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Vince Scamsevere finally busted......

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  • #61
    Originally posted by eakinj View Post
    Was this the same Vince that was banned, then allowed back on when someone claimed he destroyed one of the JCF King V's before sending it to them?
    No, you're thinking of Pat "Strangletooth" Stangler.

    Pat wasn't banned. He voluntarily left the board, then came back when the whole thing about the King V he sold reared its head.

    - E.
    Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


    • #62
      Originally posted by Bengal
      Whatever dude. Sorry I didn't sift through every thread first to make sure this had not already been posted.
      Good deals with:
      Metal Medal II, Tonyl11


      • #63
        Last edited by texasfury; 01-11-2012, 10:39 PM.
        Just a guitar player...


        • #64
          Originally posted by toejam View Post
          He'll be getting brick-like cocks in his ass now! :ROTF:
          I was going to say, he'll be shitting some fist like bricks from now on. But I won't.....

          Hail yesterday


          • #65
            Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
            When I read the report, this was my exact response

            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #66
              Originally posted by GinSonic
              Suffice to say, I've got nothing to add to this topic. Post whoring is my main objective here.

              time for Spikey to do a sigline update... that's classic
              "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


              • #67
                Originally posted by srommes View Post
                Whatever dude. Sorry I didn't sift through every thread first to make sure this had not already been posted.
                Well it wasn't too hard to see. It was the main topic of conversation here yesterday. You could have seen the topic from the main page.

                But that was somewhat harsh. Sorry about that.

                But you should have known we'd be all over this one from the get-go.
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #68
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCE

                  Inmate Information
                  Inmate Number: 361053
                  Inmate Name: SANSEVERE,VINCENT
                  Date of Birth: 8/6/1957
                  Latest Admission Date: 7/18/2008
                  Current Location: BRIDGEPORT
                  Status: UNSENTENCED
                  Bond Amount: 101000
                  Controlling Offense: ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF EXPLOSIVES F
                  Date of Sentence: Not Applicable
                  Maximum Sentence: 0 Year(s) 0 Month(s) 0 Day(s)
                  Maximum Release Date: Not Applicable
                  Estimated Release Date: Not Applicable
                  Special Parole Date: Not Applicable
                  Detainer: NON

                  Maybe one of your crew will bring you a cake with a file in it as you must already be planning your epic escape. That or your cell mates are already planning a party for you...

                  Last edited by speed monkey; 08-06-2008, 10:46 AM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by sworn_enemy View Post
                    Does anyone know what his prior felony was?
                    Sansevere's felony record is for weapons and criminal impersonation violations, according to Trabka.

                    Well now he did it. He went from posing as a guitar tech for Dave Mustaine to now posing as a NY cop. Good ole Vince couldn't just be a regular cop, he had to be a Lieutenant. I hop he does some time for this, but he will probably claim they are his wife's guns. That is if he is even really married like he claimed......

                    Last edited by OnlineStageGear; 08-06-2008, 11:15 AM.


                    • #70
                      Depending on what those explosives are it could be federal- not the impersonating an officer.

                      Claiming to be a RETIRED cop is probably tough to bust someone for- I know there are rules on the federal level for claiming to have a Silver Star or Congressional Medal of Honor, but you can claim to be a retired General all day long I think, with the only punishment being that you're an asshole. I don't think there is a similar rule regarding claiming to be an ex cop, an ex firefighter, or anything else.

                      Flipping the tin pass? That might get him in some shit. But a retired cop's badge for the most part just says he's a retired cop and that's it. I believe for NYC they just punch out the badge number from the shield itself & let you keep it.

                      On the federal level, depending on what those explosives were, it could be possession of a destructive device- same penalty as possession of a machine gun. $250k fine/10 year minimum. No parole in the federal system.

                      I wouldn't be surprised if some of these charges get knocked down, or plead out. The one they can stick him on but good is the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, unless he can convince them that they belonged to a family member who is not a felon. I don't know for sure how that works but I seem to remember that non-convicts living with felons retain their right to own a gun.



                      • #71
                        Is Dave gonna do a benefit concert to raise bail for his guitar tech? :ROTF:
                        Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                        • #72
                          We had a real similar douchebag here in town get in some similar trouble. He had prior felony convictions and jailtime for drugs and firearms. He got busted with some guns and a pipe bomb at this house. He claimed the guns were owned by a friend of his but couldn't get out of the pipe bomb thing. He got 3 years in the Fed. pen. The fun part was watching the DEA on the news set off the pipe bomb in his bedroom since they didn't want to try to remove it. It blew the shit out of his house. They showed it on the news. I laughed my ass off.


                          • #73
                            I really have no idea why someone would want that sort of shit, already constructed, laying around their fucking house. Explosives are not for rookies- particularly if the guy's taking the typical "Let's try this!" route and using black powder. It's not particularly unstable, but I can't imagine putting one together and then going to fucking sleep with it sitting in the room every night.

                            Do people think they'll need it "in a pinch"? WTF are you going to do, light a fuse and throw it at someone? Just plain idiotic. For the most part the terrorist suicide bomber types, from what I've read, make the shit to be used within a few days, both so they don't get busted with it and so the shit's not sitting there for months waiting for something to possibly go wrong. Who makes one and throws it in a bin for later usage?



                            • #74
                              Vince: "Officer, these explosives are just stage effects for the band I work with, Megadeth. We have all kinds of cool fireballs and explosions. Just ask the kids on the Megadeth Forum, I'm the real deal"


                              • #75

                                "Vince who?"

