I'm just wondering how many people will take advantage of this given that many people already do not use their full RRSP contribution room?
(scroll down a bit)
Personally, I'm single and kid free so I've got spare cash to invest but I think a lot of families don't have all of this spare cash around to put in tax shelters.
I'm surprised a "conservative" government that believes people should decide what to do with their money would implement a policy that encourages savings. I should pay the same amount of tax whether I want to piss money away on more guitars or invest it.
(scroll down a bit)
Personally, I'm single and kid free so I've got spare cash to invest but I think a lot of families don't have all of this spare cash around to put in tax shelters.
I'm surprised a "conservative" government that believes people should decide what to do with their money would implement a policy that encourages savings. I should pay the same amount of tax whether I want to piss money away on more guitars or invest it.
