Eat yer heart out Fett, I just scored an inside link to the largest Goodwill store in Northwest Florida,,, My girlfriend got a job there managing the Book, music, and Video dept,, She not only gets a chance to buy this stuff as soon as it comes in, but she gets 25% off, we just scored a new Serta King size mattress and box spring for 79 bucks minus the discount, got a coffee maker for a buck, a stack of cds for 5 bucks, and few other assorted items, they throw out tons of books and cds everyday,, the store is a block off the beach in a pretty exclusive area, so all the stuff is nice, they ship the junk to the smaller stores,,she just called and said she scored a genuine mink stole ($25) and a pair of thigh high stilletto heeled black leather boots ($15),, I got a feeling tonites gonna be interesting,,,
