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How to get rid of ants?

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  • #16
    you have to spread fire ant killer over your entire lawn as you do fertalizer a couple times year as a preventive kinda thing. Spot hitting mounds that pop up just makes them move... . I've been in Texas since 87 so I know exactly what you mean


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bengal View Post
      Lighter fluid and a match...
      That's the same as using gas. Both will kill them without lighting it, but what would it be if you can't have a nice fire....



      • #18
        Tell them the booze is all gone.

        - E.
        Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
          Just get a fucking huge magnifying glass and wait for a sunny day
          Nice try mate, it may work in the overcast parts of your little isle.
          But Scotty's in Texas.
          The sun makes them into little monsters.
          Magnifying glass=BIG monsters.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
            you have to spread fire ant killer over your entire lawn as you do fertalizer a couple times year as a preventive kinda thing. Spot hitting mounds that pop up just makes them move... . I've been in Texas since 87 so I know exactly what you mean
            He he.
            How do you think I make them move to my neighbor's yard?
            I only do it when I'm working nights, and they are working days.


            • #21
              Pull a shotgun and tell that drunk fat bastard uncle to take about 20 seconds to get out. The ant will follow. But not always.
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #22
                Originally posted by fett View Post
                Pull a shotgun and tell that drunk fat bastard uncle to take about 20 seconds to get out. The ant will follow. But not always.
                Remember Gilda and Jane on Saturday Night Live?

                "Oh, you mean ANTS, not Aunts? Nevermind..."


                • #23
                  Mix a 50/50 batch of boraxo soap and sugar. Then mix water into it
                  until you have a pastey (slightly watery, but not too much)like substance.
                  Place this on small trays (lids from coffee cans work well) in areas where
                  the ants are commonly seen. Check them frequently to keep them from drying out.

                  How does this work you ask ?

                  The sugar draws the ants to the solution. Once there, they get the boraxo all over themselves. When they return to the nest, the other ants
                  will attempt to clean them. Thus distributing the boraxo to the whole community. The boraxo then dries out and cracks their exoskeletons leaving them open to infection which also spreads through the entire nest.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Recklessrob View Post
                    Mix a 50/50 batch of boraxo soap and sugar. Then mix water into it
                    until you have a pastey (slightly watery, but not too much)like substance.
                    Place this on small trays (lids from coffee cans work well) in areas where
                    the ants are commonly seen. Check them frequently to keep them from drying out.

                    How does this work you ask ?

                    The sugar draws the ants to the solution. Once there, they get the boraxo all over themselves. When they return to the nest, the other ants
                    will attempt to clean them. Thus distributing the boraxo to the whole community. The boraxo then dries out and cracks their exoskeletons leaving them open to infection which also spreads through the entire nest.

                    Didn't Sigourney Weaver try that in Aliens? No? Well that's where she went wrong then.....
                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Recklessrob View Post
                      Mix a 50/50 batch of boraxo soap and sugar. Then mix water into it
                      until you have a pastey (slightly watery, but not too much)like substance.
                      Place this on small trays (lids from coffee cans work well) in areas where
                      the ants are commonly seen. Check them frequently to keep them from drying out.

                      How does this work you ask ?

                      The sugar draws the ants to the solution. Once there, they get the boraxo all over themselves. When they return to the nest, the other ants
                      will attempt to clean them. Thus distributing the boraxo to the whole community. The boraxo then dries out and cracks their exoskeletons leaving them open to infection which also spreads through the entire nest.
                      10000% correct. I was going to suggest it. Its safer than the chemicals. YOu can also mix 50/50 sugar /borax dry. the ants come and cant tell between sugar and borax grains. they carry it back to the nest and store the borax with the food and eventually eat it. the rest is as above.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                        Didn't Sigourney Weaver try that in Aliens? No? Well that's where she went wrong then.....
                        And there are no airlocks in my kitchen either. If there were, I'd stick the bloody cats in there too. Messy bastards. Even Predator should be sacked for being such a lousy bug exterminator. :ROTF:
                        Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                        "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            I already thought of that, but then I realised I'd need something to get rid of the anteater, then something to get rid of that... Chances are, the anteater will just shit everywhere. Then you've got the ants back plus a ton of other beasties to deal with.
                            Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                            "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                            • #29
                              I've fought fire ants for over 30 years and I don't think you can eliminate them, but you can control them if you'll do what Shawn recommended. I normally spred about 20 lbs. of Diazinon just as if I was spreading fertilizer. Even then, I still have to spot treat some areas. DDT and Clordane were about the only two sure fire methods to kill fireants, however, DDT created two headed dogs and Clordane had a half life of about 80 years.


                              • #30
                                Growing up out in the country in South Texas we always had horrendous problems with fire ants, and the only thing that seemed to work well was using a large canister pump sprayer filled with diesel. Kills them quick, kills them all, and you don't have to worry about burning down the neighborhood. It's alot of work , even on just a few acres, but it's better than bending over (heh) trying to spread powders, etc. Just pump, spray, repeat.

