Dude everything sounds sloppy after listening to loomis, it kinda sucks the life outta everything else! I'm sure that'll go away eventually 
I kinda of like sloppy though, played way to much in C# on 10-52's, real slinky like dime.
Oh and billz, a couple weeks ago I was outside mums bf's shop getting something from the car when I suddenly felt the earth move and heard a rumble...I darted my head around and seen a flash of a yellow cobra replica screaming past!! My first thought? Man those white stripes make the yellow look gay
Fugger shoulda got black stripes, looks way better

I kinda of like sloppy though, played way to much in C# on 10-52's, real slinky like dime.
Oh and billz, a couple weeks ago I was outside mums bf's shop getting something from the car when I suddenly felt the earth move and heard a rumble...I darted my head around and seen a flash of a yellow cobra replica screaming past!! My first thought? Man those white stripes make the yellow look gay

Fugger shoulda got black stripes, looks way better
