Originally posted by Vass
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First: you assign a greater legal and moral danger to dropping an 'F-Bomb' on television, which you can supposedly be put in jail for, than spreading hateful and VERY dangerous ideas (it is on the basis of the grade of potential these ideas have of becoming truly applicable, that they are judged and possibly convicted for).
Secondly: what I said about Vlaams Blok voters was FACTUAL. This IS the fact of the matter. I, in no way, am saying that Vlaams Blok themselves lack intelligence, far from it. They are incredibly intelligent and smart, so was Hitler. But in being so intelligent, but lacking morals which I would call humane, they knowingly address the less-empowered people of society, preying on their ignorance, fears and malcontents. Hitler anyone? [Since you brought him up].
And solipsism, I'll accept as a compliment.
