Originally posted by wibble
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I buy what i like but only after downloading and listening first. Copyright breaches have been with us forever, and will continue to be so in the future, doesn`t make it right, but there it is.
Keeping recorded tv shows longer than the legally specified time, lending cd`s and books to friends are all copyright breaches.
Shit, some even have disclaimers that your not allowed to sell copyright material you`ve already purchased yourself, wtf is that all about.
We always hear how piracy is killing the music industry, bullshit, its thriving. The record companies are making bigger and bigger profits each year so how is it being harmed?
Greed is what its all about, both from the record companies and their fat cat profits, and people like myself and troy. Yer, we`re just as greedy as the record companies but they still make their money and some.
IMO, theres only one way to fight piracy, make the material so cheap that its just not worth ripping it. Companies blame the price of material on piracy, and say `it has to be this expensive to cover the cost of all you thieving fuckers that download it for free` Bullshit say i. If they made the cost of each program/film/album £1 who`d bother downloading it? we`d all have originals and they`d sell billions of copies easily making massive profits.
If we all stopped pirating today would prices come down, of course not, they`d still keep going up and the record companies would find another excuse to justify their prices, the price of beer/drugs for the artist going up etc. Will they ever bring prices down? not gonna happen is it lol. Not trying to justify what i do, i do it, i`m happy doing it and feel no guilt doing it.
Will i continue doing it? sure i will. If i get kicked off the net then fine, theres other ways and means. I re-iterate, i buy what i like, if its good and worth the money then i don`t mind shelling out, have easily over a thousand original recordings so its not lilke i WON`T stump up the cash, i just don`t feel OBLIGED to do so. Big up to Troy for his posts, and to Bengal for putting some excellent arguments across.
