TOMMY!!! You fuggin' facebookin', Sun Tannin', Gym pumpin' , muff divin', bicycle humpin', getting trashed by an asian female driver (the jokes write themselves) motherfucker !!! Yes!!! Yes!! You dick. This place reminds me of the Big Lebowski. Richy was like my're The Dude, and I'm your Walter!
Tommy you skilled MoFo Van Halen douchnozzle. Why did you quit playing. Let me tell you..that's impossible. You still have all that going thru your noggin'..still hummin and playin' all the mad notes in your brain. You'll pick up an axe, and within' two weeks you'll be playin like a freak of nature.
Dude, you know sometimes the driven ones have happy accidents. Like Tony Iommi..well his nubs were the best thing that ever happened. He changes the sound of music. Then Eddie came along and said..fuck you. Thanks, I'll do ya one better! That happened to me. I adapted a style..well. It's kinda like Steve Lynch of Autograph ..labeled just another Ed clone. But metal riffs..I'm in there sorta. kinda like Tim Calvert really. He's got my Badge. So does Joe Satriani!!
I must thank my son for this. He has newer bands he loves and it's a whole new ballgame with kids and copying everything on youtube. He loves this band CHON. They're creative, but not my style. I blame Guthrie Goven for this. But my kid has theory behind his stuff which gave me a boost. It's just soooo fuggin' easy. I don't get it from youtube. He does ..and just plays a new whatever and I'll match him or counter. We go back and's perfect. I have to record something with him. But if I didn't. He can play like me, better than I's silly. It's like Zappa plays Zappa
Something happened to me. That's another story. I can't explain without sounding like a nut, but this is documented shit. I've been doing ALOT of recording. When I feel the time is right I will just let it speak for itself without saying a word. I didn't ask for it, I didn't try, search..nothing. Well..this sounds like jibberish. But I'm with it in my dreams or anytime without distractions. ..It's better than any drug. Which I take hardly at all, because of this ...
It's ALL those fuggin' Peeps I ate. I ate 3.33 lbs a day. That's the secret code...shit now my secret is out. That's what Jesus did. the last supper. The Davinci Code. ..Peeps. Just the blue ones. Jesus had 13 disciples didn't count because she had a pink peep. These are histrical facts. Jesus Quintana of course!
I AM...AM I...
Tommy you take Cialis , just so you can pull pork on the beach! Religion..what's that? People still like that shit? I embrace ALL things supernatural, not superstitious! I'm no different than say..Carl Jung, Crowley, Jack Parsons, Walt Disney, Dio for sure..and..maybe Lavey. Anton was truly deistic. He couldn't admit that in writing. People were very sensitive during the 'Satanic Panic of the 60's 70's 80's. Look what happened when Jung came out with his Meta-stuff. Sigmund Fraud dissed him as a cook. He was jealous because he he couldn't get ass. Carl..he was a player. My doc knew him. Used to meet at the Abinthehouse in New Orleans. was that iD that got 'em.. I didn't know much about Carl Jung. I was advised about my experiences and documentation.
I'll just have to show you. In person. I've made vids. It's a older plasma Emerson's goofy. I'm no tech guy. My kid goes thru laptops like disposables.
DUDES I must reject ALL things Facebook. Too late for you fuckers. That shit is against all logic.
SNOOGS ..yeah..shes' the best! Pretty cute too..don't like tats on chicks tho. That's pintripes on a Cobra. But that's just me..Do with thy wilt, shall be the whole of the law!
XENO..don't get 'em wet after midnight.
John snorts Viagra... !!!
Tommy you skilled MoFo Van Halen douchnozzle. Why did you quit playing. Let me tell you..that's impossible. You still have all that going thru your noggin'..still hummin and playin' all the mad notes in your brain. You'll pick up an axe, and within' two weeks you'll be playin like a freak of nature.
Dude, you know sometimes the driven ones have happy accidents. Like Tony Iommi..well his nubs were the best thing that ever happened. He changes the sound of music. Then Eddie came along and said..fuck you. Thanks, I'll do ya one better! That happened to me. I adapted a style..well. It's kinda like Steve Lynch of Autograph ..labeled just another Ed clone. But metal riffs..I'm in there sorta. kinda like Tim Calvert really. He's got my Badge. So does Joe Satriani!!
I must thank my son for this. He has newer bands he loves and it's a whole new ballgame with kids and copying everything on youtube. He loves this band CHON. They're creative, but not my style. I blame Guthrie Goven for this. But my kid has theory behind his stuff which gave me a boost. It's just soooo fuggin' easy. I don't get it from youtube. He does ..and just plays a new whatever and I'll match him or counter. We go back and's perfect. I have to record something with him. But if I didn't. He can play like me, better than I's silly. It's like Zappa plays Zappa
Something happened to me. That's another story. I can't explain without sounding like a nut, but this is documented shit. I've been doing ALOT of recording. When I feel the time is right I will just let it speak for itself without saying a word. I didn't ask for it, I didn't try, search..nothing. Well..this sounds like jibberish. But I'm with it in my dreams or anytime without distractions. ..It's better than any drug. Which I take hardly at all, because of this ...
It's ALL those fuggin' Peeps I ate. I ate 3.33 lbs a day. That's the secret code...shit now my secret is out. That's what Jesus did. the last supper. The Davinci Code. ..Peeps. Just the blue ones. Jesus had 13 disciples didn't count because she had a pink peep. These are histrical facts. Jesus Quintana of course!
I AM...AM I...
Tommy you take Cialis , just so you can pull pork on the beach! Religion..what's that? People still like that shit? I embrace ALL things supernatural, not superstitious! I'm no different than say..Carl Jung, Crowley, Jack Parsons, Walt Disney, Dio for sure..and..maybe Lavey. Anton was truly deistic. He couldn't admit that in writing. People were very sensitive during the 'Satanic Panic of the 60's 70's 80's. Look what happened when Jung came out with his Meta-stuff. Sigmund Fraud dissed him as a cook. He was jealous because he he couldn't get ass. Carl..he was a player. My doc knew him. Used to meet at the Abinthehouse in New Orleans. was that iD that got 'em.. I didn't know much about Carl Jung. I was advised about my experiences and documentation.
I'll just have to show you. In person. I've made vids. It's a older plasma Emerson's goofy. I'm no tech guy. My kid goes thru laptops like disposables.
DUDES I must reject ALL things Facebook. Too late for you fuckers. That shit is against all logic.
SNOOGS ..yeah..shes' the best! Pretty cute too..don't like tats on chicks tho. That's pintripes on a Cobra. But that's just me..Do with thy wilt, shall be the whole of the law!
XENO..don't get 'em wet after midnight.
John snorts Viagra... !!!