it's funny with British accents... we mostly hear that clear metropolitan BBC thing on tv or even cockney but some blokes from industrial towns have some really hilarious accents that you can't understand a single word they are saying 
Bill's accent is fucking cool, straight out of Goodfellas
Aussie accent is one of my all time favorites.
Interesting, Tommy doesn't have a NY accent but he can replicate pretty much any accent or voice... it's fucking hilarious when he is quoting someone... he always uses the voice of the person he quotes
If you watch any movie (except for Westerns) made before the 60's... most actors used this Trans-Atlantic accent which is like half American half British... but now it's totally vanished... kinda interesting how all the new age movements in culture changed all that.
My accent is... I dunno... sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. All I know is I talk fuggin SLOW!!!! I mean hippy/stoner slow. Phrases like "hey duuuuude" or "hey maaaaan" suit me very well

Bill's accent is fucking cool, straight out of Goodfellas

Aussie accent is one of my all time favorites.
Interesting, Tommy doesn't have a NY accent but he can replicate pretty much any accent or voice... it's fucking hilarious when he is quoting someone... he always uses the voice of the person he quotes

If you watch any movie (except for Westerns) made before the 60's... most actors used this Trans-Atlantic accent which is like half American half British... but now it's totally vanished... kinda interesting how all the new age movements in culture changed all that.
My accent is... I dunno... sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. All I know is I talk fuggin SLOW!!!! I mean hippy/stoner slow. Phrases like "hey duuuuude" or "hey maaaaan" suit me very well
