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Sonic v Bengal debate thread :D

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    Yep. That pretty much sums it up...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • More skill? There is some skill to soccer but it doesn't dwarf football by any means. I'd like to see any rugby player drop back and throw a 60 yard pass to a streaking Chad Johnson for the touchdown. What? They don't thow in rugby? Nevermind...

      Yep, takes a lot of skill to be able to follow a ball on the field and run and kick it. There is a reason why soccer is only popular with grade school kids here in the States...

      Soccer is the sport even the fat kid can play...

      The reason why you Europeans love it so much is because you don't have much else. That and car racing. Ugh. I'd rather watch paint dry...
      I'm angry because you're stupid


      • rally driving is awesome. tennis is good to play.

        they may not throw forward in rugby but they do kick and have conversions and frre kicks. rememebr johnny wilkinson and THAT kick in the rugby world cup final? i'd like to see u do that. you can do exactly the same as u've described in rugby only u'd kick and not throw to the player.

        but thats the thing liek you just say. u throw a ball 60 yards to a player on the other side of the pitch. everyone else on the team might as well be lyign around drinking beer. rugby and football have way more interplay between the players. goals and trys a built up through great passing movements, and tactical shuffles, dodging and ducking and diving through the opponents. 90 percent of the time, there is none of that in american football., that is why everyone and their dog plays proper football and rugby. they're far more fun to play, and that passes on to the viewer who feels much more involved in the match, shuting out to their team, telling htem who to pass to, telling them who's offised. the players on the pitch might not be listening, but the viewer involvement is far, far greater.


        • I listen to BBC World and they even call football "scoccer" sometimes. I know when they are talking "Soccer" when the score is 1-0. No wonder the fans drink and riot. I would too if I had to watch a 90 minutes of pitch and toss on the pitch.
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • Originally posted by fett View Post
            I listen to BBC World and they even call football "scoccer" sometimes. I know when they are talking "Soccer" when the score is 1-0. No wonder the fans drink and riot. I would too if I had to watch a 90 minutes of pitch and toss on the pitch.
            and that draws me to another point (thanks fett) - every goal scored in football is far sweeter and savoured more than u americans, who have frankly utterly ridiculous score lines. like basketball. basketball doesn't even have a decent sized pitch.

            and its not quite so common these days for english football matches to end 1-0, quite a few have several goals scored at either end. tottenham won 5-1 recently, villa drew 4-4 with chelsea on boxing day, and beat newcastle 4-1 last weekend...
            in fact thats one good things about football, one goal is one goal. thats it, its not 5 points for this or 3 points for that (one thing that is alittle silly about rugby sometimes). no faffing around, its straight up. there;s only one way of getting a goal and that sputting it in the back of the net. even then u got men to beat, and a much smaller area in which to place the ball. american football and rugby you just run over a line. whoopdey do. where's the skill in that??

            and fett, the riots have nothing to do with the scores, it comes from groups of fans who go out purposefully for the sake of fighting the other supporters. which is darn shame. think of it like the fight system in ice hockey if u will....
            Last edited by sonicsamurai; 02-15-2008, 02:48 PM.


            • sonic,
              Dust off your spell check. Your shit is getting hard to read...

              Yep, the other 9 on offense are not doing anything. Yep, the 5 offensive lineman are not protecting the QB so he can make that throw. The other WR's and TE's are not running routes to keep the other DB's busy doing something else. The FB's and RB's are not blocking for the QB...

              At least if you are going to debate something, know a little about it. But we are heading into that whole "KISS doesn't have platinum albums" bullshit again...

              I don't understand any sport that the clock doesn't stop when play does. That makes no sense to me at all...

              Do I remember the kick from the Rugby Cup 1995? Are you serious? Ah, no... I don't...

              Yeah, you guys go to a soccer match then beat the shit out of eachother and burn the town down. And WE are considered heathens...
              I'm angry because you're stupid


              • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                Dust off your spell check. Your shit is getting hard to read...

                Yep, the other 9 on offense are not doing anything. Yep, the 5 offensive lineman are not protecting the QB so he can make that throw. The other WR's and TE's are not running routes to keep the other DB's busy doing something else. The FB's and RB's are not blocking for the QB...

                I don't understand any sport that the clock doesn't stop when play does. That makes no sense to me at all...

                Do I remember the kick from the Rugby Cup 1995? Are you serious? Ah, no... I don't...

                1)thats still the point - they're not doing anything else. they're just keeping the one guy covered. in proper football theres far more movement in interaction. its not about covering the 2 players that matter or throwing the other guys off - other players an asset or a new route through or a new tactic or a new passing movement a chance for 30 yard scorcher, they're heavily involved in the movement of the ball up or down or across the field - in american football they're just bollards essentially so the other guys can't get through.

                2) its called added or extra time, dummy...and you were telling ME about kiss albums..?

                3) with reference to knowing my shit, it was 2003, in the last minute of, yup u guessed it, added time.
                Last edited by sonicsamurai; 02-15-2008, 03:08 PM.


                • asian soccer girls in mud ..... you have my attention:

                  ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                  • I don't give a crap what anyone thinks. I loves me footie.
                    If you Americans think it's lame and don't want to watch it, it's no skin of my nose.

                    This isn't hard facts like how many albums someone sold. It's a matter of preference. You think my taste sucks? refer to the first sentence of this post.
                    I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                    • Lev,
                      We don't watch it. Come to the US and just TRY to find soccer on the television. It's work, I tell you...

                      I thought Beckham, the stupid British twat, was supposed to come over here and teach us all what we've been missing? He's past his prime, you say? Not the biggest soccer star in the world, you say? That shit doesn't matter at all to us. He's a douchenozzle with a bitchy wife who can't stay healthy long enogh to get through a single game. Nice athletes you guys are producing over there...

                      Didn't we learn with Pele in the 70's? That shit didn't work either...

                      The funniest thing I came across while I was in England was during the World Cup in 06. We were walking in some English town, Birmingham I think, and we came to a town square kinda thing. They had this HUGE videoscreen playing the match. There were at least 2000 people sitting there in complete silence watching the match. I looked up and said, "They are watching soccer?" Got a few bad looks on that one. One of my American moments in Europe. Me and the guys just walked in between all these people sitting there totally immersed in a 0-0 game. Classic...
                      I'm angry because you're stupid


                      • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                        He's a douchenozzle with a bitchy wife who can't stay healthy long enogh to get through a single game.
                        On that one I agree with you completely. I'd bash him over the head with something hard if I ever caught him.
                        I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                        • Originally posted by levantin View Post
                          On that one I agree with you completely. I'd bash him over the head with something hard if I ever caught him.
                          Hehehehehe. Good one Lev...
                          I'm angry because you're stupid


                          • Originally posted by Bengal View Post

                            The funniest thing I came across while I was in England was during the World Cup in 06. We were walking in some English town, Birmingham I think, and we came to a town square kinda thing....

                            lol at the american outlook. Birmingham is a city, mate. the second biggest in the country. you know - that place where black sabbath and judas priest are make it sound like a dainty teapot and kettle village in wiltshire


                            • Town, city. Tomato, TomAHto...

                              What the fuck ever...

                              It was a nice town. Well, save the people. Most were nice but after dark, that place changes. Brawling dolts fill the streets. Chicks with nasty teeth roaming about. Hard to find a decent burger much less a glass of Diet Coke with some ice in it...

                              All kidding aside, it was a cool town...
                              I'm angry because you're stupid


                              • i think there's a slight difference between a town and a major city.....

