Originally posted by horns666
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At a melvins show last year. A friend and i were just sitting there in the car with subway and two MASSIVE dutchmasters. Jefferson airplane was on....i was all "dude...how many times do you think they all tried to bone gracie slick? I mean...her last name was fucking "slick". Anyway so we get into the show and breakout the covert hilighter bowl...at a certain point i realized my face was parilized , i looked like johnny depp in that lame willy wonka remake, i kept thinking in my head
"I'm going to...FUCKING...DIE" eventually we got to the point where i was just kindof leaning to one side like there was a wall there that wasnt. I ended up dragging a barstool into the audience during the little cartoon thing. I also was somehow talked into buying this giant golden lego guy thing with blood on it at the melvins merch stand for like 60 bucks. I thought it was "totally sweet" at the time....
