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Supreme Court Ruling On D.C. Handgun Ban

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  • Supreme Court Ruling On D.C. Handgun Ban

    Just heard that the US Supreme Court has ruled that the D.C. gun ban is unconstitutional. Woohoo! Hopefully, similar laws around the country in various other cities will be done away with soon based on this ruling

  • #2
    There we go.

    This should cure my boredom.
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #3
      Firing at people is your constitutional right,in urgent situations. It shouldn't be taken from one.
      I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


      • #4
        Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
        Just heard that the US Supreme Court has ruled that the D.C. gun ban is unconstitutional. Woohoo! Hopefully, similar laws around the country in various other cities will be done away with soon based on this ruling
        They will find a way around it. I bet there will be a proposal to have a $3500 tax on all handguns. Its no surprise though that the Clinton appointed judges said its illegal to kill a baby rapist and a law abiding citizen cant own a gun. Just another reason to NEVER vote in a liberal prez.


        • #5
          Here in Kalifornia all of us Law Abiding gun enthusiast could not be happier. Good to see the NRA suing the City of San Francisco. For us out here this is huge.

          This has given us a base to build a case against this State in turning over the AW(Assault Weapons) ban, the DoJ "safe list" of handguns, and changing this State from a may to shall issue.

          Hopefully they will think twice up there in Sacramento when they try to sneak the ammunition limited to 50 rounds a month crap through, and the even crazier "microstamping".
          Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


          • #6
            I just never understood the folks that were against recognizing a bona fide constitutional right. Whole bill of rights speaks to restrictions on government, but then magically the 2nd Amendment somehow enumerates a power FOR government?

            Always thought it was ridiculous. Then we started with the "for the children" stuff, how guns caused so many deaths, and that a few more laws would get us to the promised land. But then I saw that the places with the strictest prohibitions have the highest rates of death from firearms, and again I didn't understand.

            And then I realized it's not about a legitimate constitutional disagreement, nor is it about protecting people from violence. It's about power & those that want to wield it completely, without any restraint, and that scared the hell out of me.



            • #7
              Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
              They will find a way around it. I bet there will be a proposal to have a $3500 tax on all handguns. Its no surprise though that the Clinton appointed judges said its illegal to kill a baby rapist and a law abiding citizen cant own a gun. Just another reason to NEVER vote in a liberal prez.
              Only 2 of the justices were appointed by Clinton, the rest have been appointed by Republicans.
              "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


              • #8
                laws banning handguns take the handguns out of only the peoples' hands who abide by the law...criminals will still be amazes me how our government can't seem to follow a simple logical flow...d.m.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                  There we go.

                  This should cure my boredom.
                  Nope, not even close.
                  I'm angry because you're stupid


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                    This should cure my boredom.

                    D.C. is just jealous because their neighbor city Baltimore took away the #1 murder ranking. Funny thing is it's so peaceful here in Annapolis just 30 minutes from both cities. I'm no country boy but you can have that big city shat.
                    Last edited by MikeStrat; 06-26-2008, 06:10 PM.
                    "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
                    I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by diablomozart View Post
                      laws banning handguns take the handguns out of only the peoples' hands who abide by the law...criminals will still be amazes me how our government can't seem to follow a simple logical flow...d.m.
                      EXACTLY!! Criminals don't buy guns from stores and fill out background check forms etc. like we do. They steal them, or buy them from people that have stolen them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                        EXACTLY!! Criminals don't buy guns from stores and fill out background check forms etc. like we do. They steal them, or buy them from people that have stolen them.
                        So if they had been illegal from the start we wouldn't be in this mess, right?

                        Just sayin'.

                        EDIT: We are fucked either way, they are so ingrained into society any kind of restrictions are not going to do anything now.
                        I'm angry because you're stupid


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                          EXACTLY!! Criminals don't buy guns from stores and fill out background check forms etc. like we do. They steal them, or buy them from people that have stolen them.
                          I've always wondered, but never got around to looking up stats or whatever (plus you never know who's stats can be trusted & who's pushing an agenda) - who is doing most of the killing with handguns? Is it criminals? Is it jealous husbands, kids messing around with dad's gun, the boy who can't stand being bullied at school any longer, vice presidents on hunting trips, the guy who thinks he's being burgled when he caps granma grabbing a midnight snack?
                          Hail yesterday


                          • #14
                            We're having this discussion on the other forum I frequent. It's probably even more conservative than this board.

                            They insist that the "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, "

                            part of the amendment means absolutely nothing. In their eyes the amendment simply reads "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. "

                            If you are one of those people, I suggest you take some English classes.


                            • #15
                              I'm all for the "right to keep and bear arms".
                              Its not the gun that kills people, its the idiot using/holding the gun.
                              I don't own my guns for offensive behavior, but to defend and protect I will use the guns if need be. That's the rights that we gun owners should have. I'm glad it turned out like it did, very positive.
                              Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                              "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                              I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                              Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.

