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Slayer vs. Pantera

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  • #46
    Both bands are vastly different, and both bands are great, but like Bengal said, i had been listening to Slayer for a decade before Pantera came into the light, and right the time they came out, i was listening to even heavier shit, so they just kinda were like snore to me, even though i liked the riffage on Vulgar, and some stuff on Trendkill, honestly i never payed attention to them that much. I saw Pantera live once, honestly, it wasn't stand out to me, maybe because i wasn't interested and didn't give it a fair shot whatever, dunno, but it was nothing like the armageddon of a Slayer show, and i've seen Slayer at least a dozen times, and they "to me" are the most brutal live band on earth, the best show i've ever seen.
    They even hold up against all the death metal bands i've seen live in sheer intesity, i don't know...
    I think the only bad i've seen that tied them or envoked so much emotion like that but from a different perspective live was Rush.
    That stands out immensly on my mind, and after i saw them i did compare the experience to a Slayer show, verbally to the people i was with.
    The people that hear the band name Slayer already think, how lame, they gotta suck, well, oviously they are never going to like it.
    "Pantera" is much more palatable to the average listener, and they got a lot of groove and aren't shouting about nazis and satan, lol, which exponentiates their reach. I felt it was a little calculated, produced,
    meant for top 40.

    but i'm entirely biased because Slayer is my all time favorite metal band,
    if i had to pick one, it's them. They changed everything for me.
    of course their solos suck, and still do!

    So, i'm not going to say on this one one is better than the other, because it's two different things, Pantera was very "powerish", but they never matched the power of Slayer.
    i'll throw in, that my favorite Pantera song is "broken".
    I LOVE that riff.


    • #47
      Wow I can't believe these results. I figured Slayer by a landslide. I guess I am old, but Reign in Blood is one of the all time best albums in my book. My interest declined after South of Heaven. I never cared much for Pantera. They aren't bad or anything, but they just never did it for me.


      • #48
        Love them both, but I voted for Pantera. Now can I go back and vote for Slayer too?
        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
          Okay, let's also take note that Pantera had a different singer, who was totally a glam dude, who didn't want to play the sort of music Dime, Vinnie, and Rex wanted to play. So they went looking for someone else, and found Phil Anselmo.

          My mistake earlier, it was a Megadeth shirt, not Skid Row, regardless, he has no right to wear the Peace Sells album cover art upon his body, so I fixed it up a little :

          This is what happens when you let Sebastian Bach do your hair before a show.
          Nice bracelets and sweat band Phil! What happened to all those "tough guy" tats? Ohhhh, n/m those come with the "tough guy" marketing image package on the next album!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
            Another thing is, all the Slayer fan boys think they're the fucking shit because they wear a Slayer shirt. Slayer. Blows. Liking Slayer does not make you brutal.
            replace "Slayer" with "Pantera" in your post, and that's pretty much how I felt about all the Pantera fanboys 10 years ago.
            Hail yesterday


            • #51
              Ive gotta go with Slayer. I love Pantera, but NOTHING gets me pumped the fuck up like Slayer!
              Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


              • #52
                1. Dimedag is way better than Jeff or Kerry.
                2. I prefer the vocals from Slayer.
                3. Even though dimedag is good, Pantera has only 1 or two songs that interest me.
                4. Slayer has made so many classics. So many killer tunes.

                So for me, without any doubt:

                Slayer > Pantera
                "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                • #53
                  Can't decide. All I can say is, I wish I could've experienced the best of both worlds, along with another one of my favorite bands Morbid Angel, on the Extreme Steel Tour. Unfortunately I was stuck in the hellhole known as Great Lakes, IL. Still hoping the next Dimevision DVD contains some footage from that.
                  EAOS: 28JUN09


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                    They both made equally landmark metal albums? Er no!

                    Slayer made Reign In Blood which fucking blows away anything Pantera ever done. They also did South Of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss which are more consistent than any Pantera album.

                    Pantera had some great stuff, but much of their albums were filled with shit filler songs.
                    +1 Slayer all the way. not saying pantera are bad .but as the above quote they did have alot of songs witch were fillers in my view
                    "Oh please, please dress as my sexy dead wife!" -


                    • #55
                      Pantera had a lot of filler, but when they wrote a good song (and they wrote a bunch) they were better than Slayer, so I won't vote, since Slayer is better at putting out a good album (except they haven't done it since 1994), but Pantera is better at writing a great song
                      Out Of Ideas


                      • #56
                        They both aren't that great, but Pantera is slightly better than Slayer, simply because they had some catchy riffs.


                        • #57
                          Pantera is the better band musically and Phil Anselmo is or rather was the better singer.

                          I go with Slayer though. Although Slayer is a not as groundbreaking as they were by any means they are sounding great on record. Good production and it may be a bit too much of the same old same old (I can't tell the difference from Divine, Christ or GHUA) I enjoy them more.

                          Pantera came in with a different time and a different thing. They made it cool for Jocks and meatheads to like metal. Simple visceral lyrics that dealt with nothing much besides fighting and fucking. I mean you gotta like that! Sure Hollow or Cemetary were weepy but the general feel was Jock get beer jock drive car Jock fight! That was Pantera it was a ton of bravado

                          I think people don't get slayer at all really. I think a lot of thier fans don't get them either. They are more intelligent than they write but they write down to their audience a bit and do a lot of things tounge and cheek. I am not saying they condescend (even with KK to an extent I think the ego is an act) to their audience I just think they acknowledge what their audience wnats to hear.

                          Slayer was more making a statement with the "satanic" agenda they were trying to shock people ito thinking not promoting satanism they were just trying to get attention and address issues of what was wrong with organized religon. They aren't Deicide who has a true blasphemous edge of hatred of god and christ, Slayer is somewhat more along the lines of tool using blasphemy as a tool for people to think IMHO. I mean Tom is Christian. Oh and to sell records. Pantera is not that insightful, Pantera is purely visceral.

                          The one thing Dime could never do that Slayer does is the evil evil harmonies! But Pantera on ever other level is superior musically I'll keep listening to them both but Slayer gets more love.
                          I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                          So that none of its lies can affect me


                          • #58
                            Long Live Dime!
                            You sir, can go you fuck yourself and don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
                            You're such a pretencious, phony, boring, transparent, self righteous worthless fuck..You are amusing as a genital wart!
                            --horns666 - 12/08/08

                            Hey, if those are fake fake titty fuggin' cheatin'? I say no!
                            --horns666 - 12/29/08
                            I think your dad jacked off in a flower pot and you were born a blooming idiot.
                            --LouSiffer - 06/25/09


                            • #59
                              Great poll. Pantera hands down for me. I never enjoyed Tom Araya's vocals where as Anselmo's voice was (is?) brutally powerful. It added a whole other dimension of heaviness to that band. Dimebag's tone (rythmn guitar) was equally as heavy yet their songs had a bit more, do I dare say, "melody"? Slayer songs were always a bit too chaotic to me. I suppose that's what makes it enjoyable to Slayer fans but it's been said before: fast doesn't necessarily = heavy.


                              • #60
                                for me it's pantera... it's not even close
                                Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
                                Amp... Pioneer
                                Effects... Boss ME-20

