Originally posted by CharvelRocker
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second, you should look at yarddawg's response below yours because he got it.
third, I have news for you, good catholic, you are part of the problem here because you massively understate and attempt to minimize the issue (perhaps just due to wishful thinking). it's NOT just a HANDFUL of priests who were raping little kids. haven't you read the news in the past 5 years? it was many many more than that, possibly hundreds of them doing this, all across the US, from Boston to LA and all in btwn. all we know of is the ones who got caught or exposed. even cardinals have been implicated in the cover-up and the smearing of victims and one of them had to resign in Boston. moreover, these pederast rapist priests were directly aided and abetted by a catholic leadership culture that knew about these rapes and covered them up, while moving the rapists into other parishes so they could do more of the same somewhere else, stonewalled legal authorities when this shit started coming out and they came under pressure, and then they deliberately smeared and libeled and harassed their victims when all this finally came out (and it did all come out, despite the efforts of literally the entire catholic church hierarchy to keep it quiet and covered up).
wake up pal. if I was a catholic, when all these awful acts and the church's active complicity in them came out, I'd have left that organization so fast their heads would spin.
the only "low blows" going on in this were the ones the rapist preists forced the kids to perform on them.