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Gay Marriage revisited, Political postings discouraged

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  • Wow I think this may just be the best positive thread ever. I am really impressed with all the honest, genuine, playful etc... comments from everyone.

    I don't see anything negative and I believe K would come out and tell someone if they have crossed the line.

    I wish I could by y'all a drink.

    Oh and Welcome aboard Jess!


    • I just see it know, when u're talking to a friend you haven't seen for a couple of days and he has a new haircut or something. U poke some fun at it, BECAUSE he's your friend.

      I certainly didn't want to say anything malicious in this thread, and I am truly sorry if anything I said came off as bad or resentful!
      You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


      • Originally posted by Joe_Steeler View Post
        Guys..... I don't want to come through as a prude. Gosh the ones of you that know me can attest that I am far from it.
        ~K~ has shared a very personal issue on this public forum. An issue that is controversial to some, but the fact that he aired here shows his/her true nature. His/her family has joined this thread and Bill has behaved to our relief (love ya big guy!!).
        You all have responded in a way that I would have never guessed in a 100 years. So far nothing but a public outpour of support.

        But, IMPO some of the jokes and one liners coming in are a bit on the edge. I don't know.... ~K~ has been a trouper and been very sincere but I wonder if any of these pokes might be hurtful. I believe we need to be respectful, not that we haven't been, towards ~K~ and watch the innuendos and pokes at humor.

        To some this might be a joke, I know it. To some including ~K~ and Annah is a very deep and personal subject.
        You all are great, I mean it. Just be considerate and mindful.

        + 50 quintillion!

        I know Karyn has a sense of humor, and if she didn't Dee would probably smack her upside the head, but there is a line. Please, let's all be mindful of it.
        Occupy JCF


        • This is still a forum.
          We can still be pigs, or sensitive.
          I am both, and neither.
          A warped sense of humor is pretty much required around here, and I for one don't want to see that change.
          Other things can change, and I won't bitch (or complain).
          But the warped sense of humor has to remain.
          Even if jokes can be taken the wrong way.
          Hell... statistics can be taken the wrong way.
          I beg forgiveness, but must stand up for the forum still being a place where we can rip on each other.
          If it crosses the line, I trust ~K~ to let us know.
          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


          • ........
            Last edited by SEEGERMANY; 07-11-2008, 07:56 PM.


            • 73.8% of all statistics are made up.
              GTWGITS! - RacerX


              • I don't think Joe_Steeler was pointing at anyone and saying they were being disrespectful. I only think he was pointing out that even in jest sometimes it can come across edgy and turn into something more. I appreciate the fact that he was concerned enough to point it out.

                With that said I can say so far it has been pretty respectful and I still have a decent sense of humor. I guess you really have to in order to go through what I'm going through. I couldn't see myself being so on edge I'd be looking for discrimination in every comment. Nothing stated yet has felt like it was being done in anything but a light hearted way, I don't mind that at all. I think if it was taken too seriously then it has the chance of becoming something that is more sensationalized than it should be and then that makes everyone uncomfortable.

                I will admit it was a hard decision for me to post a picture here. Not that the picture isn't out in the public or I feel I need to be ashamed but more because it just opens me up for ridicule. One of the things I've written about in my blog is the concern that trans people have over their appearance. We all have a very real fear of looking like a freak or looking so much like our biological gender that we open ourselves up to stares, nasty comments and discrimination. When you have that fear it's a tough thing to be open and unashamed, you really have to learn to have thick skin. Something I'm still working on. It's a tough thing to hide a core part or your being from the world and then suddenly open it up to the masses and hope for the best. It's a scary thing to deal with.

                One of the things that makes it a little easier for me than other people is how I've seen people react to Annah. In that and my feeling of wanting to help others I've been reasonably open about what I'm going through to help others and educate people so it loses the Jerry Springer mentality that some of society has.

                Last year Diane and I had to make a very tough decision. The decision to out myself on national TV for the good of the cause. We were approached by the Oprah show as one of about 8 families who have transitioned or transitioning parents with supportive families. We decided that outing our story was a small inconvenience if we could help people understand and learn. In the end they chose 2 other families but that was a huge step in my revealing to people what I was dealing with. I will continue to do the same thing Annah has done because it's the right thing to do.

                So, it's all good no worries I haven't been offended by anything. I just sit and read and know that sometimes "boys will be boys" ...

                Thanks for listening ..
                Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                • OMG, I've been missing so much here. K, sweetie, I love you for telling everyone about your life. I use to hate the saying " life is what you make of it" We really have no choice, it is what it is. I truly belive we are who we are from the start of our life and that can never be changed. I hate gay bashing, we all know why. You'll always have my support and love. Anyway K, much love to you hun and may great things happen to you and yours.
                  "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

                  I hate stupid people.



                  • You look great ~K~. Welcome Jess.


                    • Originally posted by Tekky View Post
                      + 50 quintillion!

                      I know Karyn has a sense of humor, and if she didn't Dee would probably smack her upside the head, but there is a line. Please, let's all be mindful of it.

                      forget the smacking up the side of the head... shed probably open a whole can of WHOOPASS!! LOL


                      • I know no one but me ever clicks the front page that often, but i'm just curious if you are going to change the name on there?

                        I don't think many of us would have thought this thread would have gone this way, but i'm so glad everyones being so supportive, this is one of the reasons I like the JCF, is because of this family vibe and mentality unlike other forums which tend to have clique's...

                        lol Bill and his bubble butts, I hope the wife doesent mind that Bill...:p

                        You are lucky karyn that you have great family support and you are able to be who you are without fear or shame and that's one of the greatest things you could have, sure you may get look's but i'm sure you can easily rise above that.

                        I always get funny looks being fat and ginger!:d


                        • Wow, I just saw this. What you're doing took a lot of guts and I commend you for it. Going public with it in this forum took even more guts. I'm glad that you will finally be at peace with the direction of you life...congrats.

                          That said, I'm very happy for you and wish you the all the best.
                          Last edited by ~K~; 06-07-2008, 10:57 AM. Reason: Edited at the request of the poster


                          • This should start the weekend off with a bang!


                            • Originally posted by Rupe View Post
                              Wow, I just saw this. What you're doing took a lot of guts and I commend you for it. Going public with it in this forum took even more guts. I'm glad that you will finally be at peace with the direction of you life...congrats.

                              You may want to rethink your stance on my request for an apology to the membership who all received a big "F-you" from you over the demise of the ask Jackson folder. Many innocent bystanders, myself included, where targeted with that slight. Many of those same people have been very encouraging here. I've never forgotten it as I lost a lot of respect for you that day. Perhaps what you had been going through was partially to blame???

                              That said, I'm still very happy for you and wish you the all the best.
                              I'm appalled that you'd even suggest that you're owed an apology over something that was a) ancient history and b) something that was a no-win situation for everyone involved. I'm appalled that even moreso that you'd do it in this thread. Personally, I'd say this is a low-class move on your part.
                              Occupy JCF


                              • Let's be cool and the gang.
                                Is this going to be the thing that turns the thread ugly?
                                God I hope not.
                                But, I guess it's up to you cats.

                                "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."

