My son Ben is speaking Gospel. I love you Ben..I love you very much. I love all you bastids..
Thsngs have been chaotic at home. Busy with Vinny's school activities, doctors appointments and shit. Now they want me to pee to ensure I'm talking my drugs properly. That's seems to be thge genral rule now with doctors doin' narcotics. But's it's all good mang! Fuggums..I'll pee..I'll pee all over the fuggin' doctor's office like alawn sprinkler. Golden Showers ya like that shit. I'll mark my fuggin' territory. I got yer pee right here. C'm Lemonade..fresh hot lemonade!!:ROTF:
OK, I must say this since I have a moment. I took my Cobra out for a quick bop. Woman are materialisitic fuckers! Guys too. Every fuggin' stop sign, light, intersection..I'm talkin' to people. love that damn thing. Woman..oh..WTF??!! Girls are smilin', waving..blowin' me kisses and shit. That kicked ass..It's one of the few warm days we had here so everybody is out cruisin..even tho it looks like rain. Ya'know , I don't think it about it's about material shit. It's just an attention getter and's an real "ice breaker" for coversation...and I'm am one sexy bitch!!
I came smiling like an asshole..almost laughing!! Val was fuggin' around in the yard. She KNEW..she knows me...She asked "Girls were smiling at you ..right?".."Fuck yeah.."..with a big ass grin on my face.
I was thinking about puting a stereo in the fucker. Why..I love the sound of the LOUD pipes, and the motor when shifting gears. That's the most brootal crusin' music there is.
Well, Vinny is at a friend's house. Me and Val are going to be alone alot this summer. So we been havin' some fun. But first I must shower..I smell like car exhaust. She's making hamburgers...I'm hungry.
Things are good for the moment.

Thsngs have been chaotic at home. Busy with Vinny's school activities, doctors appointments and shit. Now they want me to pee to ensure I'm talking my drugs properly. That's seems to be thge genral rule now with doctors doin' narcotics. But's it's all good mang! Fuggums..I'll pee..I'll pee all over the fuggin' doctor's office like alawn sprinkler. Golden Showers ya like that shit. I'll mark my fuggin' territory. I got yer pee right here. C'm Lemonade..fresh hot lemonade!!:ROTF:
OK, I must say this since I have a moment. I took my Cobra out for a quick bop. Woman are materialisitic fuckers! Guys too. Every fuggin' stop sign, light, intersection..I'm talkin' to people. love that damn thing. Woman..oh..WTF??!! Girls are smilin', waving..blowin' me kisses and shit. That kicked ass..It's one of the few warm days we had here so everybody is out cruisin..even tho it looks like rain. Ya'know , I don't think it about it's about material shit. It's just an attention getter and's an real "ice breaker" for coversation...and I'm am one sexy bitch!!

I came smiling like an asshole..almost laughing!! Val was fuggin' around in the yard. She KNEW..she knows me...She asked "Girls were smiling at you ..right?".."Fuck yeah.."..with a big ass grin on my face.

I was thinking about puting a stereo in the fucker. Why..I love the sound of the LOUD pipes, and the motor when shifting gears. That's the most brootal crusin' music there is.

Well, Vinny is at a friend's house. Me and Val are going to be alone alot this summer. So we been havin' some fun. But first I must shower..I smell like car exhaust. She's making hamburgers...I'm hungry.

Things are good for the moment.
