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And here I was thinking this was still America...

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  • #46
    That's an odd reaction to just witnessing an accident.

    There must be more to that story somewhere. People just don't give up their driving privileges for nothing.
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #47
      Trauma does strange things to people? I dont know how youre not getting this but im done explaining....


      • #48
        Originally posted by airjamie View Post
        Trauma does strange things to people?
        Well yes but life still goes on. Shit needs to get done. People need to get places. Bills have to be paid. That kind of thing.

        I have never heard of anyone who was not a principal factor in a deadly accident turning in his license because of stress. That's a new one to me.

        Why did you do it? Because you don't trust the way you drive? Drive drunk a few times and don't want you to be behind the wheel if it happens again? Just hate driving in general?

        Just wondering what went into that thought process.
        I'm angry because you're stupid


        • #49
          let's cut to the chase here airjamie - based on what you have typed it sounds like you were being a dick.
          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • #50
            Originally posted by Bengal View Post
            Well yes but life still goes on. Shit needs to get done. People need to get places. Bills have to be paid. That kind of thing.

            I have never heard of anyone who was not a principal factor in a deadly accident turning in his license because of stress. That's a new one to me.

            Why did you do it? Because you don't trust the way you drive? Drive drunk a few times and don't want you to be behind the wheel if it happens again? Just hate driving in general?

            Just wondering what went into that thought process.

            Its been explained above. While i didnt cause the accident, i was the one the guy hit. Mine was the hood his kid landed on. Maybe if i had gone into the turn faster, or seen him coming sooner, i could have done something to prevent it. If you dont mind me asking, do you work for an insurance company? Or the DMV perhaps? The court? Im wondering what qualifies you to make the statements you have ("people dont just do this" "that just doesnt happen" etc.) Ask an insurance agent (mine, my father, was the one that helped me make the decision) and they will tell you that there are many cases where parties involved in particularly nasty accident dont feel comfortable driving for a great deal of time afterwards. This timidity manifests in the choices they make and can, in and of itself, cause even more accidents. All in all, professionals will tell ANYONE that if they do not feel comfortable driving DO NOT DRIVE. Driving is a priveledge but also a responsibility. Id rather just not drive until ive dealt with my shit.


            • #51
              Originally posted by airjamie View Post
              Its been explained above. While i didnt cause the accident, i was the one the guy hit. Mine was the hood his kid landed on. Maybe if i had gone into the turn faster, or seen him coming sooner, i could have done something to prevent it. If you dont mind me asking, do you work for an insurance company? Or the DMV perhaps? The court? Im wondering what qualifies you to make the statements you have ("people dont just do this" "that just doesnt happen" etc.) Ask an insurance agent (mine, my father, was the one that helped me make the decision) and they will tell you that there are many cases where parties involved in particularly nasty accident dont feel comfortable driving for a great deal of time afterwards. This timidity manifests in the choices they make and can, in and of itself, cause even more accidents. All in all, professionals will tell ANYONE that if they do not feel comfortable driving DO NOT DRIVE. Driving is a priveledge but also a responsibility. Id rather just not drive until ive dealt with my shit.
              Don't worry about what Bengal says. He just does it to get a reaction out of you.


              • #52
                Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                Its been explained above. While i didnt cause the accident, i was the one the guy hit. Mine was the hood his kid landed on. Maybe if i had gone into the turn faster, or seen him coming sooner, i could have done something to prevent it. If you dont mind me asking, do you work for an insurance company? Or the DMV perhaps? The court? Im wondering what qualifies you to make the statements you have ("people dont just do this" "that just doesnt happen" etc.) Ask an insurance agent (mine, my father, was the one that helped me make the decision) and they will tell you that there are many cases where parties involved in particularly nasty accident dont feel comfortable driving for a great deal of time afterwards. This timidity manifests in the choices they make and can, in and of itself, cause even more accidents. All in all, professionals will tell ANYONE that if they do not feel comfortable driving DO NOT DRIVE. Driving is a priveledge but also a responsibility. Id rather just not drive until ive dealt with my shit.
                Sure, people deal with stress differently. I guess I don't see the whole "turning in your license" so when you want to drive again or have to drive again you have to go through all the BS and take the written test and the driving test and all that stuff. Just because you have a license doesn't mean you have to drive. Right?

                But you are correct, deal with it the way you want to. That's cool. But they do call them "accidents" for a reason.
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                  Sure, people deal with stress differently. I guess I don't see the whole "turning in your license" so when you want to drive again or have to drive again you have to go through all the BS and take the written test and the driving test and all that stuff. Just because you have a license doesn't mean you have to drive. Right?

                  Theres no test again in this state. I could get a new license again in about 10 minutes if i wanted to (this is not taking into account the line at the dmv). Its just easier not to have one.


                  • #54
                    that sucks did you here the one in NYC a lawyer is sueing a perso in his building for smokeing in there own condo unit he says its bad for his kids I dont smoke but dam you cant even smoke in youre own castle whats this country coming to?
                    85 Jackson 87 model1 87 model6


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by jonipop View Post
                      that sucks did you here the one in NYC a lawyer is sueing a perso in his building for smokeing in there own condo unit he says its bad for his kids I dont smoke but dam you cant even smoke in youre own castle whats this country coming to?
                      Its senses.

                      Sorry, but as a part time asthmatic, I couldn't help myself.
                      This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by shobet View Post
                        There's an echo in here.
                        '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                        '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                        '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                        VOX AD30VT


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          So about three hours ago my friend and I pull up to my house after getting home from the bar. We had been getting shitfaced and had a running bet with another member of our group on just how many times we could do 18 and Life before they cut the fucking karaoke or just kicked us out. We were halfway through the middle of our fourth time before the bartender told us that if we didnt shut the fuck up he was cutting our beer off for the night. The only thing in the world that can get me to behave. Anyway so we pull into my driveway and i grab a tall boy out of the backseat and tell dude to just go in while i get the mail. I get the mail and decide to stop and have a piss at the edge of my yard. While i live in a neighborhood that isnt exactly cheap or trashy i also like in rural south carolina and it was just turning 10, which means its dark as fuck (we dont like streetlights here apparently). Well as fate would have it the cop that lives a couple streets over is on his way to work and spots me. Fucking great i just love neighbors who cant mind their own business. So he stops and asks me just what the hell i think im doing. "Well i was taking a piss but i dont think you can afford to sit here and watch me on your salary". He didnt like that. He wrote me a citation for public indecency and i have a court date. Apparently im lucky because if i wasnt in my yard he would have taken me in for public drunkenness. What the fuck is wrong with this country when a taxpaying homeowner cant stand in HIS OWN FUCKING YARD in the PITCH BLACK and have a piss while simultaneously drinking???
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          I dont know if my original post hinted at this or not..but noone was driving drunk and there were no open containers. I admit that i was acting like an ass but dude has tried several times to pin me with bullshit, mostly because he flat out doesnt like me living in his neighborhood. When i moved in i threw a meet the neighbors oyster roast at which he was not exactly pleasant...he apparently thinks that the only way a 23-year-old can afford a house here is from being a trust-funder, which i certainly am not. Hes broken up two parties and arrested me twice for sponsoring underage drinking and contributing the the delenquency of a minor (these charges were later dropped when my friends presented their identification in court) and noise ordnance violations (bullshit as i live at least 100 yards from the nearest house and have decent sound-proofing in my practice room).I was a little sauced when I typed the OP (probably shouldnt have even posted it) but believe me when i say the dude deserved the backtalk he got. Either way he was off duty so I percieved it as a conversation between neighbors. I have nothing but respect for police officers, i just have very little for that particular one when hes off duty. I was drunk, plain and simple, and sometimes when i get drunk, schenannigans take place...
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          While logical, this is unlikely for any number of reasons. The most glaring being that several neighbvors were actually at the party in question. Furthermore, my house lies in a seemingly undeveloped area of the community and is at least 85-100 yards away from the nearest house. If theres a stereo system at best buy that can disturb people from that far its definately out of my price range. The second is that im generally well liked in the community. Part of the covenants is that every member in the neighborhood participate in the neighborhood watch, and as my house is the nearest to the communities entrance and i get off work early enough, i am the one who watches the bus stop when most of the kids get home from school. There have been two occasions when someone has actually asked me to watch their kids when they were getting off work late and couldnt be home in time. Yet another reason this is unlikely is that several of the guys here play golf with my dad (who insures most of the neighborhoods houses) and, were there to be any complaints, they would most certainly be made to him, right? Either way, as i said earlier i probably shouldnt have made the original post, I was sauced at the time and thought it was funny, if I offended anyone with it im more than sorry.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Gee its a shame i wasnt there to welcome you.....

                          I was trying to keep it civil buck fuck it youre just being rude now. You act like noones EVER been drunk before. When youre drunk you do stupid shit. Case fucking closed. I had to piss. My house was about 150 feet up the hill. There was a tree 10 feet away. Rather than risk pissing myself (which, if youve ever gotten drunk before, you know is a possibility) I decided the tree would do just fine. Dont be so self-righteous.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          I value the advice but Dons comment was unnecessary. My anger is singularly extended towards him.

                          On the topic of drunk driving, ill repeat that noone was driving drunk. My friend jeff met us at the bar after getting off work (he works 2nd shift at a local auto manufacturer). We picked up some beer and headed back to my place. I couldnt drive drunk any more than i could drive sober, which is to say, i dont even have a license. Suffice it to say, i was in an accident involving a driver who later tested positive for a certain IV drug (not me) and saw the results, i promptly decided that i did not wish to drive again any time soon and surrendered my license for a state ID.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Ah....shit dude im sorry. It just sounded like you were trying to be a dick. Sorry for flying off the handle.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          I saw a 4 year old go through the windshield of a van, so no in my mind it wasnt really drastic. Luckily i live near a coworker so we have a carpool going.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Uuuuh.....for the absolute last time. I was not driving drunk. I surrendered my id two years ago for the fact that, though i did not cause the accident, and there was absolutely no fault on my hands, when i saw what happened to that child, i could not help but theink that there was SOMETHING i could have done. My friends tell me im just beating myself up, but believe me, i never want anything like that on my conscience again.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Trauma does strange things to people? I dont know how youre not getting this but im done explaining....
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Its been explained above. While i didnt cause the accident, i was the one the guy hit. Mine was the hood his kid landed on. Maybe if i had gone into the turn faster, or seen him coming sooner, i could have done something to prevent it. If you dont mind me asking, do you work for an insurance company? Or the DMV perhaps? The court? Im wondering what qualifies you to make the statements you have ("people dont just do this" "that just doesnt happen" etc.) Ask an insurance agent (mine, my father, was the one that helped me make the decision) and they will tell you that there are many cases where parties involved in particularly nasty accident dont feel comfortable driving for a great deal of time afterwards. This timidity manifests in the choices they make and can, in and of itself, cause even more accidents. All in all, professionals will tell ANYONE that if they do not feel comfortable driving DO NOT DRIVE. Driving is a priveledge but also a responsibility. Id rather just not drive until ive dealt with my shit.
                          Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                          Theres no test again in this state. I could get a new license again in about 10 minutes if i wanted to (this is not taking into account the line at the dmv). Its just easier not to have one.
                          '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                          '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                          '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                          VOX AD30VT


                          • #58
                            You're more than welcome to fuck yourself broseph.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by airjamie View Post
                              You're more than welcome to fuck yourself broseph.
                              Pictures please, if he's man enough to do that to himself, I can make money selling it on the interwebs to perverts.

                              You're not fett are you?
                              Fwopping, you know you want to!

                              VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                              There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by shobet View Post
                                You're not fett are you?
                                No one deserves that low of a blow.

