Quite a while ago I was clocked at 105 in a 55 zone. I was shooting high school football and was 50 miles from home with 15 minutes to go before the start of the 10pm news. I did the same thing Nate did, I saw his brakelights so I just pulled over and waited. He asked why I was going so fast and I told him I was late and had to get back to Des Moines before 10:15 to edit my video. I apologized for breaking the law but I was under a serious time crunch. The officer said he would be quick, and he was. He wrote the ticket in 3 minutes and only wrote me for going 5mph over the limit. Saved me big cash. He also told me there were 2 Iowa State Patrol Officers between me and Des Moines so he told me to be careful. So that's the same moral that Nate has, if you are cool and honest with them, they will usually give you a break.
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Originally posted by rjohnstone View PostI was waiting for you to pop in Bill.
I'm sure you have a few good stories on the subject.
Yeesh, I could write books, and prolly have since I've been here..
I'd be very willing to write a book if I'd know a publisher that was interested. But they need to have an idea what I'm about. I say shit that nobody has ever said, in my colorful way. I'll prolly get death threats..fuggums.
My own police department would shudder if I leaked some of our "behind the scenes" stuff..
THIS is one of my personal favorite cop stories....please read..
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
I haven't seen the show, but I speed a lot. I only do it in areas I'm familiar with during the day though, to minimize my chances of getting busted.
So far I've been pulled over 4 times in 7 years and ticketed only 1 of those 4. Being smart while driving + being polite and honest if the cop outsmarts you = relatively safe speeding.
Being a jackass or trying to lie about your speed is pretty stupid when the officer saw exactly what you were doing.
around my area you are pretty much screwed and going to get caught. with so many trees, turns, blind spot and unmarked cars or SUV's, and bikes you may as well forget it. plus with deer running around all over, wet roads most of the time, it is not worth it. i don't know how many time i have been passed by people flying down the road only to pass them after they got pulled over. the staters are crafty here. they will stand in the middle of an over pass and clock you, while there is a line up of state pat. cars on the on ramp in formation ready to chase the speeder down....that taste like tart, lemon yogart
I've got a speeding story for ya. Back in 1999, my wife, son, and I were headed to south Louisiana to go deep sea fishing. From Lafayette to Baton Rouge, I-10 crosses the Atchafalaya Basin (that's swamp for you Yankees). There is limited access to the interstate, so everyone hauls ass. I was winding out the Acura Legend and as I topped the Whiskey Bay bridge, I saw a sea of flashing blue and white lights.
Car after car was being pulled over and I knew my number was up. The state trooper walked up to the window, asked for my license, then said "Mr. Germany, do you know why we're stopping you?" I smiled, then cackled lightly and said "is it because you wanted to welcome me to Baton Rouge?"
I honestly think the officer was about to piss in his pants from laughter. He wrote me up for 87 in a 55 zone. I then inquired as to how I was caught because I had never seen a patrol car. He went to his car and came back with a portable radio. He told me that a plane was flying over the swamp parallel to the interstate. He then keyed in the radio and I heard the pilot say "pull over the white F-150, he's clocked at 79.""POOP"
I always treat people the way I want to be treated. 99% of the time it works out in my favor.
Some of you here might know this story.
About a year ago I had purchased a Mustang GT.
Well. I went to dinner with my wife one night and we left the kids at home with a babysitter.
It was a late night for us and we were headed home. Along the route is a long straight portion of the road of this tiny little town called Pine Island.
Just before this part of the road is a small gas station and we pulled in for some gas and a bag of chips...
So as I am gassing up some local kids come up and are talking to me about the car.
So we get in and go to leave. I roll out slow and there is nothing in front of me or behind... What the hell... I launch the car forward and chirp the tires.
As I approach probably around 65... and in this car it only takes 5 seconds or so to get there, (In a 25 that becomes a 50 in about a 1/2 a mile from where I left off) I see two little tiny yellow parking lights in the far corner of a vacant parking lot... Well. my heart stopped. I got out of it and quick but way too late. I pass the lot and begin to pull over just he turns on all the lights. Shit. I start to get all the paperwork out. My wife is like "Way to go babe."
Ok. So. He walks up to the car and takes his hat off and scratches his head... He bends down and shakes his head. I had the weindow down and all my paperwork in hand... He stands up once again and looks forward toward the road ahead... then bends down and looks at my wife and says "oh! (looking down into my hands) is that for me!
So he asks me how fast do i think i was going and I answered that I was not sure but it was way over the posted speed limit. He commented that I got out of it and I said Yes sir. I saw your parking lights and I lifted but I know I was well over the posted speed limit... And I deserve this.... Sorry for the hassle etc...
Then he looks at my wife and and says, " Excuse me, Miss Are you impressed?" I just sat back as far in my seat as I could... So she begins a conversation that is soooo embarrising to me with the cop... She answers, " Not at all, sir. And he asks her how old I am? (38) and do we have kids are we married... blah blah blah... And everytime she answers he looks at me and shakes his head.... He is quite pleasant with her and they are just laughing it up and having a great time... But Everything he asks me is in a stern voice and I answer with respect and was very polite and by the end of the conversation he was asking me if I would agree to a no points violation. By the time I received the no points ticket he was very friendly and was vool l to me as well. Respect goes along way. And having a wife that is cool goes a long way too.Last edited by Firebird V; 05-31-2008, 08:45 AM.