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Any cops on the board?

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  • Any cops on the board?

    If I remember correctly, there are a few police officers here on the boards, and I pretty much just have a general question for all of you. Remember, I'm not saying that all cops do this, and I'm not trying to disrespect any of you, I fully appreciate that you guys sacrifice your lives on a daily basis to protect others..

    A while back there was a thread of some douche bag screaming at some kid about skateboarding, I'm pretty sure most people remember the topic/video.

    I'm sure a few of you have pulled over a couple of kids in their car just making out, called the chicks parents, and ended a night for them. But here's my question: Why?

    The last time I checked making out and all that stuff was perfectly legal, why do cops feel the need to act like parents and get so furious about it. I thought they were supposed to be fighting crime, not just handing out parking tickets and busting kids that are making out. Hell, maybe it's just my area, but it's happened to a few of my friends, and tonight it happened to another one.

    Here are some quotes:

    " need to do some fucking soul searching. Do you know what you just did? Get a fucking life. just because you live in north ranch and you have a fancy car, doesn't mean you can fucking do this shit. talk about disrespect. if this was my daughter, i would have fucking killed you." (BTW: They didn't get to do anything, they were making out, if that.)

    "i can report you for so many things right now. being with a younger girl. your fancy little car. everything" (He's 17, she's 16)

    "now turn on your little radar, go speeding until it goes off, and have fun in your north ranch mansion with mommy and daddy"

    "man you really pissed me off tonight Anthony..REALLY pissed me off. i have 2 daughters and if you did this to mine, id fucking kill you kid. I'd rip off your head"

    Even if you're not a cop that has done this, maybe you could explain why cops do this..
    Originally posted by horns666
    The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.

  • #2
    Ahhh ..13 years w/ Cleveland retired due to injury fighting some big violent douche on a plane.

    I experienced this exact thing but worse when I was 16/17 years old. I used to take my girl behind Pick N' Pay was was out of public view. One night while fuggin' around with my girl who was a few years older than me..I saw bright headlights pulling up to my vehicle...shit! Well, by the time the cop came to my window with his flashlight in my eyes I was just putting my pants on. My girl actually was still pretty fuggin' naked..of course he had the flashlight on her..on her snatch region! He told us to get out. I was nervous and was extremely polite. He looked at my ID asked how old she was..then slapped me across the face..HARD! It really stung. He told us to get the fuck out and never come back. Then he left. I never knew why he did that and it angered me for the longest time because I became a cop..a REAL urban city, shithole cop, not a suburb cop like that dude. In hindisight it was one or two things. He prolly got a call that we were back there and it completely inconveinanced him..whether he broke off his lunch, it was the end of his shift and he had to go home or be somewhere, ..maybe he was in the middle of taking a dump..and took that anger out on me. OR..some cops take things much too personal! I known cops that went bezerk at drivers just blowing a red light, or silly traffic violation. They would scream at the driver all red faced,.. shouting "That's my light"..or "this is my zone"..that kinda shit. I had to remind a few partners that that wasn't the case and they calmed down after a while. Alot of cops are strecthed wayyyyyyy too thin due to lack of personel, no days off, and they are running ragged..big time. Dealing with bullshit 24/7365. Such was my case anywhoo..but I was kind iof the opposite. I didn't care anymore (I long surpassed my 5 year zone car burn out). I had big angry fuckers tearing apart their house and carrying on. I let 'em do it. Fuggit..let 'em break all their shit..its amusing. Countless times I would be standing in the middle of that shit with my arms crossed , yawning saying calmly.."are ya done yet?" If they're violent..oh well. I'm there to win, there is NO other option. I'll do anything including biting a muthafugger's ear or nose off...I like earings personally. Sure we're not trained that shit, but all I need to do to justify my actions with a "use of non deadly force" report and I'm covered!

    People ALWAYS say well nobody told anyone to take that job. Well, it's alittle more involved ..nobody really realizes the bullshit involved. I'm not talking about the danger and drama..we know how to handle that! I'm talking about all the poltical bullshit. The lack of with over 150,000 miles on them, radios that don't work, dispatchers talking to their baby daddy when you're calling for them, no days off..where you have to call in sick to have one in a month..then they want to put you on sick time abuse. I'm talking real safety issues..we would have 5 cars covering the entire 4th district which is by far the busiest and most violent area in Ohio. Its a big area and many guys get tied up with assignments where they can't break off to assist. Its just sad..As far as I can remeber Our department and the Mayors ALWAYS have been at the point of being blatantly malicious. Ever since the 60's..I had many old timers telling me about the job when I was in diapers..things haven't changed much. Actually things have gotten much worse. I seen the decline as I was working. I miss guys really bad..I don't miss the bullshit. They all tell me "I'm lucky". I don't feel lucky.

    Well I hoped that helped. Excuse my running sentences and typos..I'm tired and I just wanted to respond to your question. I know both sides of this coin.

    Bill Z
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #3
      He prolly has daughters close to the same age and he seen what kids do..including dead kids. It may struck a nerve. Once I had a dead baby in a baby swing..he suffocated while the drunken mom was passed out. The baby was the same age as my son..and it was the exact same baby swing! I immediately called home to see if Vinny was OK.

      That shit happends..

      Some images we can never erase..I'll take a few to my death.
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        I'm glad I got a response, and like I said, I try to acknowledge that you guys are protecting us at all costs and risk your life for ours..But it's minimal shit like that (my buddy's situation, and yours too...Scoring with the older pwn) gives cops a bad reputation. It didn't really answer my question fully, but it shed SOME light.

        I think it would have been a good idea to mention that we (me and my buddy) live in probably one of the safest cities in the US.. I guess cops get their thrill a different way =/

        Is there some sort of law against making out in a car? Seriously... =\
        Originally posted by horns666
        The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


        • #5
          JS...OK, I read your question with one red eye open.

          Here's the truth..Cops in NICE areas = boredom. That's it...period!

          If you were in a city such as or your buddy wouldn't have those probs w/ cops. Unless they observed you in a high drug area.

          Honestly, I don't have any experince working with or being a bored cop actually WANTING any excitement! Many of us took this job by watching COPS on TV..I was on that show. Many cops want to do that..and they never really get the chance!
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            There are probably laws against indecent exposure that they can cite, or loitering since you're parked in a dark and lonely place. I'm sure thinking of their own daughters getting banged in the car pisses them off too.

            The irritant factor Bill mentioned is also possible. Luckily when I was a kid we drove out to Bell's Ferry, and isolated area where kids partied. It was in the county outside the city limits of my small town, so the town cops had no jurisdiction and there were no houses close by so the county sheriffs didn't have reason to come there often either. It was only 5 miles from my house so it was convenient and I never got busted fucking girls out there.

            Now when there were big parties out there, like the whole school showing up after football games or such, the sheriffs might show up and do a drive through. But they really didn't mess with anybody much, unless it was to break up a fight or something like that.

            In town the city cops would hassle you every time, so everybody just drove out of the city limits to do the dirty deeds and it was good.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
              Is there some sort of law against making out in a car? Seriously... =\
              I read the police logs in the paper, and in Lancaster, PA, you can be charged with indecent exposure, though I get the feeling you need to really piss the cop off to do it.


              • #8
                The only law I could think of would be a curfew law if you were out late. I think it's 10PM here if you're under 18.

                Now if you were more than making out, then indecent exposure/public indecency/etc. comes into play, since even though you're in a car, you're still in public.

                Luckily our suburban cops here in Manheim Township are too busy writing speeding tickets.


                • #9
                  JS, you know that quiet little spot you have found to do your shagging in your car? Weeeeeell, just over the hedge is some poor fucker in his house trying to get to sleep, while a procession of horny little devils like you sit in their nice cars, stereo on, having a little party. Night after night.

                  Then you shoot your load, fire off the knotted scum-bag into this poor bastard's garden and screech off into the night, to be followed by some other rampant kid "discovering" this perfect place to do some harmless knobbing.

                  Trust me, if you have found a great place to fuck your woman, loads of other people know it too, even if you have never seen a soul there. Local residents don't want hookers and their clients, or horny kids, using their area as a fuck-stop. They don't want people hiding in the bushes fwapping away watching, where their own families might encounter them.

                  We all know shagging is harmless and no big deal - that's why we drive miles away from home to do it! Do it in your own back yard, see how your family and neighbours react and then you'll realise why people don't want it.
                  Some poor copper has been trying to do some real police work when he gets directed to drive out to the sticks to clear off some kids who are getting their fingers wet. I'd be pissed off too!

                  Yes, cops are arseholes, but only when they are giving you a bollocking. As you get older, you'll realise that those bad-tempered cops were actually dead-on, that young know-it-all kids NEED a good clip round the ear to show them some respect and humility. There will come a day when you will agree with every thing they get upset about, the balance will tip and you will be a fully paid-up member of civilised democratic society.
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #10
                    Oh, just remembered this:

                    A young bloke was lying in his car getting a BJ from his equally youthfull girlfriend. Suddenly, a torch is shone through the window and a PC knocks on the car roof.
                    "Come on, out you come" says Plod.
                    Sheepishly, the youth emerges, doing up his flies.

                    "Oh dear oh dear", says the pi....erm, policeman, in that patronising way that only policemen can, "Indecent exposure...tut tut......etc etc......bald tyre on car......oh dear oh dear, this is looking serious sir"

                    The bloke, starting out in life, can't bear fines and all that stuff so pleads with the PC to let him off.
                    "Please, constable, isn't there any way we can sort this out unofficially???Pleeeeease"

                    "Hmmmm, well, ahem" replies the PC, eyeing up the girlfriend's ample bosom as she buttons her blouse. "I suppose I could overlook this unfortunate incident........IF...........well, ahem, y'know......I get a go"

                    The bloke thinks about it for a second or so, then drops to his knees.
                    "OK, OK, but I've never sucked off a copper before......."

                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #11
                      I am not man...I am not dude... I am officer Rivieri.

                      Please watch video for refrence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                        I am not man...I am not dude... I am officer Rivieri.

                        Please watch video for refrence.

                        I've had that in my signature for a while.
                        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                        • #13
                          You know back in the day the Cops would just kick your ass if you smarted off to them in the wrong place or they may drop you off in a bad part of town.

                          Does not happen so much with internet and cameras, so if you got verbally abused you got off lucky. They used to say you can beat the rap but you cant beat the ride.

                          Dont forget also the Police Officer can and will falsify their reports to make the bust stick by changing details here and there.

                          In other words dont fuck with the police and no interaction is better than any interaction at all. If a cop tells you to leave GTFO.


                          • #14
                            Don't know what state the kid is in, but, here in Ohio, its more convenient to piss and scare the juveniles off than it is to site for exposure, tresspassing, curfew and probably a few other possible charges.

                            Dealing with juvenile courts and paperwork is a bitch in Ohio.-Lou
                            " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


                            • #15
                              "Don't tase me bro!"
                              Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

