Y'know some of the best sex I ever had was by myself. I'm guilty, sometimes I'll blow off the wife, and find myself boppin' the bologna..twice. 
I know why. It's routine. We shower up, Vin goes to bed, we lay there, we channel surf, watch southpark, I'm thinkin' 'bout bills, she gets tired, I'm not in the mood due to bills, she goes to sleep, I come downstairs, I relax and stop thinking about money, I'm feelin' a little froggy, pop a boinger, I go on bubblebutts..and I'm beatin' the bishop!
That's how it happens..
I'm older now, she's got to adapt and take the bull by the horn. She hasn't adapted..oh well..I'm boppin' away and I'm happy.
we been together 25 years and three days..that's how it works..at best. I don't care...she don't care..it's all good. No pressure..

I know why. It's routine. We shower up, Vin goes to bed, we lay there, we channel surf, watch southpark, I'm thinkin' 'bout bills, she gets tired, I'm not in the mood due to bills, she goes to sleep, I come downstairs, I relax and stop thinking about money, I'm feelin' a little froggy, pop a boinger, I go on bubblebutts..and I'm beatin' the bishop!
That's how it happens..

I'm older now, she's got to adapt and take the bull by the horn. She hasn't adapted..oh well..I'm boppin' away and I'm happy.

we been together 25 years and three days..that's how it works..at best. I don't care...she don't care..it's all good. No pressure..
