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  • #76
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Considering Pantera was a Slayer clone.
    I'm sorry, but if anything in this thread was going to offend, why is this over looked?

    and for my unequivocal, mandatory internet abuse line I'm going to choose...'your a fuckin' deadshit, cunt'.

    English from the self proclaimed greatest country in the world, man we know how to fuck up a language


    • #77
      Originally posted by bibz View Post
      I'm sorry, but if anything in this thread was going to offend, why is this over looked?

      and for my unequivocal, mandatory internet abuse line I'm going to choose...'your a fuckin' deadshit, cunt'.

      English from the self proclaimed greatest country in the world, man we know how to fuck up a language
      Hail yesterday


      • #78
        Originally posted by bibz View Post
        I'm sorry, but if anything in this thread was going to offend, why is this over looked?
        It took way too long for someone to bring that up.
        I'm angry because you're stupid


        • #79
          wtf, house music to a sad case of religion (we all bleed red, at least I hope). I gotta stop working just to understand this shit. OH BYE THE WAY THE MUSIC AND VIDEO SUCKED I DON"T CARE IF YOU LIVE HERE ARE MARS.


          • #80
            WTF are you guys doin' now..???!!!

            Well, I may as well actually read some of this shit..because I'm bored...and you fuckers NEVER fail to amuse me. Man, I love this fuggin' place!:ROTF:

            To you JCF Muthafuggahs!!!

            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Bengal View Post
              Considering Pantera was a Slayer clone.

              Did i read this right?
              pantera was one of the few bands that actually had thier own thing going on and it was not even sort of slayer sounding at all so WTF?:ROTF:
              If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


              • #82
                Originally posted by savage View Post
                Did i read this right?
                pantera was one of the few bands that actually had thier own thing going on and it was not even sort of slayer sounding at all so WTF?:ROTF:
                That was the point man, they don't sound anything alike.

                I figured you guys would have jumped all over that one. Took a while but you guys got there.

                No, I don't think Pantera is a Slayer clone. Even though Slayer is better. (There is another one for you)
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                  That was the point man, they don't sound anything alike.

                  I figured you guys would have jumped all over that one. Took a while but you guys got there.

                  No, I don't think Pantera is a Slayer clone. Even though Slayer is better. (There is another one for you)
                  I like slayer more myself they are a lot more EVIL sounding!
                  If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                    No, I don't think Pantera is a Slayer clone. Even though Slayer is better. (There is another one for you)
                    Let me be the first to jump all over that one!

                    The day that KK or JH learn to play anything more than noise slop solos and begin to show a modicum of musicianship, I will at least recognize that someone could like Slayer more. At this point, those DJ's who were discussed earlier in this thread can probably play guitar better than the hacks in Slayer :ROTF:

                    Seriously, to each their own. Slayer has some cool tunes but I really can't stand to listen to too many of those wanking, out-of-key solos.


                    • #85
                      I won't argue that the guitar playing in Slayer is as good as Dime. I think JH is pretty good, KK is a bit of a wanker but it fits the music.

                      Here is where it will get good.

                      Pantera has never released anything as good as Reign In Blood. Not really even close in my book. Trendkill was great and Driven was great but nowhere near the brutality of Blood.

                      And don't come back at me with Vulgar, I think that is the worst Pantera album they released. Well that and Steel. Both of those were pretty weak in compairison to Driven and Trendkill.

                      That should get you guys going.

                      EDIT: And remember guys, we are debating OPINION! Don't forget that. So think before you jump all over me and tell me I'm wrong and I suck and I'm a douche or I should go give some dude oral sex.

                      But I'm a fascist. You can go there if you want.
                      Last edited by Bengal; 07-24-2008, 11:21 AM.
                      I'm angry because you're stupid


                      • #86
                        While we're on the subject:

                        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                        • #87
                          I learned a long time ago.. an attack of your favorite band/player is NOT a pesonal attack.

                          I don't expect anyone to share my convictions..but I share them anywhoo..
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                            I learned a long time ago.. an attack of your favorite band/player is NOT a pesonal attack.

                            I don't expect anyone to share my convictions..but I share them anywhoo..
                            That really depends. Here's an example.

                            If I say "I think house music sucks" and someone replys "You're a douche", that is a personal attack. If they are more mature and say "I don't agree, I think your taste sucks" that is not a personal attack. They just don't like my taste. But to say "You're a douche" is nothing more than a blatant personal attack.

                            I'm cool with both because I can see the idiocy behind those kinds of statements. That's what makes threads like this so much fun.
                            I'm angry because you're stupid


                            • #89
                              *cough* just to point out who got this started *cough*

                              Originally posted by Bengal
                              No, what is lame is the horrible production quality. The actions in the video. And the fact that YOU posted it.
                              You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                              • #90
                                cough? Really? Cough? Lame.

                                Here's what you said, in order. Lets read these, shall we?

                                The first quote as the response to my first post. A post very much in line with what others have said. You and only you got this started son.

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                What is lame about a music video clip?

                                OMG, NOOOOOOOOEEESSSSè11è88!!! NO GUITARZ!!! I CANT LISTEN TO EEEET!!! Gimme a fucking break.
                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                Actually YOU were trying to stir it up, you whorecake.

                                The production quality is supposed to be like that, but then I guess, the intricacies of clash elude you.

                                Go choke on a fucking straplock or something.
                                Whorecake? Nice.

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                No your 'yawn' comment came off the way it should have. You know full well the effect your words have. Now stop bitching, if you're not for new fresh music, that's your choice. Begone.
                                New fresh music? That's a fuckin' laugh.

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                Go listen to your pantera clones. I'll just derive my pleasure from knowing their infinitely more talented musically then you'll ever be. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

                                For those of you who like some funk:

                                Yep, wedding DJ's are more tallented than I am too. What's the point?

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                Just shut your fucking yap already. If you don't like it, why bother so much in this thread anyways? Oh yeah, that's right, trying to get a rise out of me.

                                They are talented. FACT.
                                Just shut my fuckin' yap? What the fuck is a yap? Mouth? Nice.

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                No why I'm pissed is because you are forming those opinions on completely fucking random and WRONG facts.

                                How in the name of FUCK is releasing your OWN album with your OWN music on it 'mixing 2 records together'? HOW? God forbid they use 4 or 5 samples over 65 minutes of music, but they've still made it.

                                There's nothing opinionated about this thread. God forbid I try and show you people some different music or some video art from time to time.

                                I should know better on a board filled with ....nah, not gonna go there.
                                Go there. What? No balls? Come on man, sell your convictions.

                                Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                                I'm not wrong, you lamer. You said: 'mixing two records together, yawn, anyone can do that'. Sure they DJ when they're out dj'ing, but they create their own music. Hence, YOU WERE WRONG.Now seriously leave me the fuck alone, I'm not Cygnus or whatever nor am I going to be your new target. Go follow Cyg to whatever board you two are on together and go suck him off for all I care. You are up on the facts, btw, my little bengal. That wikipedia page helped you a lot.

                                One last thing. I'll put you in that same group without a doubt.

                                Let's see, the main characteristics would be:

                                1) A...
                                2) M..-A...
                                3) B..-A... G...
                                4) F... S...
                                5) W... C...

                                Read into that what you will.

                                OVER AND OUT.
                                Lamer. HA! Best on of this thread. Lamer. That's something my 10 year old would say. He'd also say this video sucks. So he has one up on you.

                                The reason I mentioned the problem of YOU posting it was the other thread that you took into the toilet. I remember stuff that goes on here, I remember what an ass you made yourself out to be in that other thread. Remember that one? How we were all Nu Metal jackasses if we didn't like that shitty form of "music". Remember that one?

                                That's why this is a troll thread. You knew it would go like this and that's what you wanted.

                                Course I'm only happy to play that game. I'm fascist and bored.
                                Last edited by Bengal; 07-24-2008, 12:25 PM.
                                I'm angry because you're stupid

