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Another bitch about gas prices

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  • #61
    Death always gets attention.
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #62
      The government needs to regulate the oil industry. Also, land has to be freed up for exploration for drilling. There are so many catch 22’s it is not funny.

      It would cost the oil company’s a lot of money to build the oil producing/refinery plants even though the technology for “environmentally friendly” production is there, but it is better for them to import oil because the return on the investment would take years.

      The lobbyists want to protect the land for environmental reason, even though Bio Fuels are extremely harmful to the ozone due to the CO2 that is produced with the volume of corn that is needed.

      The oil people must sit back and laugh because you get the tree huggers locking up land, which means the option of drilling is no longer an option. That plays right in their hands to justify importing.

      I am not sure who is really in bed with the oil industry. I thought it was the Republicans, but the Demos (Gore & Co.) are only helping oil profits, importing, and inducing a needless shortage.

      Like mentioned before, it is a snowball effect on how much is affected by the high price of fuel. Travel road & air, resorts, tourist attractions, guitar funds, food, etc…..
      ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


      • #63
        Oh yeah ..... look for the 55 MPH to go in effect again
        ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


        • #64
          I wonder if the rail system is going to get the attention that has declined in the last 25 years. Growing up in the late 70s early 80s we used to hop the trains into the yard downtown and drink with the hobos. Not to mention a much larger portion of goods were transported by rail. I wonder if we will see a revival of rail now?
          Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


          • #65
            Seems the Feds already have a bit too much control over the oil companies.
            If those companies can't drill or refine, then they are at the mercy of whoever controls
            those capabilities. It's in the hands of speculators, unfriendly nations, and tinhorn dictators.

            I won't get into profits, again. It's always expressed in dollars, but these corporations are HUGE. It's still in line with most other corporations, nothing stellar, really.

            And, Maxine Waters let slip what the real desire is for the Dems. Nationalizing the industry. Given the track record of the way our government screws up most everything they touch, I vote a hearty "Nay" to that idea.


            • #66

              "someone say they need a tanker?"


              • #67
                Originally posted by ABSOLUT CHARVEL View Post
                Oh yeah ..... look for the 55 MPH to go in effect again
                That's a ridiculous "solution" - the speed LIMIT is intended to be just that, a limit.

                If you care about your mileage, you are free to draft a semi and go 55 right now. Let those of us who find our time valuable enough to justify the extra money on gas continue to drive at 75.


                • #68
                  sadly, i was driving when the 55 MPH was in place. it sucked. now there is so much traffic, i'd be happy to hit 55 MPH.
                  ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                    That's a ridiculous "solution" - the speed LIMIT is intended to be just that, a limit.

                    If you care about your mileage, you are free to draft a semi and go 55 right now. Let those of us who find our time valuable enough to justify the extra money on gas continue to drive at 75.
                    It may sound strange, but I have a large 88 Chevy conversion van, and
                    if I can maintain a 3 to 5 car following distance behind an empty flatbed semi, it's usually a huge sweet spot. You can actually see the tach drop a few rpm's when it happens.
                    On the other hand, a box truck will "dirty" my air flow up for up to a quarter mile, it seems.


                    • #70
                      as an added bonus, remember only being able to get gas depending on the last number on your plate? Odd or Even.
                      ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
                        It may sound strange, but I have a large 88 Chevy conversion van, and
                        if I can maintain a 3 to 5 car following distance behind an empty flatbed semi, it's usually a huge sweet spot. You can actually see the tach drop a few rpm's when it happens.
                        On the other hand, a box truck will "dirty" my air flow up for up to a quarter mile, it seems.
                        better get your van in the wind tunnel


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Soap View Post
                          In my mind here's the deal...long post...sorry gang.

                          1. Yes, the working class is getting screwed and will continue to get screwed big time.
                          Why? As mentioned already in this thread, this country is going to two classes only rich and poor.

                          2. They will be no more middle/working class.
                          Why? To explain this in itself is like explaining an advance algebraic equation and only a few will understand it. Corporate America, global economics including big banks, shadow market and etc all are big players, all of which have their hands dirty and believe it or not, its ALL LINKED.

                          3. It matters not who will be the next 20 Presidents of this country.
                          The problem/s aren't isolated or specific to political parties.
                          No one person can point the finger and really be justified because the problem/s are way beyond any one certain political party affiliation, administration, majority of the floor and etc.

                          4. Yes, there will be another Katrina.
                          There will be another non-natural or natural disaster on American soil.
                          Its coming very soon.
                          It will serve THE devastating blow to America's already fragile/recession economy.
                          When it happens, America's vulnerability will be historical, other tragedy's will follow.
                          Yes, gas prices will soar without question and that will break the back of the middle class people. The middle class will collapse under such an event/conditions.
                          Were barely hanging on as it is.

                          5. Better American fuel efficient vehicles...?
                          Sorry, but thats a joke to me and its honestly too late.
                          This isn't the plant workers and engineer's fault.
                          Its goes above all these folks.
                          Even so, the damage is done and will continue because we waited to long to address our energy and oil problems in the American Automotive industry.

                          The working class wages aren't the best these days.
                          Meaning, cost of living, fuel prices and nearly every thing is going up
                          and the working class is still making what they use to in the last 15+ years.
                          So no, the middle working class these days aren't making a good living anymore.

                          With that said, not too many American middle class people/families are going to be able to finance and then afterward afford the weekly fuel on one of these American fuel efficient vehicles that are yet to come.

                          This is why the statistics of the last several years are self explanatory.
                          Many are buying used vehicles with extended warranty. Its more practical and affordable for the middle class people. Thats why new cars are just setting on lots. Folks test drive them but usually never buy them. One cannot adequately Market and sale cars based on regional and geographical consensus. In other words, the rich bracket can't buy enough vehicles to sustain the economy, whether the fuel prices are pocket change to them or not.

                          Lets say it alittle differently.
                          When your sending a child or children to High School and College, throw the cost of living, fuel prices, failing economics and politics into the equation.
                          No! I can't afford a new vehicle BUT I can afford a used vehicle with low miles and extended warranty. I will most definitely be much more reserve with my spending.

                          6. Drilling and finding alternate resources and fuel on America soil?
                          Good luck with that. Since the environmentalist's have this baby locked up tight.
                          It sad, when the government knows we are in an emergency situation and yet, can't do a thing about it because these environmentalist groups got it locked and wrapped tight. Next time your in a conversation with a tree hugger, remember its these type of people with their views about the environment, that we can't drill and at the mercy of the Saudis. Next time you see the drummer for the Eagles (Don Henley environmentalist activist) on Charlie Rose speaking against drilling for oil/fuel, remember not to buy their records. These environmentalist lawyers are getting paid wonderfully to protect and ensure these groups interests.
                          Do you really want a tree hugger/environmentalist as President..."Gore."
                          Anybody with any sense knows better or should.

                          My solution:
                          The way the system is designed today, although a "Boston Tea Party Revolt" would be the perfect solution, it won't happen as it should.
                          American society is very different today. We are to much of a political, economical, religiously correct driven society. It sounds good, but has major flaws as we are seeing, as this thread is discussing in part.

                          We are global, were (America) not a single entity anymore.
                          That changes everything from economics, politics all the way to our wages.
                          We don't have leaders that can serve in this capacity.
                          The demands are too much for what leaders we have now and even in the future.
                          We as constituents can't really grasp (advance algebraic equation mentioned earlier) the effect this "global" change has on our Society. It least not yet anyways.

                          There is a reason why there will never be an additional official recognized independent party in American society, that will have influence. We need something to reinstate and bring back the check and balances in legislation, the House and Senate, because the Democrat's and Republican's have failed miserably with this part of their service to American society.

                          Honestly, I thought the Truckers protesting would have some influence in Washington,
                          but it didn't. Its clear, these oil/fuel reps and etc have no concern for the middle working class American's. Also, we tried, with a single day protest when nobody would buy gas on a specific day, and it proved nothing, because too many didn't take it seriously and went to the pump instead.

                          Its coming to this....since its apparent theres no legit resolve in the near future.
                          The recession will hit harder and Americans may see the rationing of various items, products, services and resources.
                          Folks, this is only the beginning and this thing is gonna get bad really ugly before it gets better, and for the middle working class its NOT gonna get better.

                          Lets move on and start redefining what poor is and means, since many of us may be forced that way due to the lack of our leadership in this country.
                          Well said, unfortunately.

                          But i do disagree on #5. The "middle class" can afford it. Theyre (mostly) the people who brought this on. You say they cant afford these fuel-efficient vehicles? Theyre the ones who bought the expeditions to haul around their one kid anyway. IMO, its not a matter of "affordability" its "convienience" You can haul around your kids in a toyota yaris hatch (or insert other small car), but you cant fit them and all the shit you bought at walmart in it, i guess. They can afford it. That expedition costs probably about 5 times what the yaris hatch costs, factoring in fuel costs over say, a five year period.

                          Oh well, ive got a truck that gets about 20mpg, although in the summer, it doesnt get used much. Ive got a gsxr for that (about 40mpg). And a 3 mile each way commute. But thats not going to matter in the long run, probably. Americans in general are stupid.
                          Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by clifffclaven View Post
                            Americans in general are stupid.
                            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                              better get your van in the wind tunnel

                              Sounds that way, anyways.
                              It certainly doesn't get driven much.

                              I'm addicted to the 30mpg 96 Maxima now.
                              I used to hate that car!


                              • #75
                                As the Memorial Day holiday approaches, the nationwide average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline is edging toward $4. How much higher do you think gas prices will go this summer? * 15817 responses

                                A little higher, maybe $4.50 a gallon

                                Perhaps above $5 a gallon

                                Much higher -- definitely above $6 a gallon

                                Who do you blame for record oil and gas prices? * 15765 responses

                                The U.S. government

                                The U.S. consumer

                                Big oil companies


                                Will gas prices force you to change your driving habits? * 15793 responses



                                I'm not sure
                                ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart

