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The new classifieds: Yay or Nay

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  • #16
    Old way, but do not enable comments.
    Just leads to too many dumb questions and rude or irrelevant comments.
    That's what PM's are for. If the seller sees a common theme in the questions being asked via PM, they can always add the info to the ad.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
      I don't like the fact that new classified listings don't appear in the "New Posts" search results....
      Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say as well.
      Popular is not the same as good
      Rare is not the same as valuable
      Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


      • #18
        I like the new way, but would prefer to have them show up in the New Posts search, since that's how I browse the board.


        • #19
          Sorry guys, the poll is being moved to the platinum area. Since they are the onces paying to use it, they are the ones that should be voting on it.


          • #20
            If the comments become enabled, then the "If it had a floyd, I'd be all over it"s are gonna be all over the place.

            Old style without comments, is and was , the best.
            I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sandman0170 View Post
              Sorry guys, the poll is being moved to the platinum area. Since they are the onces paying to use it, they are the ones that should be voting on it.
              Do you think that we, who aren't paying, voted for the old because we were able to post ads in that one? I voted for the old one, because I prefered the way it looked and was easy to browse through...if you bring the old one back and still keep the rule that the platinum members are the only allowed to post ads, I'll be happy .


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sandman0170 View Post
                Sorry guys, the poll is being moved to the platinum area. Since they are the onces paying to use it, they are the ones that should be voting on it.
                This is why ALOT of people didnt like the payer/platinum system. We need a new poll. Has the new changes made the boards better? I say no .


                • #23
                  Based on the results of this poll, the old classifieds will probably be back. I'm not moving the poll in hopes of different results, I'm trying to make it as fair as possible. And once again, if you don't want to pay for it, then don't. Other than the classifieds, nothing else has changed for everyone else.

