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I am hoarding Silver am I paranoid?

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  • #16
    Let me guess, you bought a shit ton of canned foods and a huge generator sometime in 1999?

    Shit, buy what you want. I don't care.

    But to answer your question, yes.
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #17
      Oye. Always with the Gold Bugs. Or in this case, silver bugs.

      One problem with precious metals- Let's say gold is $1000 an ounce- and it's been about that. 16 ounces, 1 lb. $16,000 a pound.

      Now convert $200,000 (alot of money, but not ALOT of money) into gold. 12.5 pounds of gold. Too hard to carry? Not really, but it is a bother. Hard to hide? MMmm, not that bad. But very, very hard to transport, especially if you plan on flying anywhere.

      If you truly, truly, truly think you'll need to "get out of dodge" because of TEOTWAWKI, diamonds are a guy's best friend. You can carry a couple million dollars in your pocket, and it would barely be a bulge.

      Of course, silver, at $19 an ounce.....well, you better have a big backpack



      • #18
        Originally posted by Vass View Post
        If you truly, truly, truly think you'll need to "get out of dodge" because of TEOTWAWKI, diamonds are a guy's best friend. You can carry a couple million dollars in your pocket, and it would barely be a bulge.

        I got a bulge in my pocket.


        • #19
          your not crazy a friend of mine has been stocking up on silver bars for the past 10 years. i do HVAC & our company uses alot of copper piping, prices have gone up alot in 2 years. IIRC they are paying close to $3 a lb for scrap copper. thats almost double from a yr & ahalf ago.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Vass View Post
            If you truly, truly, truly think you'll need to "get out of dodge" because of TEOTWAWKI, diamonds are a guy's best friend. You can carry a couple million dollars in your pocket, and it would barely be a bulge.
            Did anyone else start humming the REM song?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Vass View Post
              If you truly, truly, truly think you'll need to "get out of dodge" because of TEOTWAWKI, diamonds are a guy's best friend. You can carry a couple million dollars in your pocket, and it would barely be a bulge.

              You may be able to carry diamonds that you spent millions on in your pocket. Turning them back into millions is where you will achieve epic fail:


              • #22
                Great idea hoarding silver, when the Werewolf Army attacks, you'll be the man to see when it comes to buying ammo.

                Until then, people will think you are a plum, but you'll show them. Oh yes, one day they won't be laughing. When the Werewolves come..........hey, nurse, I don't wanna take any more pills, how about an enema? Wibble!!
                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                I nearly broke her back


                • #23
                  What 's scary is that i'm hearing this same theory (unsolicited, I might add) over and over from all different people in all walks of life. It does make you wonder, what are they seeing that for the most part i'm not.

                  Although I do think this country is headed for BIG financial difficulties (as in depression). That may be exactly what leads to needing all the other stuff like rations and guns.


                  • #24
                    If enough people think that's what they need to do, then it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

                    It's the same reason oil prices keep going up. Everyone thinks they will go up so they buy more futures, causing the price to go up.


                    • #25
                      The introduction of a silver ETF - symbol SLV on the AMEX - has increased the speculation in silver...what goes up can now go down much more easily, thanks to a more-liquid market.

                      Also note, that over the long-run, that the combined return on commodities is the inflation rate less transaction costs...which is great now, but look back at the last 20 really didn't amount to much for a long commodities license was essentially useless, just no interest from any clients...of course, now is a different time, but all things revert to the mean...

                      Just my .02 - caveat emptor!
                      Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


                      • #26
                        The good thing about firearms is that if you know what you're doing you can easily slit the throat of the gun nut that lives next door and procure his investment in time of crisis.


                        • #27
                          I am not buying any gold or silver, but I am setting up by back yard for a vegetable garden. I also have a 6' x 12' chain link dog kennel that I am thinking about putting chickens in. So if the fit hits the shan swing by and I will trade you some eggs and vegetables for that silver.


                          • #28
                            well since we are all crazy. remember hte tech stock boom - wo benefitted?, remember the housing boom - who benefitted? Now the Oil boom bubble is going to pop - who benefitted? Next I see the metals bubble coming.. who is going to benefit?

                            Folks with lots of cash - some argue organized crime ( or former crime org's that are now master manipulators of world markets )....that are already in it. create the hype and dump it. Make loads of cash. All the fish are left flopping. too late for metals. When it hits the masses you missed it. You might make a little but be careful.

                            But we are all fucking crazy anyway


                            • #29
                              When the Dow Jones dips below 10,000, then I'll start worrying. Until then, this is just a minor blip that no one will remember in 10 years.

                              I set up a little vegetable garden in my backyard this spring. Let me tell you, fresh peas are 1000x better than the frozen ones in the supermarket. Another few weeks and I'll have tomatoes, sweet peppers, and onions. I'm thinking of expanding it next year...maybe grow some corn.


                              • #30

                                I set up a vegetable garden too, I built a green house.

                                I want to build a moat and put landmines around my house but the mailman walks all over my front yard sometimes so I'm a little worried about his future if I do that....however the shooting range I built in the back was a solid move, I've also built a bunker with a smaller bunker below it with a panic room, so in case I am in the bunker and I painic...well there ay go, problem solved....I was thinking of building a few missile silos as well since Iran is buying weapons off the ruskies they will probably sell em to EVERYONE, and you can never be too careful! And since my rack already looks like missile control for a silo, I can wheel it around with ease and nobody will be the wiser! hahaha

                                anyone else watch that Jack Van Impe televangelist! man he's got the right idea, I'm sure he's in a bunker somewhere! He makes perfect sense! I totally think the 4 horsemen are coming! will enlighten everyone here and we will all know what is coming!

                                I am a true believer in self fulfilling prophecy!

                                by the way......j/k


                                I'll go back to my igloo now



