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Brand Loyalty...

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  • Brand Loyalty...

    Bill Bramanti poses with a coffin he had specially made to look like a can of his favorite beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon, in Chicago Heights, Ill., on Saturday. While he doesn't need the coffin just yet, he's planning to use the casket as a cooler.


  • #2



    • #3
      Who thinks PBR is actually good objectively?


      • #4
        I actually think it's a good beer (for a mass produced, watered down American beer like Budweiser, Miller, Coors, doesn't compare to high end micro brews) even though it gets a bad rap. I turned a few friends onto it out here in CO and now its pretty much all they drink.

        Most people probably don't recall that Pabst was the domestic share leader in the premium beer category back in the 50's. That's right, it was considered a premium beer and outsold Budweiser and Miller in those days. Anheuser Busch's marketing juggernaut took them to the forefront while Pabst never learned how to roll with the times and was left behind in the 70's and reached near obscurity in the 80's and 90's. In recent times, they've actually put some effort into the brand and are finding some success.

        BTW, I "rediscovered" Pabst back in 2002 when I bought some as a gag gift for my brother-in-law. When we decided to crack a few open, we were shocked that it was actually decent stuff.


        • #5
          Pabst is big in bars here in TX. Most people still only drink it as a gag. Quiet awhile I got some after watching Blue Velvet, again as a gag. When compared to other mass produced beers it is good. It wouldnt be the beer I would grab, but then again I dont drink Bud or Miller either.


          • #6
            Yeah I guess objectively was the wrong word. I meant simply good as opposed to good for the price.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post

              Isn't that the coffin Dime is buried in?
              THIS SPACE FOR RENT


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rupe View Post
                I actually think it's a good beer (for a mass produced, watered down American beer like Budweiser, Miller, Coors, doesn't compare to high end micro brews) even though it gets a bad rap. I turned a few friends onto it out here in CO and now its pretty much all they drink.

                Most people probably don't recall that Pabst was the domestic share leader in the premium beer category back in the 50's. That's right, it was considered a premium beer and outsold Budweiser and Miller in those days. Anheuser Busch's marketing juggernaut took them to the forefront while Pabst never learned how to roll with the times and was left behind in the 70's and reached near obscurity in the 80's and 90's. In recent times, they've actually put some effort into the brand and are finding some success.

                BTW, I "rediscovered" Pabst back in 2002 when I bought some as a gag gift for my brother-in-law. When we decided to crack a few open, we were shocked that it was actually decent stuff.
                I read an article not long ago about the success of PBR without any sort of advertising campaign. The success is attributed to word of mouth. So Pabst will be producing the original recipe of Schlitz but not advertising.

                As far as me drinking it... Probably not. But I do remember neighbors and various adults from back when I was a kid drinking it.

                Occupy JCF


                • #9
                  Is it just me, or does it seem flat (lacking bubbles)
                  Seems like a lack of them little round gassy thingies.

                  But I think it's comparable to Bud, etc.
                  "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                  • #10
                    I can't remember the last time I tried a PBR, I may have to have 1 or 12.
                    "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                    - Ken M


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tekky View Post
                      I read an article not long ago about the success of PBR without any sort of advertising campaign. The success is attributed to word of mouth. So Pabst will be producing the original recipe of Schlitz but not advertising.

                      As far as me drinking it... Probably not. But I do remember neighbors and various adults from back when I was a kid drinking it.

                      Schlitz! That used to be a major-selling beer back in the day. I don't think it can make a comeback based on the name alone. It rhymes too much with shitz!
                      "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


                      • #12
                        Might do better than you think. I think their target audience would be frat-boys and those who deem terms such as "white trash" or "redneck" as an honorific.

                        I'm sure we'd all be surprised to find out how large those demographics are.
                        Occupy JCF


                        • #13
                          I used to work in the funeral business for SCI. The largest funeral home company in the word. I remember seeing catalogs for a place that sold custom made caskets like that. Before I left there were really starting to change things up. We had a meeting with upper management and they were discussing how the funderal home industry was changing and they wanted provide a more personalized service. They discussed allowing customers to bring in mortorcycles for the service and even offering catering and DJ services.

                          A couple of services that stood out for me were one that turned ashes into Gems and another that blasted ashes into outer space.
                          Damn, I love this Interweb.


                          • #14
                            WRT to Schlitz, I remember watching football games in the early '70s, and Schlitz was right there with as many commercials as Bud & Miller. Anybody remember the Schlitz light ads with badass James Coburn?

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                            • #15
                              I grew up drinking a swig or two from my dad's 16 ounce Schlitz. Even then I knew it was nasty.

