Fett this is a time where your knowledge can be most beneficial. Why, how does the futures market work for petroleum? I somewhat understand for crops, but petroleum isnt seasonal. How do they make money on the futures for petroleum? Are they betting on how much is going to sell or how much is going to be produced.
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Originally posted by yard dawg View PostSorry but I dont believe this. The tax breaks are 18 billion. Id take an 18 billion loss to get 145 billion in profits. What were the gas prices at the pump when oil was $75 a barrel?? They were $3 bucks a gallon or so. Now we come to $109 barrel and where are the prices?? Around $3 bucks maybe a tad more. Sorry but Im not believing what I am being told. Someone is a liar.
The first factor would be supply, then it would be a lag in the market (usually 2-3 weeks) for the price of gas to mirror any moves, and then there's variability in the place that you live. The average gas price last year at this time was 2.69, now it's 3.30. This is where I would tell the price of a barrel this time last year, but apparently google and cnbc don't know?!?!? I couldn't find a chart to save my life... w/e. I found one.. http://futures.tradingcharts.com/chart/CO/MLast edited by anuske9; 04-02-2008, 02:07 PM.-Adam
Originally posted by Jason1212 View PostFett this is a time where your knowledge can be most beneficial. Why, how does the futures market work for petroleum? I somewhat understand for crops, but petroleum isnt seasonal. How do they make money on the futures for petroleum? Are they betting on how much is going to sell or how much is going to be produced.-Adam
I think if oil company CEOs started getting shot on a large scale they'd start to get the idea. If they don't get with cutting profits for the sake of the nation they should be nationalized. Not like that's gonna ever happen.Ron is the MAN!!!!
Go see There Will Be Blood. Then wait a couple weeks and watch it again. That movie says a lot about the US and its relationship with oil, but not in any overt way. Good visual flick that relies on the viewer to connect the dots and find the meaning (for me that took 2 screenings).
Oil runs the world. That statement is true on several levels. I don't know what can be done. Oil isn't happy about Chavez nationalizing the infrastructure in Venezuela, so WE aren't happy with Venezuela. What Oil wants, Oil gets and the only time citizens realize the truth is when prices go way up. We're stuck.
Originally posted by Jason1212 View PostFett this is a time where your knowledge can be most beneficial. Why, how does the futures market work for petroleum? I somewhat understand for crops, but petroleum isnt seasonal. How do they make money on the futures for petroleum? Are they betting on how much is going to sell or how much is going to be produced.It costs $3 to pull up a barrel of oil. The shipping $10. The refining $7. The taxes $5. I'm making those numbers up. But my point is that there is a tremendous amount of BS dollars with oil at $111.
I am a true ass set to this board.
Originally posted by lerxstcat View PostI think if oil company CEOs started getting shot on a large scale they'd start to get the idea. If they don't get with cutting profits for the sake of the nation they should be nationalized. Not like that's gonna ever happen.
Being a trucker I have seen less independent owner/operators out there.I drive for a company so I have to run.
I went thru a strike in the late 70's and mid 80's when I was an owner/opreator and yes it got real ugly.I did support the strike and shut mine down for 4 weeks lost my buisiness contacts and contracts and had to sell my trucks.
Fuel price does effect everything in that industry.Really? well screw Mark Twain.
Does anyone think they are raising prices so the shiping companys can get cheaper labor? ( illegals when they get there lic priviledges from Hillary,Obama McCain) Just a thaught. I know a trucker who makes 60 grand a year. Maybe the corporate scum dont want to pay that high a wage anymore?????
"I know a trucker who makes 60 grand a year"
I had a neighbor that worked for Tango Trucking and he made well over $75,000. Guess what. He worked a bazillion hours to make that much and was never home. Additional expenses on the road and no time at home was the key ingredient to his divorce."POOP"
Originally posted by Pigsnatcher View PostMy wife tells me I'm crazy when I say that...... Enough of the school shootings....if you must shoot someone then do us all some good!
These fuckers think it's funny. eventually they will find out it's not...Ron is the MAN!!!!
On this side of the pond, gasoline prices dropped the equivalent of 25 cents due to a discrepancy with a government bill. A litre now costs 1.18.
But the local squid fisherman still can't go out as diesel prices are so high, they'd lose money by working. But Hell, there is no amount of money to make me eat something that looks like a dismembered cock. It's all relevant.
Gas Out Day and all that other stuff will not hurt the oil companies. They have excess money. You'd have to have a Gas Out Year for them to notice, and a Gas Out Decade for them to drop the price $1.
30 years of Gas Out might make one of them break a sweat.
And don't even get me started on the alleged "Gas Crunch" of the 70s. That was a corporate production.I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
My Blog: http://newcenstein.com
Originally posted by lerxstcat View PostI think if oil company CEOs started getting shot on a large scale they'd start to get the idea. If they don't get with cutting profits for the sake of the nation they should be nationalized. Not like that's gonna ever happen.