Another bad cop story. Tupelo MS cops. I worked with a man who was caught with alot of weed in his drums stick bag. I dont know the actual amount but needless to say there wasnt any sticks in the bag haha.. He was charged with distribution and faced years in jail. That weed mysteriously disappeared from the evidence room and he never did a day for it. It wasnt a black gang banger who stole it now was it?? It was a dirty cop!! Its cops like that who give the whole bunch a bad name. Again this is small town stuff and not the big city stuff.
No announcement yet.
50 shots into an unarmed man Not GUILTY
Yeah, I guess this happends more in small towns where its more on the QT. I don't know that world. I just know mine..I guess there is life outside of Cleveland. I just don't know it..or wouldn't do it. I've had my many chances..oh my. No thank you!
I do know this. I wore the shoes of officers like those in shootings like this. When your heart is racing, adrenaline pumping, scared to fuggin' death. You are NOT counting bullets. You're just sprayin' and prayin'..."Please, let me go home tonight." Those cops didn't ask for that crap..and neither did I. Hell, no. You could get one between the eyes just as easy with that kind of friendly crossfire. Tthis is no game. Those cops were fuggin' scared..I was fuggin' scared..for partners.
Fuck all crooked cops. fuck 'em to hell. I knew a few, and refused to work with them. All "good" cops did. Most of them are gone now. Crooked cops usually never hurt anyone..they would steal your shit tho, or do dumb shit on the side. The ones we knew about are behind bars..there got the ass. A cop in jail..think about it!!! No thank you!
I understand about bad experiences with cops. My wife had one in Cleveland, and came home crying . I went after the asshole. I wanted to beat his ass. But I tore into him looked like he wanted to cry. I wanted him to see how it feels to be bullied. He was my peer, and in total fear..So, I could get away with it. My family can't do that. My brother spent more time in jail more than anyone I know..I saved him many times..but he's an asshole. You can't help an asshole. An asshole is an asshole is an asshole..there's no changing that. They come in all walks of life...including cops.
But maybe it takes conversation like this to show there is good cops too. If you're cool, maybe they'll turn a blind eye and tell you to just go..with your weed..or slow down when you're doing 100 mph. Maybe that cop is a metalhead, who just wants a paycheck to support his family. When he's home..he's a metalhead..when he's working he's a metahead cop. He's cool..but because of that fuggin' uniform I always got either respect or bullshit. So, I learned how to treat people accordingly. Some cops treat all people like shit. They have this "Them and Us" mentality. Do you know, I've taken them on the side and gave them this same lecture to them and I'm saying now to you guys. Alot of good cops lose a grip on that. They just need to be reminded. Civilans are not bad people..all their family members, loved ones are civilians...they're not cops. I've yelled at them to keep that perspective. Sometimes with my own partners..yes, absolutely. All I want is respect. Everyone get that chance with me..I don't care if their a doctor or a gangbanger..they get a fair chance. That makes MY job easier. I could fight every moment of everday by being an would that make my job easier..think about it. I treated other how they treated me and then some..they let me know where to go. I prefer to be cool, but sometimes matter what..that's impossible.
I rambled to long, ah fuggit...I am not checking for with it. I casted pearls here..some pearls have defects..fuggums.
I have nothing personal against Yard Dawg or Necro and etc..We would prolly have a blast in person. Not even giving this shit a fuggin' thought. Maybe conversations like this may change their minds that not ALL cops are dickholes..maybe they don't know that. Like I don't know about their bored dirty cops in some hick town shaggin' people..that is a foreign language to me. This is NOT personal..I'll keep it that way. Maybe Necro changed his mind about me..maybe a little bit..alot..or none at all. I can't help that..I can try..that's all I can do. I made the effort. Some people don't like me because I am a cop. Some people didn't like me because I am a "Satanist". Some don't like me because I'm Italian..or like death metal..or outspoken..bald..whatever. The reason why I am so outspoken is because of my experience and personality. I been through alot and really have no fear saying what I think to anyone face to face, because that's exactly what I've done for years and years. I will always be who I am. In my 44 year I've learned being me works with MOST people. There's always some who stay distant for their own ..whatever. That never concerns me..I don't want to be friend with people that don't like me or uncomfortable...who does? But I'm not talking about just me here. I'm talking about people that I got to know very well..cops. I had to learn how to talk to you guys on this forum. I think I improved on that over the years..its about respect. I will NOT put down people for their politcs/religion. I learned to let people be who they are, what do I care, as long as they're cool. If I don't like someone I don't ackowledge them. Therefore this doesn't include anyone on this thread. because I'm giving you my attention. ..down deep inside, some may like more than they want to admit..because they give me their attention, even if its negative. If they truly hated me, they wouldn't acknowledge me. I know people. I learned how they're wired and what makes them tick, its not that least I have the basics down pretty good.
I have no personal beef with anyone here. Not one person. I used to with a couple..but not anymore. I let that shit go a long time ago. Like I said, it doesn't make things easier for me to have silly tension with people..I've let that shit go. If I made any enemies here, that's only exist in their mind..not mine. Meaning ANYONE could approach me about anything at anytime. If they wanted my advice and I could help..I would..its who I am. Here and definitely in my personal life.
OK..bye bye now."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Hey, have you noticed some cities Cops are cooler and more understanding that other cities? I'm talking about blocks apart, not miles. Here the King County Deputies are like regular guys like you mentioned, but take Redmond, Issaquah, Kirkland and they can just be dog catchers. With State Patrol it can be a hit or miss....that taste like tart, lemon yogart
Cleveland suburbs dept. are aggressive about trivial shit outside some Cleveland borders. They're bored and just want to do something. We'd do more in one day than they would in months or years. They rarely deal with homicides and shootings..we do that constantly. I got pulled over for making a right on red in extremley light traffic. Ummmm yeah..something I NEVER thought about as a cop.
State troopers..They're the funniest whenever I flash my tin. Some are like "Cool, man, how ya doin'..ok" and smile. Some just walk away and mumble shaking their heads.."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Originally posted by yard dawg View PostAnother bad cop story. Tupelo MS cops. I worked with a man who was caught with alot of weed in his drums stick bag. I dont know the actual amount but needless to say there wasnt any sticks in the bag haha.. He was charged with distribution and faced years in jail. That weed mysteriously disappeared from the evidence room and he never did a day for it. It wasnt a black gang banger who stole it now was it?? It was a dirty cop!! Its cops like that who give the whole bunch a bad name. Again this is small town stuff and not the big city stuff.Ron is the MAN!!!!
Originally posted by lerxstcat View PostWell look on the bright side. Your coworker didn't have to go to jail! I'd MUCH rather just lose the weed and get to walk.
That is true. He could easily have a drug abuse conviction. Getting stuck in a mandatory rehab program/probation for weed?!This is much less money and drama...merry christmas officer!
You should see the look their faces when I told them to take their weed they left on my hood...they thought it was a trick...priceless.:ROTF:
One biker dude hugged me..damn!!!"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Letting them keep the weed IS extra-special! I'd be thrilled just to not get popped for it, but to get it BACK?! That's better than Christmas!!!
I still remember the hot blonde female cop from Orange who let me go when she'd have had me busted on weed. And she had me in the cuffs already as a precaution, because my car fit the description of one from which a guy'd thrown a brick through a store window.
I was in the vicinity at the wrong time smoking a joint when she pulled me over, hit me with the million-candlepower spotlight, got on her PA and ordered me out! So out I get with a cloud of pot smoke, I'm ordered to the rear of my car and to lie facedown, where she comes up and handcuffs me, then has me sit on the curb for awhile while she checks on other radio traffic.
After 15 minutes, another unit caught the actual guy who was IDed by the same witness who'd called it in. So she warned me, said she smelled the weed and diidn't want to search my car, and said that ONLY because I'd been so cooperative and polite, she was letting me go.
It pays to be polite to the cops.Ron is the MAN!!!!
Originally posted by horns666 View PostThis is NOT personal..I'll keep it that way.
A few months back, the company I work for won a lawsuit filed by a former employee, and I guess the guy made some random threats to people who still work there. So we paid a temp service thirty bucks an hour for an off-duty cop to sit there for a couple weeks. The day shift cop made a derogatory comment about civilian security guards, calling them "rent-a-cops," that they weren't really trained for their jobs or whatever. I hadn't really thought about it much prior to that, but I think I have more respect for a person who is hired by a specific company to secure a specific property, than a gun-toting lard-ass paid by the government to stick his nose in everybody's business (which, I guess that guy was both).please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking
Originally posted by horns666 View PostAhhh..That was my birthday gift from Necro..I'm 100% Italian.:ROTF:
Thanks Necro!!
But I can't think of the slur for me. Canadians are Canucks, French are Frogs, Brits are Limeys, Irish are Micks... Damn it! What is the slur for Scottish-Americans???please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking
I was in New York all of February (I'm from Europe) and this story was all over the news. As an 'outside observer', this case did not appear clear cut to me. At first, it sounds outrageous what happened, but when you learn some of the details, the picture becomes less clear. A lot of people were screaming racism, but that argument was shot down by two of the cops not being white. Looking at the facts (as I know them), I have to say that there is enough doubt as to what actually happened (and some of the involved civilians were not really credible) that I think the verdict was right. Maybe they made some bad calls and the situation could have been handled differently, but that's an entirely different matter.Last edited by javert; 04-27-2008, 05:11 AM.
When cop says "Freeze" you better know what the fuck that means, and not be reaching for a pack of ciggy's inside your coat pocket.
Freeze means fucking freeze.
You don't freeze, you get pumped full of lead.
Let's keep it simple, shall we?
"Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."
Originally posted by necrotechno View PostI was thinking that was the case, that it'd have a dual meaning.
But I can't think of the slur for me. Canadians are Canucks, French are Frogs, Brits are Limeys, Irish are Micks... Damn it! What is the slur for Scottish-Americans???Fwopping, you know you want to!
VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!
There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.
When a cop says freeze, you freeze. When an undercover cop pulls out a gun and says "freeze, I'm a cop", you get in your car and drive away. Race has nothing to do with this particular case. I wish Reverend Al would just shut up.
Bill, your shootout thing was totally different than this. You had a guy shooting at you and your partner. You were (I assume) in uniform.
These guys had no weapons, got scared when some non-uniformed cops pulled guns on them, and ended up getting 50 bullets shot at them. I really wish there was some surveillance footage here so we could see if the cops were telling the truth. What should the verdict have been? I don't know, I didn't hear the evidence.
Taking a ride with some third-shift cops would be kind of boring in Lancaster. It's big news when there's a shooting. Our top warrants out right now are all for parking tickets.Last edited by Spivonious; 04-28-2008, 11:41 AM.Scott
Reverend Al..He loves "tension" and attention. It justifies his existence. Do you really think he wants racial harmony and equality..he wouldn't have a job. Yes, racial "problems" have been very good to Reverend Al and the like...their rich beotch!
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.