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Gay Marriage revisited, Political postings discouraged

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  • #16
    It takes guts to be able to say this. Even to admit it to yourself.
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #17
      the first lesbian couple married in Massachussetts already divorced.

      That's why I live in NH..:ROTF:

      Seriously thanks and I totally appreciate this and the fact that you guys took the time to post in the members area and out here as well. I knew that it was best to move that thread out here but alas ..I messed the thread up. The bottom line is that if it was out in there then it needed to be totally out. Let the chips fall where they may.

      When I started out getting help for this it was very very hard to talk about. The day I learned of Annah I emailed her under an alias so she wouldn't know who it was. Pretty sad considering she had been through it. The reality is that society and our upbringing teaches us to be ashamed of stuff like this. Our parents and teachers tell us to be leaders not followers, Live and think outside the box and be proud of who we are. Then an issue such as this or being gay pops up and they suddenly put the brakes on.

      Today it isn't any less emotional to talk about but it is certainly a lot easier. I am who I am and I'm going to live my life honestly and not be a facade. I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

      When Annahs story broke here I thought we would need to do a lot of damage control and I guess to some degree I was nervous about that in myself as well. What I can say is that I'm amazed at the level of compassion and open minded people there are here. You guys kick major ass

      I still have a huge sense of humor, especially over this issue. While I don't want to be a joke to people I do believe that we need to take ourselves lightly and not be too serious. Heck superfly pm'ed me last night asking me if this means I don't like the RedSox anymore .. :ROTF:

      For those who are truly interested in learning more or even wanting to learn more about Annah her show appears on the discovery health channel tonight.

      Thanks all ..
      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


      • #18
        Props to you for being honest, sincere, and most of all--courageous!


        • #19
          Very courageous, Kevin. And aside from me having even more respect for you now, it changes absolutely ZILCH, NADA, ZIPPO about how I think of you as a person!

          I wish you all the strength you might need to get to where YOU want to be in life.
          You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


          • #20
            To be honest, when the thread about gay marriage turned into such a wide argument, I was actually positively surprised...because if it had been only a couple of years ago, there would have been a lot more gay bashing in there. We've had threads dealing with these kinds of subjects before, and IMO, this one showed that people are no longer afraid to show tolerance and respect for people that are different.

            I have been vocal about freedom and equal rights in the past, but gotten very poor responses from the community. But this time around, I had one of those "my work here is done" feelings, and I never felt the need to add to the thread.

            I have nothing but respect for a person that can talk about such deeply personal issues with so much sincerity. Congratulations indeed, and more power to you!
            Last edited by Sunbane; 06-01-2008, 06:47 AM.


            • #21
              Something else I had been meaning to touch on just for educational purposes and quite frankly because it is something that tends to get under my skin. In the moved thread Mat used the DMS-V to state that people who are trans are mentally ill. While I will agree that it is in the manual the latter cannot be further from the truth.

              Homosexuality at ome time was list in the DMV and was removed in 1973 as it was realized that it wasn't a mental illness, it was simply who people were. For anyone ready to challenge the fact that it is in there though I would caution you with this bit of info~ Nicontine addiction is in the same manual! Does this mean smokers are mentally ill people?

              Over the last few years big progress has been made in this area and it is now believed to be a biological issue. At conception we are all defaulted female and about 2 weeks into development a series of hormone baths tells the fetus how to develop. It is in this or the lack of proper hormone that it is now believed this happens to people.

              While I don't generally try to just educate people for the hell of it, it was in Mats ignorant statment that I'd felt I needed to set the record straight!
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #22
                K - you know how much i adore you and your darling.
                i am very very happy for you!
                you are a beautiful soul inside and out and it has been a pleasure for some time now to call you friend.



                • #23
                  Emmy thank you and I hope you know you are well missed here. You have always been as awesome friend to me and I hope all is cool down in PA
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                  • #24
                    Like I said in the other thread... damn proud of you Kev.
                    Be who you are and don't be ashamed of it for one second.

                    There will always be closed minded a-holes out there and as Bill would say... Fuggem.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mayday View Post
                      Something else I had been meaning to touch on just for educational purposes and quite frankly because it is something that tends to get under my skin. In the moved thread Mat used the DMS-V to state that people who are trans are mentally ill. While I will agree that it is in the manual the latter cannot be further from the truth.

                      Homosexuality at ome time was list in the DMV and was removed in 1973 as it was realized that it wasn't a mental illness, it was simply who people were. For anyone ready to challenge the fact that it is in there though I would caution you with this bit of info~ Nicontine addiction is in the same manual! Does this mean smokers are mentally ill people?

                      Over the last few years big progress has been made in this area and it is now believed to be a biological issue. At conception we are all defaulted female and about 2 weeks into development a series of hormone baths tells the fetus how to develop. It is in this or the lack of proper hormone that it is now believed this happens to people.

                      While I don't generally try to just educate people for the hell of it, it was in Mats ignorant statment that I'd felt I needed to set the record straight!
                      not believed... it infact is a biological issue.

                      every man has a female sex chromosome... while women have only female chromosomes (XX).... man has (XY)
                      it takes only a little bit of mutation durning the fetus development and... well there you go... the mutation can change the DNA chain in Y chromosome a bit (even to be more X like) or do other damage durning the development....
                      the end results are very different... it depends how strong the mutation was... some men are born with male appearances but think they are woman... some man look a lot like women (but have male sex organs and the works) but think like average males etc. etc. some have little doubts about who they are... some have strong doubts etc. each case is different.

                      definetly not a mental illness... more like a biological illness if you want to call it like that... just like when someone has a ridiculously big toe or something like that
                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                        Like I said in the other thread... damn proud of you Kev.
                        Be who you are and don't be ashamed of it for one second.

                        There will always be closed minded a-holes out there and as Bill would say... Fuggem.

                        +1 I can't say it any better than Rick.

                        "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                        • #27
                          I have a similar predicament. Although I'm actually a Rockefeller, I was mistakenly born the son of a poor auto mechanic. Where can I find help?
                          please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                          • #28
                            Annah changing from a man to a woman we can accept. You have to do what makes you happy. Annah Switching from Jackson to Ibanez we could never accept.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by OnlineStageGear View Post
                              Annah changing from a man to a woman we can accept. You have to do what makes you happy. Annah Switching from Jackson to Ibanez we could never accept.

                              I have to clean my monitor of OJ now
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                              • #30
                                We've discussed this in PM so you know where I stand. I'm happy you are finally comfortable enough to be who you really are. I'm a bit saddened that people think they can't be who they are because of backlash from assholes like Mat. Fuck those guys.

                                Much respect K. We all are here for you!
                                I'm angry because you're stupid

