The title is a bit fancy, but I've some thoughts (and pictures) I'd like to share ...
3 months ago we had a huge storm over here - they called it "Emma" - and throughout Central Europe there were many deaths and devastation.
I was pretty lucky, as only a few bricks came off the roof, but I have an "outpost" (called "The Ranch") where a big tree smashed in the middle of our fire-place:

Nobody was hurt, even 2 benches and the watering can survived - so we thought "future fire wood" and cleaned the place up.
And then we decided to leave the trunk half done and just raise it up a little, to mount our grill - we like BBQs a lot:

And now, 3 months later, look what happened:

That tree is still alive and keeps growing ! If we had just left it, where it fell, 5 trees would arise from that trunk !
Whatever we "do" to our environment, we can only kill ourselves, but nature will survive. And after the last human being has blown him/her-self up - maybe 100.000 years later, all will be green again ! A bit pathetic, I know.
3 months ago we had a huge storm over here - they called it "Emma" - and throughout Central Europe there were many deaths and devastation.
I was pretty lucky, as only a few bricks came off the roof, but I have an "outpost" (called "The Ranch") where a big tree smashed in the middle of our fire-place:

Nobody was hurt, even 2 benches and the watering can survived - so we thought "future fire wood" and cleaned the place up.
And then we decided to leave the trunk half done and just raise it up a little, to mount our grill - we like BBQs a lot:

And now, 3 months later, look what happened:

That tree is still alive and keeps growing ! If we had just left it, where it fell, 5 trees would arise from that trunk !
Whatever we "do" to our environment, we can only kill ourselves, but nature will survive. And after the last human being has blown him/her-self up - maybe 100.000 years later, all will be green again ! A bit pathetic, I know.