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  • Fitna

    I can't believe people in the west are taking dictation of our speech from the animals. It is total surrender. Despicable! I won't even post the link here to the place I finally managed to find it because it is likely to cause this thread to be censored. It is a good movie though, well worth the extra effort to go find.

  • #2
    I'm so tired of hearing about this Movie.. I'm Dutch and they've been talking about this movie for months now.

    Did you really have to start this thread? I was so happy no one mention it on this forum.. Nothing good can come out of it probably..
    "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


    • #3
      I think it is important, very important. That's why I posted it. You are free to ignore it of course but it is a worthy topic. I can't believe the willingness to self censor under threat of violence. Governments that espouse freedom of speech as a fundamental human right should be buttressing those freedoms by providing access to the video to remove the threat of violence to those few brave enough stand up to the barbarians.


      • #4
        Once the Islamic militants have gotten it through our thick Western skulls that they want to convert us or kill us all, the response will be predictable and thorough. They are dangerous but in the end if they push us to an us-or-them decision, the West will do whatever it has to to eliminate the threat.

        I know that most Muslims have a live and let live attitude. And that they have reason to fear the radicals and keep their mouths shut. But in the end the backlash will cost many of them dearly as well. It's a tragedy in a tragic world, but the bottom line is that these things become personal when you are personally affected.

        People may have a reasonable outlook on these things, but when someone they love is killed, they usually revert to a "kill 'em all" attitude at that point. When the West as a whole develops that attitude, it's gonna be grim for Muslims worldwide. The sad thing is that the radicals will force the issue.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #5
          The urge to post is strong... Must...resist...


          I have no self control, but I feel better now.
          This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


          • #6
            Which doesn't change that it was a poorly constructed movie.

            The repetition of images from different angles to try and make a crowd seem larger than it was, is a cheap parlor trick. The Hitler parallel was pointless and went on for too long. Showing the ravings of a handful of loonies is not representative of the majority voice. And wannabe neo-cons using the Muslims' mistreatment of women and gays as some sort of justification for their message of hate is... well, ironic at best.

            I've never even attempted to read the Koran, don't even know that I've ever even been in the same room with a copy. So I've no idea how accurate this short's representation of its passages are. Seems to me that the world could be better served by, rather than banning it, enticing more people to read it for themselves and see if its messages are truly as dangerous as Wilders claims.

            Then perhaps read the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament) and see if those are any worse.
            please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


            • #7
              NPR ran a story today about the flick. They pointed out that all kinda people are posting there own vids when you try the real one. I'm not sure how to take that.
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #8
                There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
                -N. Powers

