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  • #16
    I hope the brain tumor eats him

    or at least someone yells in an Arnold Schwartzanegger voice




    • #17
      I for one wish it was Dubya rather than Ted Kennedy. That fucking dumbass is responsible for far more unnecessary deaths than Ted. Maybe he could share a tumor with Cheney.
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #18
        Originally posted by hippietim View Post
        I for one wish it was Dubya rather than Ted Kennedy. That fucking dumbass is responsible for far more unnecessary deaths than Ted.

        He does take them in stride, don't he?!
        Portraying himself as "THE fighter of terrorism and THE defender of democracy" in the galaxy.
        A more awkward, intellectually challenged and unfit public speaker/nation leader, I've never ever seen. He makes Gerald Ford look like a young Indiana Jones.
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #19
          Senator Ted Kennedy's quote regarding his bill which led to the monumental 1965 Immigration Reform Act:

          "Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under this bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same...Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset...Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S. 500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia..."

          Everything Ted said the bill would not do, it has done. IMO it is the single most significant bill in the irreparable altering of America.

          Do you think:
          1. Ted Kennedy truly believed that the bill would not alter America?
          2. He knew that it would, but lied to the American people who did not want their country altered?
          3. He thought that it wouldn't, but now he is glad that it has?

          One thing we know for sure....Ted Kennedy is glad that his proclamations turned out to be false. The current invasion and his continued efforts to legitimize it on a massive scale are evidence enough of that. The American people were hoodwinked in 1965, and our country was changed. Forever.

          all his life he's escaped the consequences of his actions. every single day I face the consequences of his actions, seeing what Los Angeles has been allowed to become.

          I really cannot feel sympathy for a subhuman like that.
          the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mayday View Post
            Geez I don't know about you guys. To wish any human being to suffer is pathetic...


            • #21
              Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
              Or if he'd defected to the Republican party at some point, there wouldn't be this joy over his illness. Nobody was so gleeful over Reagan's slow and miserable decay from Alzheimer's, and that man was personally responsible for ruining a lot of people's lives.
              yes, but there's no need now to bring up the former Prez's acting career
              Hail yesterday


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mayday View Post
                Geez I don't know about you guys. To wish any human being to suffer is pathetic. I don't dispute that he should have been held accountable for Chappaquidick but c'mon. What about his wife, children, sisters, and the rest of family and friends. You forget that when someonegoes through a terminal ilness all the people around them that suffer through it with them ...

                My sister in laws husband has been dealing with a similar tumor and my heart breaks to think at anytime it could take him and his young daughters lose their dad ...

                have some compassion ...
                At a fundamental level I agree with you 100%. I'm going to assume your brother-in-law is not responsible for many senseless deaths and/or torture and/or enslavement. Therefore, he deserves all of our best wishes and compassion.

                However, there are plenty of people that I would be delighted to hear were suffering. There are some truly wretched human beings out there that deserve nothing but contempt, loathing, and agony.

                It's hard to know about Ted though - the only person that knows if he did all he could to save her life is Ted.
                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #23
                  Tim note** Ted's children, wife and family ... it's something that takes its toll on more than just the person afflicted. That's my point. Personally I'm not a Ted K fan and he tends to be a bit of a joke up here. He's viewed as a womanizing drunkard. He should have done prison time for what he did. Wishing someone suffering just doesn't seem right ...

                  As far as My "B-in-law" goes. They found out in much of the same manner as Tds. He has a seizure in the middle of the night and they found a tumor that started just behind where teds is. unfortunately when they did the surgery they found that they couldn't remove all of it because it extended into the cortex and to do so would kill him. For a few years he was monitored until they realized it was growing again and now he does chemo and radiation pills every month. His oldest daughter just turned 10 yesterday and both his girls are sweethearts so it really kills me to think that they may not have him for all the biggest events in their lives let alone just everyday.

                  Maybe I'm able to have more compassion because of it but I don't wish my worst enemies to suffer, it's just not part of my nature.
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                  • #24
                    Who cares.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by skorb View Post
                      Everything Ted said the [1965 Immigration Reform Act] would not do, it has done. IMO it is the single most significant bill in the irreparable altering of America.
                      I'm sure the numerous tribes of native Americans that were here long before your white-ass immigrant ancestors would disagree.
                      please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                        I'm sure the numerous tribes of native Americans that were here long before your white-ass immigrant ancestors would disagree.
                        No need for you to make it personal ..
                        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                        • #27
                          This thread is going the way of the dodo bird.
                          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                          • #28
                            Maybe he is responsible for that woman's death, but I'd rather hear that GWB had a brain tumour any day!
                            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                              while i think he is a mega-douche, i don't wish suffering upon anyone. i have a terminal brain illness as well, and i can atest it is NOT fun.

                              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                              and finally....

                              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Mayday View Post
                                No need for you to make it personal ..
                                I can trace my lineage back to the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and my ancestry is as white-ass as it gets. Nothing personal about it.

                                Now, if I wanted to make it personal I would have said, "So what was the second most significant bill in the irreparable altering of America? The Emancipation Proclamation?"
                                please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking

