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I am hoarding Silver am I paranoid?

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  • #31
    While stocking up on ammo & firearms might be a good idea for a survival plan, I don't know how liquid silver would be in a super depressed marketplace.

    I will venture to say if the shit really really hits the fan you'll feed more people wielding a loaded firearm than a bar of silver


    I'll also add that should one man with a satchel of silver encounter another with the aforementioned loaded firearm one man could easily end up holding both
    Last edited by J_A / 540s; 07-14-2008, 04:03 PM.


    • #32
      You can't make tinfoil hats out of silver.


      • #33
        I'm hoarding Oxygen and Sand, am i off my rocker? Yeah.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
          You can't make tinfoil hats out of silver.

          No but silver is a better conductor & may be required for proper protection as the visitors technology advances beyond the limits of which current tin hats can reflect. I heard Travolta is going with silver in '09....


          • #35

            Join Date: Dec 2002
            Location: Los Angeles
            Posts: 3,418

            The good thing about firearms is that if you know what you're doing you can easily slit the throat of the gun nut that lives next door and procure his investment in time of crisis.

            [quote] nimby motherfucker (nothing against you , but most arms collectors have some survale ,sur ,monitoring equiptment as well

            ps -nimby (is an old guys(pussified glam metal threads guy)saying for not in my backyard.

            I had gas - but I just bought a cs
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #36
              I'm going to check this thread every hour, on the hour, to stay up to date on what I need to do. So far my weekend plans are:

              1. Build a safe room with attached gun safe
              2. Buy guns and ammo
              3. Buy Canned food
              4. Buy precious metal
              5. Dig a mote / buy genetically altered alligators that'll survive Michigan winters
              6. Build a garden surrounded by a mine field (I like the garden idea)
              7. Something involving razor wire.....

              Awe screw it...I'm going camping with the fam.

              Self fulfilling prophecies are one of mankind's most successful endeavors...EVER.
              1991 Dinky - Custom Shop
              Dean EVO "Special Select"
              Mesa/Boogie Mark IV
              Mesa Rectifier 2x12


              • #37
                Hey Hey Hey...

                You guys are bringing up the end of the world scenario.

                Let me explain my hoarding theory. With the big major banks being bailed out by the Fed our currency is only hyperinflating. If I could I would trade my American dollars for not just silver but Euros and british pounds.

                I think it will be a depression based on inflation this time not on deflation like in 1929. Once the credit system fails than anyone holding any tangible assests is ahead of the game.

                If I was hoarding for a road warrior scenario then yes I would buy the generator and ammo etc...etc..etc...

                See so I am not that crazy...really I am not...

                ETA Wichovia wager would be the day the bank announces its demise or bail out by the Fed is the day I collect one ounce of silver or cash equivalent on the day its announced. If it does not happen a year from today I send you 1 oz of silver.

                ETA2 Jetco has a distrubuter near by Daily City that sells copper bars. All you have to do is look on google and you can find a reputable reseller.
                Last edited by AK47; 07-14-2008, 07:35 PM.


                • #38
                  Hay K47-Angel King,
                  i don't think you're nuts at all.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #39
                    I had thought about hording pussy, but that takes silver and AK47 has horded it all!


                    • #40
                      Your broker is advising you buy guns as an investment or to protect the investment in silver? If it is the former then I think you need a new broker, if it is the latter I think you need a new broker.

                      I think you should invest in guitar equipment. That's where most of my money has gone the last two years. Anyone want to buy my tube screamer for $60/oz?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                        Hay K47-Angel King,
                        i don't think you're nuts at all.

                        Thanks Tommy! Now just to convince the rest of the world that I am not crazy I got a few billion more people to convince.
                        Last edited by AK47; 07-14-2008, 08:04 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by cookiemonster2 View Post
                          Your broker is advising you buy guns as an investment or to protect the investment in silver? If it is the former then I think you need a new broker, if it is the latter I think you need a new broker.

                          I think you should invest in guitar equipment. That's where most of my money has gone the last two years. Anyone want to buy my tube screamer for $60/oz?
                          Broker is a friend and states he will not tell clients to buy Arms as an invsetment since it can cost him clients.

                          Now from a realistic view have you seen how much firearms and the cost of ammo has increased over the last 5 years? Its mind blowing.

                          To say that it is a bad investment is ignorant. To advise people as a broker to buy Arms is not very smart either.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                            Hey Hey Hey...

                            You guys are bringing up the end of the world scenario.
                            Nah, just funnin' around, someone went in that direction jokingly and I added in my .02. I understand why your doing what your doing, and right or wrong, at least you are doing something. I am serious about my self-fulfilling-prophecy statement though.
                            1991 Dinky - Custom Shop
                            Dean EVO "Special Select"
                            Mesa/Boogie Mark IV
                            Mesa Rectifier 2x12


                            • #44

                              Join Date: Dec 2002
                              Location: Los Angeles
                              Posts: 3,418

                              The good thing about firearms is that if you know what you're doing you can easily slit the throat of the gun nut that lives next door and procure his investment in time of crisis.

                              nimby motherfucker (nothing against you , but most arms collectors have some survale ,sur ,monitoring equiptment as well

                              ps -nimby (is an old guys(pussified glam metal threads guy)saying for not in my backyard.

                              I had gas - but I just bought a cs
                              Surveillance equipment only works when the power is on. With my few years as a USMC grunt and my decent physical condition, I can disarm and subdue 99% of people in the world. The other 1% I shoot from far away. And I am old enough to know what NIMBY means, and old enough even to be saying it when they want to build "undesirable" objects in my neighborhood.


                              • #45
                                And yes, what I'm saying is silly and inflammatory, but so is this whole debate, so it fits right in! Cheers!

