SOME teachers could be armed - say those who'd been in the military and are trained in the use of firearms, and have the judgment to know when and who to shoot. Of course you're still going to have the problem with armed security in that the person who has snapped knows who they are and will simply shoot them first - or try at any rate. If some unknown teachers were also armed that would add another line of defense. Obviously you don't arm all teachers, just those who already know how to use a weapon and have the disposition to handle it. There are going to be some on any campus who could do this. You don't have to mandate arming teachers, just don't forbid it of the ons who are qualified to do so.
Gun debates aside, this is a very tragic and disturbing trend in our schools. We have to find some countermeasures that work, because this phenomenon is not going away.
I believe in the Second Amendment, but I also believe that no one should be able to walk out of a store with a firearm until they have demonstrated a basic understanding of how to use and safely handle that firearm.
Gun debates aside, this is a very tragic and disturbing trend in our schools. We have to find some countermeasures that work, because this phenomenon is not going away.
I believe in the Second Amendment, but I also believe that no one should be able to walk out of a store with a firearm until they have demonstrated a basic understanding of how to use and safely handle that firearm.