First off, I have been a gun enthusiast since I turned old enough to buy my first handgun, a Colt Series 70 Gold Cup .45 acp, which I still have. I also own a few Glocks, a Desert Eagle .44 mag a Single Action Army, and a couple others.I enjoy shooting and go any chance I get.
Now, 6 1/2 years ago when I was going thru the academy, my favorite part was handgun/rifle/shotgun qualification. Ever since then, I wanted to be a firearms instructor.
Fast forward to April of this year. My training lieutennant knew I wanted to do this and in April he informed me that the department was putting thru an instructor class at the Fort Dix range in May and he wanted me to attend it. I knew the class was tough. Most people were washing out on the first day in the past because you have to fire 3 consecutive 60 round courses and qualify with an average score of 95%. This had me worried a bit as I absolutely hate our H&K USP 40 DAO department pistols. I never got along with that damn gun.
Well, I boned up on my skillz for about a week and went in hoping for the best. In the first course, I fucked up right out of the gate and fired a round after the whistle. The instructor behind me removed the magazine from my pistol, told me he should throw me off the range for a safety violation, and took a round from me. NOW I was nervous. I already could see I missed 2 and he took one and now I am 3 down. 
The other 2 firings went well though, so the initial qualification was over so I got to stay...............for now. The rest of the week was filled with classroom stuff and a lot of shooting. Then we had to do night fire. The instructors don't do that simulated night fire. Noooo....we waited until 9pm when it was pitch black out.
The night fire course is 40 rounds and starts at the 15 yard line. Sure, you get a flashlight to use from the 15, 10 and 7 yard line. At the 5 yard line you get the flashlight for strong hand shooting, but nothing but darkness and muzzle flash for week hand shooting. Oh crap. But long story short, amazingly enough, I qualified 100% on the night fire.
The rifle and shotgun qual were cake. We also did a lot of tactical shooting and some other fun shooting.
I had to give a quick 5 minute class on trigger control. That went well. Other classmates said I sounded like a mafioso during my presentation. "Hey, you don't want to anticipate the shot because instead of hitting the target you just killed Mr. Caterpillar who was out for a stroll on the one yard line.":ROTF:
I learned a lot at that class and my department has another proud firearms instructor. Just thought I'd share.
Now, 6 1/2 years ago when I was going thru the academy, my favorite part was handgun/rifle/shotgun qualification. Ever since then, I wanted to be a firearms instructor.
Fast forward to April of this year. My training lieutennant knew I wanted to do this and in April he informed me that the department was putting thru an instructor class at the Fort Dix range in May and he wanted me to attend it. I knew the class was tough. Most people were washing out on the first day in the past because you have to fire 3 consecutive 60 round courses and qualify with an average score of 95%. This had me worried a bit as I absolutely hate our H&K USP 40 DAO department pistols. I never got along with that damn gun.

The other 2 firings went well though, so the initial qualification was over so I got to stay...............for now. The rest of the week was filled with classroom stuff and a lot of shooting. Then we had to do night fire. The instructors don't do that simulated night fire. Noooo....we waited until 9pm when it was pitch black out.

The rifle and shotgun qual were cake. We also did a lot of tactical shooting and some other fun shooting.
I had to give a quick 5 minute class on trigger control. That went well. Other classmates said I sounded like a mafioso during my presentation. "Hey, you don't want to anticipate the shot because instead of hitting the target you just killed Mr. Caterpillar who was out for a stroll on the one yard line.":ROTF:
I learned a lot at that class and my department has another proud firearms instructor. Just thought I'd share.