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We share the same love of movies. I will elaborate later. I must be at my mom's in a few hours..I gotta get to bed.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
The last movie that actually moved me was probably what me and Endrik were talking about, that movie "Irreversible". Very disturbing. Not exactly horror, but it's definitely no romance/drama.
I'm a firm believer that art is supposed to move you, whether it be disgust or joy, and cinema is an art.
yup, you are exactly right man
"There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert
I miss the IFC (Independent Film Channel)..I caught some of the coolest movies years ago on there. I can't remeber any of the titles but I always think of the movies..I can't check the IMB because most of the films didn't have big named actors. One was with Steve Buscemi tho..I like that crazy lil' fuck.
Vincent Price..I have most of his movies. I watched The Conqueror Worm a couple weeks ago. I put it on because my kid was doing a project on torture chambers and witchcraft. That movie is pretty good but NOTHING like the 1972 film Nark Of The Devil..I have it on VHS. I saw that movie at a drive in with my parents when I was fuggin' eight years old..that movie scar the fucking shit out of me. I remeber them passing out Vomit bags..with the MOTD print on it. Man, I wished I knew to keep those fuggin' things. There was a Mark Of The Devil II a couple years later..and we went to see that..and that too scraed the crap out of me. The movie that fucked me all up was The Excorcist. I could honestly say that movie alone planted the seed in my head at nine years old. I went to an "old school" Catholic School (St Rocco's) an all Italian parish..with nuns with yardsticks. That movie was "real". All my teachers told me so..so who was I to believe.
I lost months of sleep because of that movie. The school and church kept talking about it. Telling us similar stories that they said were real. I kid you not..I went to bed every night with a fuggin' pocket Bible and holy water..I would wet my sheets with the holy water, wait for it to dry..and wet them some more..I gave it a second coat. I swore I felt my fuggin' bed move, shimmy and shake..Those fuckers!!!
BTW..I wanted to name my son Vincent Price Zurlo. My wife wasn't down with that..and both of our fathers are named John..so John it was. If it was up to me his intitails would have been VPZ..
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Here they still have an Indie films channel; Sundance. You can find some cool stuff on there from time to time. They also have some other cool shows on it. Here is a bit more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundance_Channel
Also, I figure you're an excop, so my friend and I are looking for some advice. My friend's neighbor has been trying to stir the shit with them for awhile. They don't like the noise of their ATVs and dirtbikes, despite there not being any ordnances against it. So to be an ass they got a dirtbike and took off the muffler and run it. Next, they burn their wood and crap right on the property line near my friend's brush and trees, which lead to a cop coming out and bitch slapping them.
Finally the other day they went over line. First, they force my friend's dog out of the invisible fence they have. Next thing we collectively know, is I see said dog out with our paper. Now is a good time to remind you my friend's neighbors are in bed with their other neighbors. The dog has our paper, and when I ask the kids how it got the paper, they flee.
Now then, the jerk ass neighbor goes over to my friend's with his daughter's jacket, with holes in it, claiming it bit there daughter, and he would shoot there dog There was no daughter to be found, and the guy apparently used profanities once the police showed up and began questioning them. Turns out the guy just put holes in his daughter;s jacket with a knife to make it look bitten. Cop nearly hauled him off for disorderly conduct.
Now, this is the sum total of events. At the time, I had only known of the dog getting our paper, probably after being egged by the kids with it. The policeman did take statements to have on record, as the first jerk ass neighbor has been in jail for drug use, having a drug lab in his home, and for disorderly conduct. Parent's are thinking I should call and also give a statement, for them to piece the whole deal together (as atm, they know nothing about the kids apparently trying to incite the dog). The only issue is I never saw them trying to get the dog riled up with our paper, so I figure it's just heresy to the cop. So should I call them and make a statement or not?
...yeah..his momma could have been a voz. But I didn't develope my baby batter yet.
Speaking of which..do you remember the first time you shot your goo..I do! That scared the fuggin' shit outta me..I thought it was a punishment from God or something for playing with it too much. Then I remeber I couldn't wait to do it again..and again...and again..fast foward 35 years later..and again.
I swear, shooting my goo is my favorite passtime, sport and hobby. It's amazing there is any skin left on the damn thing..or goo still left in the endless well called my balls.
I thought abiout this..you could take my money, take my metal collection, my uberschall, my home, my cobra..all my worldly things possesions. At least I still could shoot my goo..that makes me happy!
What is the wrost case scenario..become a bum, in jail..in a nuthouse (pun)..I would be shootin' my goo everywhere. Even if they put me in a straight jacket..I still have 10 ways to shoot my goo..I practiced for that day..it's called survival man..survival.
Do you know you could live off you're own goo. You hear about stranded people on islands eating their own poo or pee. You're body gets rid of that because it don't want it..but your goo..that's protein, so they say (what I tell the wife)..and its like a liquid..so you prolly could live off your own goo for about ..I dunno..three to four years..that's survival.
I never ate my own goo..well, once it was dark and my mouth was open...eww. It was pretty terrible.
Well, I could go on about this forever..prolly write mutiple books on this subject alone. But I have to go to my mommy's house. Bless her..do you know she never said a peep since she saw me with my pud stuck in that vase. She could have told everyone..but not one sould. I KNOW she never told my dad, because my dad would still be telling that one..even today. Bless her!
I would never want anyone to know about that...
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
CR..There should be noise laws where you live. It's a qaulity of life issue really. This ongoing problem with them seems like it may be coming to a head, and its not even Summer yet. You actually have to witness the jerks in the act of criminal mischief or damage . But the police are established with these assclowns. It wouldn't hurt to call them and report your concerns..I recieved calls daily for years for much much less. Advise them everything you just told me. They may give you some good advice or at least their name and badge or some contact to call personally that know those assclowns...in case they're acting up now or in the future.
Being that that they are connected with drug activity. Your concern is valid and you could ask for a "special attention"..which means they come by and keep an eye on them and you're area for 30 days.
Call the non emergency police number in your area and tell them it is in connection with ongoing neighbor trouble. Tell them you just want to be left alone and don't want to be bothered by these jerks. At least if something more serious were to go down..they would have this assignment documented on their duty report..it's not a officialy police report..just a duty log that they came to your address and talked to you. Do it on a day when you'll be home..a call like that in a busy city like Cleveland could be hours in response time. It wouldn't hurt to call them.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
...yeah..his momma could have been a voz. But I didn't develope my baby batter yet.
Speaking of which..do you remember the first time you shot your goo..I do! That scared the fuggin' shit outta me..I thought it was a punishment from God or something for playing with it too much. Then I remeber I couldn't wait to do it again..and again...and again..fast foward 35 years later..and again.
I swear, shooting my goo is my favorite passtime, sport and hobby. It's amazing there is any skin left on the damn thing..or goo still left in the endless well called my balls.
I thought abiout this..you could take my money, take my metal collection, my uberschall, my home, my cobra..all my worldly things possesions. At least I still could shoot my goo..that makes me happy!
What is the wrost case scenario..become a bum, in jail..in a nuthouse (pun)..I would be shootin' my goo everywhere. Even if they put me in a straight jacket..I still have 10 ways to shoot my goo..I practiced for that day..it's called survival man..survival.
Do you know you could live off you're own goo. You hear about stranded people on islands eating their own poo or pee. You're body gets rid of that because it don't want it..but your goo..that's protein, so they say (what I tell the wife)..and its like a liquid..so you prolly could live off your own goo for about ..I dunno..three to four years..that's survival.
I never ate my own goo..well, once it was dark and my mouth was open...eww. It was pretty terrible.
Well, I could go on about this forever..prolly write mutiple books on this subject alone. But I have to go to my mommy's house. Bless her..do you know she never said a peep since she saw me with my pud stuck in that vase. She could have told everyone..but not one sould. I KNOW she never told my dad, because my dad would still be telling that one..even today. Bless her!
I would never want anyone to know about that...
oh mama, my stomach hurts
"There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert
CR..There should be noise laws where you live. It's a qaulity of life issue really. This ongoing problem with them seems like it may be coming to a head, and its not even Summer yet. You actually have to witness the jerks in the act of criminal mischief or damage . But the police are established with these assclowns. It wouldn't hurt to call them and report your concerns..I recieved calls daily for years for much much less. Advise them everything you just told me. They may give you some good advice or at least their name and badge or some contact to call personally that know those assclowns...in case they're acting up now or in the future.
Being that that they are connected with drug activity. Your concern is valid and you could ask for a "special attention"..which means they come by and keep an eye on them and you're area for 30 days.
Call the non emergency police number in your area and tell them it is in connection with ongoing neighbor trouble. Tell them you just want to be left alone and don't want to be bothered by these jerks. At least if something more serious were to go down..they would have this assignment documented on their duty report..it's not a officialy police report..just a duty log that they came to your address and talked to you. Do it on a day when you'll be home..a call like that in a busy city like Cleveland could be hours in response time. It wouldn't hurt to call them.
To this I agree. I'm sick of the jerks around here with ATVs who either have busted mufflers or run them at 6 in the morning until 8 in the night. I can kind of understand as I had a go kart at one time, but it's buzzy little engine was quieter than a lawn tractor.
I'll totally do what you've suggested then. Pretty much everyone in the neighborhood hates them for either being noisy, the rather infamous drug bust about 10 years back, and about a month or so back the cops were up there looking for one of their cars after it was reported for being involved in street racing (which given this car like their mysteriously totaled Honda they used to own has blacked out windows and some fairly heavy mods done to it isn't shocking). Kind of ashame that out of maybe 40 houses here, you have one two that drag them down. I can tolerate stupid people in the neighborhood; I can't tolerate the ones doing illegal crap.
No problemo bro..keep me posted how things go. I just took care of the EXACT same problem at my mother's house. I had to talk to the neighborhood pain in the ass. They apoligized to me to her..everything is cool. two years of tension..squashed in ten minutes.
Sometimes it doesn't go that smoothly and you need to contact the po po.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Justice has been served. I did not even get to calling them either LOL. Started at about 7 when I see a cop car car head up that way. 10 minutes later, I note another going up there. Since I'm outside some sprinting workouts, I noticed after awhile a bit of a commotion and then silence. 10 minutes later, both cars leave following each other, very possibly with the idiot neighbor and his equally stupid wife, who I had clearly heard say something to the degree of "HA, *something something* that *something*" Also heard the guys voice faintly as well.
Justice has been served. I did not even get to calling them either LOL. Started at about 7 when I see a cop car car head up that way. 10 minutes later, I note another going up there. Since I'm outside some sprinting workouts, I noticed after awhile a bit of a commotion and then silence. 10 minutes later, both cars leave following each other, very possibly with the idiot neighbor and his equally stupid wife, who I had clearly heard say something to the degree of "HA, *something something* that *something*" Also heard the guys voice faintly as well.
That is beautiful ..dumbfucks always seem to weed out themselves. But NOW you must strike while the iron is still hot. The police, including several units know these tools..so the VERY next time they act up...call! Trust me, those cops don't like them anymore than you do..and would be more than happy to throw 'em in the joint..
Mark today's date and time you seen the police there! This way if you want to make a complaint on them..you can always start that conversation with "Yes officer, there was a big commotion and several zone cars were over there on April 6th, at 6PM..and yada yada"..
Ya see..?
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Hey..Vinny made High Honors at school..Its Report card day!!...You don't understand..Vinny is my goo..my goo is smart..and talented..and athletic....and good lookin'..and it is AKC certified pure breed Dago..
I want to sell my goo on Ebay..Have penis will travel. A world of Bill Z Bubs..how could we go wrong.
Well, more on my goo later..
I'm a proud Poppy seed..BTW. We may be planning to record a demo of Vinny's songs. He doesn't know about it yet. My freind who recorded my demo wants to record his..He'll play ALL instruments (Drums, guitrs, bass, and keys) and he wrote all the songs on his own, they're cool!. I may take some solo spots, if he wants me too. More on this later.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Congrats...I must say that I'm envious. I have to push my 16 yr old to get C's and a good week is one where I don't get a call from the school hearing that he got into a fight or had an altercation with a teacher. Anytime that happens, its always someone else's fault as well.
He took it all to a new a level last week. After a lecture on his grades, he was told to do the dishes. He flat out refused. As I stood up to make my point that he was in for a world of trouble if he continued to refuse, he stood, puffed himself up (he's bigger than me now at 6'2" and 175 lbs...taller anyway ), and clenched up his fists. I take a step toward him to push him into the kitchen and he launches into me, trying to take me to the ground. We go down and I put him in a wrist lock until he quits (I used to compete in/teach mixed martial arts). He then gets up and proceeds to tell me that he's calling the police, to which I tell him to go right ahead.
In a nutshell, the police officer gives him a 45 min. lecture on how good he has it living in nice house in an upscale neighborhood, with nice clothes, shoes, furnishings, gadgets, etc. He then turns to me and informs me that all the state requires is that he has a bed, which can be an air mattress from Walmart, and clothes/shoes, and recommends some polyester pants and velcro sneakers or moon boots :ROTF:. Food needs to be the basic necessities and could be some of the nastiest shit that I could find
He spoke for a while about respecting parents and elders, and about proactively looking for ways to help out around the house.
He then goes on to inform the boy that a parent can do anything he/she feels is necessary to control their child using reasonable force. He then defined me beating the shit out of him if he ever does this again as reasonable and said that he's a softy and every other cop in the county would recommend even harsher consequences. He then offered to stand by and watch if I still wanted to beat the kid's ass for this whole incident ...just to put a little fear in him. I declined but made it known that I wouldn't hold back if this ever happened again.
Hopefully he got the message but somehow I suspect the trouble isn't over.