Tax and burn. That's funny.
Better than Borrow and Spend, I think.
Like it or not, we all are going to pay for this war through taxes. Sad thing is China gets a piece of it.
Could you imagine if we had to borrow money from the USSR to pay for WWII. You think America would have stood for that for a second? Nope. They paid for it with cash and blood.
I'd also like to see them start rationing like they did in that war. Can you imagine the uproar if we said that all malls, or Wal Marts, across America had to be closed on Saturday to help with the soaring energy costs of this war. Or if you could only buy gas on odd days.
Nope, it's life as usual here in the good 'ole USA. I remember hearing a SOT on TV from an Iraqi Veteran who said something like he went to Iraq so people could go to the mall and shop. I think thats fitting.
We ALL are going to take it in the shorts even more than we are now. Get use to it.
Better than Borrow and Spend, I think.
Like it or not, we all are going to pay for this war through taxes. Sad thing is China gets a piece of it.
Could you imagine if we had to borrow money from the USSR to pay for WWII. You think America would have stood for that for a second? Nope. They paid for it with cash and blood.
I'd also like to see them start rationing like they did in that war. Can you imagine the uproar if we said that all malls, or Wal Marts, across America had to be closed on Saturday to help with the soaring energy costs of this war. Or if you could only buy gas on odd days.
Nope, it's life as usual here in the good 'ole USA. I remember hearing a SOT on TV from an Iraqi Veteran who said something like he went to Iraq so people could go to the mall and shop. I think thats fitting.
We ALL are going to take it in the shorts even more than we are now. Get use to it.