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  • Etrade

    Ok, I have to rant a little right now. This won't seem so annoying later on, but it was just bad timing.

    Do to family things going on and my own need to a couple need guitar bodies, I sold some of my stock on etrade. Now, I expected this to go into my checking account - no. didn't happen. Account not set up. I was under the impression that this was set up when the stock plan was set up. Apparently I was wrong.

    So today I tried to set up my bank account. In order to do this I have to either have online banking where they can verify the account - or - they deposite some random about of money in the account and then i verify it after a few days. Since the family issue is some what a "need this now" it really kind of irked me. So then I just called them to cut me a check an over night it.. but because it was 2:11 wherever they were at the time it was too late to complete the transaction. So now they'll do that tomorrow and then I'll get my check I hope Friday since I paid 20 bucks for them to over night it.

    I realize that expecting the account to be set up as promised is a bit too much to hope for, but what the f*ck is this crap about them not prossesing anything after 2pm their time? That is bullshit right there. There's no stock sales, etc going on so there shouldn't be any reason this couldn't have been processed and cut me a check today but oh well.

    I hope it's here by Friday, I have a mojo body to buy and a car to fix and my mom's perscriptions to purchases.

    I know as far as rants go this is kind of weak, but it was pretty frustrating.
    In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil

  • #2
    well, I have my etrade account linked to my bank of america account. I'm pretty sure of it since I tranferred money to the etrade account to purchase some shares. Anyway, nowadays, I see that when I sell some shares, the proceeds from the sale can either be mailed to me ($5 charge) or wired to my bank of america account for $25 or something. what the fuck?? this is on top of the $19.95 commission charged for the trade. I remember a few years ago I could transfer money to my boa account for free.

