Originally posted by horns666
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I love sleep. It was all I could do to pull myself out of bed at 9:30 this morning. Went to bed at 2:30 last night. Almost every night I go to bed, it takes me 45 minutes to go to sleep. Not bad, but my wife is out after 5 minutes, and that's frustrating for me to see. I have neighbors over at least once a week on work nights to sit in my hot tub, and they get mad that I am very adament that we are out of the tub by 11:30 so I can get to sleep hopefully between 12:00 and 12:30 and get enough sleep before I get up for work at 7:00 am.
So, I guess it could be worse, and if I am really having problems dozing off, I have a choice of 3 different prescriptions to help me go to sleep.
- E.