Just back from Nottingham where I went to see Death Angel.
What a shithouse. Anyone who is even thinking of going to see a band at Junction 7, take my advice, don't bother. The room, and I am deadly serious now, is not even the size of my lounge. The official capacity is 100 people, but by the time you get the merchandising stall in, I'd say 80 would be a push. The erm, "stage" is possibly 6" high, if that, and the PA is a whopping single sub and what looked like a 1x15 + 1" horn on each side. Behringer EQs!!!! Aaaargh!!!!
As you can imagine, it sounded absolutely shite, it was like being in a rehearsal room, a shitty one.
The band were, erm, ah, "having an off day", I think. They played all bar one track off the new LP, 3 from the Ultra-Violence and 1 from Act 3. What a shit set list! I realise they are there to promote their latest release, but playing 10 tracks is a cunt's trick, especially if you are a band who is going to have a large percentage of the audience there for the nostalgia trip.
The bass kept cutting out and the bass player threw a wobbly which resulted in him storming off, knocking the headstock clean off his guitar. Laugh? You bet your arse I did! What a tit!
They all trooped off after him for 5 minutes, before coming back and doing a couple of half-hearted numbers. No encore.
So, that's made me decide to scrap plans to go and see them in Wolverhampton on Friday, and once I tell my mates, I dare say they will give it a miss too.
See, acting like a cunt, having "rock star" tantrums onstage doesn't look cool, it just means you lose people from future shows.
Such a shame, I saw them a couple of years ago, and they fucking rocked. Maybe it was the venue, that was a joke, but I'll think twice now before spending my hard-earned cash on them again.
And what is it about the youth of today? I was the only person in that venue who didn't look like they had shat their pants and knew how to use soap. Why do they all have to look the fucking same? They all have the same clothes, the same tattoos, the same bones through their noses. They look like identikit mutants. How about trying to look a little different, maybe a spot of originality, stand out from the crowd, what used to be bizarre and unique is now an everyday look, they are simply following the crowd. Cretins!
And the cheeky cunt on the door asked me if I knew what kind of night it was! Of course I do sunshine, I was watching Death Angel back when your Dad was still working out how to use his cock. Fucking whippersnapper!
Oh, and I called on Wilkinsi on the way home, his Dad said he had gone out with an empty Kwik Save bag, and we all know what that means. Dirty little tyke.
What a shithouse. Anyone who is even thinking of going to see a band at Junction 7, take my advice, don't bother. The room, and I am deadly serious now, is not even the size of my lounge. The official capacity is 100 people, but by the time you get the merchandising stall in, I'd say 80 would be a push. The erm, "stage" is possibly 6" high, if that, and the PA is a whopping single sub and what looked like a 1x15 + 1" horn on each side. Behringer EQs!!!! Aaaargh!!!!
As you can imagine, it sounded absolutely shite, it was like being in a rehearsal room, a shitty one.
The band were, erm, ah, "having an off day", I think. They played all bar one track off the new LP, 3 from the Ultra-Violence and 1 from Act 3. What a shit set list! I realise they are there to promote their latest release, but playing 10 tracks is a cunt's trick, especially if you are a band who is going to have a large percentage of the audience there for the nostalgia trip.
The bass kept cutting out and the bass player threw a wobbly which resulted in him storming off, knocking the headstock clean off his guitar. Laugh? You bet your arse I did! What a tit!
They all trooped off after him for 5 minutes, before coming back and doing a couple of half-hearted numbers. No encore.
So, that's made me decide to scrap plans to go and see them in Wolverhampton on Friday, and once I tell my mates, I dare say they will give it a miss too.
See, acting like a cunt, having "rock star" tantrums onstage doesn't look cool, it just means you lose people from future shows.
Such a shame, I saw them a couple of years ago, and they fucking rocked. Maybe it was the venue, that was a joke, but I'll think twice now before spending my hard-earned cash on them again.
And what is it about the youth of today? I was the only person in that venue who didn't look like they had shat their pants and knew how to use soap. Why do they all have to look the fucking same? They all have the same clothes, the same tattoos, the same bones through their noses. They look like identikit mutants. How about trying to look a little different, maybe a spot of originality, stand out from the crowd, what used to be bizarre and unique is now an everyday look, they are simply following the crowd. Cretins!
And the cheeky cunt on the door asked me if I knew what kind of night it was! Of course I do sunshine, I was watching Death Angel back when your Dad was still working out how to use his cock. Fucking whippersnapper!
Oh, and I called on Wilkinsi on the way home, his Dad said he had gone out with an empty Kwik Save bag, and we all know what that means. Dirty little tyke.