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Anyone delt with Tendon problems or issues I need help?

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  • Anyone delt with Tendon problems or issues I need help?

    The title says it all. I lay this out for you, when I was about 21 I had surgery on both my hands for damage to my tendons, I stopped playing guitar till I was about 26. I picked up the guitar again but wasn't able to play like I use to yes I use to be a wanking shredder. Well now I have problems again needing corrective surgery. this time it's in my left forearm for three tendons.
    Option 1 corrective surgery with a maybe I might play guitar again 1 day wich I have no insurance for, or stop playing guitar all together & get physical therapy for years.

    The short of it all is I gotta stop playing guitar. Just curious if anyone has had to deal with these problems?
    According To The Prophecy

  • #2
    Never have. But I'm sorry about the not playing guitar part. I don't know what I'd do if I was in your shoes.

    Hell, when I'm driving down the road with my left hand hanging out the window I think about having it cut off and not being able to play.

    Sorry to read about this man. Good luck to you.
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #3
      I hear ya, kinda.

      Years ago, I completely fractured 3 metacarpals, and compressed/twisted all 4 knuckles.

      I still have a noticeable difference in my right hand being shorter than my left, I primarily use my thumb, and the index and middle finger.. as I have strength and dexterity issues with the last two.

      Wait, I guess I can't relate- thats your left arm.

      It'll come back. Will take some determination and work- like learning to walk the fretboard again, but you can spring back.

      do whats best for your longterm health.


      • #4
        Ruptured a tendon sheath on my fret hand about 6 weeks ago - outside wrist, controlling the last 2 fingers and the ability to supinate/pronate the wrist.
        In other words - no strength in my hand, especially ring finger and pinkie - and no ability to get my hand in a position to have my thumb behind the neck w/ other fingers on the fretboard.
        Been in a cast from hand to armpit since then.
        I get the cast off July 30, and start rehab/therapy for however long. Won't know if I can play again for a few weeks or months...
        Good luck with your situation


        • #5
          Well it's been decided since I don't have insurance , it's gonna be therapy for the next 2-3 years! This F%@king Blows. the only good thing out of this is I started asking alot of questions about my wrist how will they be affected how strong are they & so on?
          Good news is they're in great shape & so I started looking into something a friend at GC talked to me about, an Electric Drum Kit. Yep Doc says if I wear padded glove for support I shouldn't mess my hands up to much from it since drumming is mostly in the wrist. Also find gloves that have some type of wrist wrap to them & I'm good to go.

          I guess I love music to much just to F%#kin just give up!
          I'm gonna miss playing the guitar so I'll just take it out on the drums
          According To The Prophecy


          • #6
            Sorry to hear that, Chuk, but don't give up completely. You can always try playing the guitar Jeff Healy-style.
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              play slide?


              • #8
                Consider the amount of pain I've been in & taking breaks not playing for sometimes weeks on end,& getting the final word today from my Dr.. Who knows maybe in 5 years like last time I'll pick it up again Thanks Guys

                I don't think playing Jeff Healy style would work playing Metal & as for the slide I think the same applies
                According To The Prophecy


                • #9
                  Ok, let me see if I understand this. You don't have insurance, so you've opted for therapy. I'm assumming you mean "physical therapy." I would venture a safe guess and say that 95% of the doctors that refer patients to my clinic ask that they be seen three times a week.

                  First of all, It's not going to take years to rehab your arm. However, it will take several months and you will have to not only attend therapy, but you're going to have to make the commitment to change your lifestyle until the arm is healed. But here's the kicker. Therapy is expensive. Your initial evaluation, plus manual therapy, plus modalities, is going to run you about $220.00. After that, you'll be spending approximately $110-150 per visit, depending on what the therapist does. So, you could be spending up to $450 per week for 3 or 4 months. That's about $7200.

                  If a patient comes to our clinic and has no insurance, we try to do the minimal amount of "in clinic" work and then develop a home program for the patient to help cut back his health costs.

                  Best of luck!


                  • #10
                    SeeGermany Right now surgery didn't seem like something I can do. I had no idea Physical therapy was gonna be that much either? Looks like for now I'll be doing a lot of nothing.They don't offer insurance in the bar business, so maybe time to switch jobs get health insurance & hope for the best.
                    According To The Prophecy


                    • #11
                      Check out . Depending on the plan you pick, the premiums really aren't much higher than what the physical therapy would cost you, and it will most likely bring down the cost of surgery.

                      Are you eligible for Medicaid?

                      Living without health insurance is extremely scary to me. What if your appendix decides to want to come out and now you have big medical bills?
                      Last edited by Spivonious; 07-25-2008, 09:39 AM.


                      • #12
                        I'm looking into medicaid actually, & my appendix has been gone for a long time , but good point.
                        According To The Prophecy

