik saying kiss were brilliant musicians, or bengal saying you can't compare bon jovi to kiss.

          all i said regarding xyz and the only argument I personally made or started regarding them was that i thought terry ilous had the best voice in glam metal. but bengal seemed to be making other arguments and i'm not sure how kiss and xyz ended up being argued about together. other than at the time i argued that based on misinformation talked about below, i said that if xyz ccan d do a gold album it doesn't make kiss sound as impressive when none of their albums have sold past that mark, but.,...

          ...and yes as we've said and i admitted, i was totally wrong about kiss having no platinum records. all their page on wikipedia mentioned was their number of gold albums. it wasn't until u sifted through other related pages that it tells u which ones were platinum or not. my argument was based on misinformation. i was wrong on that bit.


          • Originally posted by levantin View Post
            That's something you might not want to admit everywhere
            You're right. I feel shame...

            Still want to see proof that XYZ sold more than 500,000 copies of any album. 500,000 copies is quite a bit. Not a ton of bands get to that level. If I'm not mistaken, it's been a while since Slayer went Gold. Dokkens last release was lucky to sell 50,000 copies. Sebastian Bachs last album has sold something like 10,000 copies last I saw. Gold isn't easy to get...

            EDIT: And I'm talking AMERICAN Gold. Not Canada or Brazil or anything like that. I think you have to sell 19 copies in Canada to go gold...
            I'm angry because you're stupid


            • yeah dokkens last release was good i liked it, but their classic albums in the 80s went platinum, i think the racked up 12million copies or summin in their heyday. not as much as some, but still impressive none the less.

              p.s. why is america the only country that matters in this debate? (where have i heard that before.,....)


              • from XYZ's website:

                XYZ then graduated to their own headlining club tour, and continued to rewrite the XYZ's of rock 'n' roll. "Hungry" the second CD,was produced by George Tutko, and the band toured the world in the early 1990's and received 2 gold albums!


                • Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                  yeah dokkens last release was good i liked it, but their classic albums in the 80s went platinum, i think the racked up 12million copies or summin in their heyday. not as much as some, but still impressive none the less.

                  p.s. why is america the only country that matters in this debate? (where have i heard that before.,....)
                  Dokken sold some albums in the 80's, no doubt. Doesn't make Don a great singer. Maybe makes him a great songwriter...

                  American Gold is all that matters. All your British blokes want American Gold. Well, that and Acapulco Gold...

                  XYZ, remember? Where is their gold album?
                  I'm angry because you're stupid


                  • SS,
                    Any 3rd grade writer can spin that shit. Give me something not affiliated with the band...
                    I'm angry because you're stupid


                    • I am certainly not afraid of confrontation or debate, I do lurk quietly but I don't start trouble here or anywhere else, i'm a little too old for that shit. As far as Don is concerned my interpretation of you saying he sings like a girl and was old for hair metal is that he sucks, and as you just stated, you thought it quietly. So trying to smack me down because I accurately interpeted something you wrote is a little laim dont you think? I agree about better singers other than Don, although I don't agree he sings like a girl. I'm not taking pot shots Bengal, i'm responding to things you said in this thread that I don't agree with. And as far as this being a debate between you and sonic i'll respect that but it's far from a debate. It's more like dropping shit.

                      Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                      Look man, if you want to go, step up and go. Don't take these lame shots. Step up and bring it. You've been lurking around here, trying to start trouble, with no sucess. I see you're itching for it, so bring it...

                      Where did I say Don Dokken sucked? I may think that but I never said it. But as for 80's singers, there are faaaaar better out there. Go back and read my "better bring it live" post. I think you'll see what I mean. Don doesn't really bring it live. Is voice is very small and somewhat weak...

                      Save for a few bands, 80's hair metal did suck. Look at how many are still viable. Not many. Def Leppard? Bon Jovi? That's the cream of the crop? If that's the case, the genre was in trouble from the start. See, EMO is the new hair metal. Can't tell one band from the other, it's all mixed in with fashon, and the bands are forgetable...

                      And you don't have to make anything of me. I've made nothing of you...

                      EDIT: In case you haven't picked up on it yet, all I'm really doing is busting Sonics balls. So I may say one thing and then another. It's all in the ball busting...


                      • hey. don't look at me, bengals the one taking all the pot shots at people. i'm just talkin about the issues

                        hey i could run for president too


                        • Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
                          I am certainly not afraid of confrontation or debate, I do lurk quietly but I don't start trouble here or anywhere else, i'm a little too old for that shit. As far as Don is concerned my interpretation of you saying he sings like a girl and was old for hair metal is that he sucks, and as you just stated, you thought it quietly. So trying to smack me down because I accurately interpeted something you wrote is a little laim dont you think? I agree about better singers other than Don, although I don't agree he sings like a girl. I'm not taking pot shots Bengal, i'm responding to things you said in this thread that I don't agree with. And as far as this being a debate between you and sonic i'll respect that but it's far from a debate. It's more like dropping shit.
                          What was the jacking off and using jiz for hair gel? What was that? Not a pot shot? Come on man. Writing shit like that doesn't make you old at all. So you're not "too old" for it...

                          Don does sing like a girl. A weak girl. That's what I think. Get over it. Does it make them less popular? Not in the least. Does it make you like them less? If so, get over it...

                          Of course it's dropping shit. Read the whole thread for christsake. That's what it's all about. Get your panties out of your vagina. Geez. It's all fun until you come along and get your "feelings" hurt over some stupid comment about Don Dokken. THAT, my friend, is as lame as it gets...
                          I'm angry because you're stupid


                          • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                            Any 3rd grade writer can spin that shit. Give me something not affiliated with the band...
                            a)disprove it then

                            b) don't give me american self importance, other countries count too. america is not the only country that matters. thats why we had a cold war remember? couldn't cope with anyone else being as big and as important as them, no so you had to try and have a go at the russians....


                            • sonic,
                              I have to ask, what year were you born? I'm not asking to be a dick or to say that young people can't have intelligent thoughts or anything. I'm just very curious...

                              1968 is mine, before you ask...

                              Fuckin' GREAT year, by the way...
                              I'm angry because you're stupid


                              • Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                                a)disprove it then

                                b) don't give me american self importance, other countries count too. america is not the only country that matters. thats why we had a cold war remember? couldn't cope with anyone else being as big and as important as them, no so you had to try and have a go at the russians....
                                That's why your British bands don't really "make it" until they make it in the States, right? Face it, the money is here. The people are here. Everything is here...

                                Thats why bands like Satyricon or Cradle of Filth still wallow in mediocrity. Can't make it in the States....

                                I don't have to disprove it. You brought it up. You prove it....

                                EDIT: And before I take this any farther. I'm not an "America is great, all other countries blow ass" kinda guy. Just ask Cyg, he'll tell you...
                                I'm angry because you're stupid

