You people are fucking SENSATIONALISTS.
Sure, it's frightening to think Putin might want to rebuild some of the former Soviet Empire
1) Nukes being fired around
2) Europe (aka ME, motherfuckers!) being nuked / invaded and destroyed
3) US being invaded?

Not going to happen
And if I'm wrong, I'll see you in whatever afterlife there is. I'll be the dude with a beard and a healthy green nuuucuuulllaaaar glow (apparently) . 
Neither Russia, China or the US want this to escalate into much more.
And what will save us?
the already (world)widespread CAPITALISM AND GLOBALIZATION
Say what the fuck you want about communism and its strong remnants in China and the hidden red-colored agenda of Russian leaders, but the simple fact of the matter is:
this is BEYOND ideologies now. Commies vs Cappies, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Why?
CAPITALISM HAS WON. This means, any 'openly fought' war, without nuclear weapons, would amount to the same thing as if they'd use nuclear weapons. They'd go back to the fucking stone age, because they'd lose all of their MONEY.
It would go like this:
Conflict-->diplomacy-->open war-->nuclear holocaust.
This gets cut off at DIPLOMACY, it won't go a bit further than that. Sure, you'll get some powerflexing, flexing of the muscles, but nothing more.
Do you believe for ONE second that all the highly-corrupt, gigantically rich (through capitalism) politicians and businessmen (LOBBIES) in CHINA and RUSSIA would allow a worldwide conflict to ensue, if that meant the absolute END of their wealth and prosperity? NOT A CHANCE. They want to drive their ferraris, they want their US celebrities, they want their Parisian bohemian commodities. They do NOT want to be cut off, isolated and POOR.
Same thing has been true for the US and Europe for a much longer time. None of them wants war, they want MONEY. Putin might seem dangerous and Soviet with his apparent plans to re-annex Georgia, but in the end, the guys he plays golf with or that hang out with him in his billionaire country club are RICH BUSINESS GUYS that have prospered on corruption since the end of the cold war and the fall of the soviet empire. No way in hell are they going to give that up.
China would be FUCKED OUT OF THEIR TREE if they did ANYTHING close to what was suggested above. Europe and the US are flooded with Chinese products every day, if they lose that, they CRUMBLE. They might have gigantic stockpiles, a HUGE army and whatnot. Simple fact is: everything they've been building up would end to be. Without having fired a single nuke. (not even to mention the two watchdogs INDIA and JAPAN)
Sure, it's frightening to think Putin might want to rebuild some of the former Soviet Empire
1) Nukes being fired around
2) Europe (aka ME, motherfuckers!) being nuked / invaded and destroyed
3) US being invaded?

Not going to happen

Neither Russia, China or the US want this to escalate into much more.
And what will save us?
the already (world)widespread CAPITALISM AND GLOBALIZATION
Say what the fuck you want about communism and its strong remnants in China and the hidden red-colored agenda of Russian leaders, but the simple fact of the matter is:
this is BEYOND ideologies now. Commies vs Cappies, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Why?
CAPITALISM HAS WON. This means, any 'openly fought' war, without nuclear weapons, would amount to the same thing as if they'd use nuclear weapons. They'd go back to the fucking stone age, because they'd lose all of their MONEY.
It would go like this:
Conflict-->diplomacy-->open war-->nuclear holocaust.
This gets cut off at DIPLOMACY, it won't go a bit further than that. Sure, you'll get some powerflexing, flexing of the muscles, but nothing more.
Do you believe for ONE second that all the highly-corrupt, gigantically rich (through capitalism) politicians and businessmen (LOBBIES) in CHINA and RUSSIA would allow a worldwide conflict to ensue, if that meant the absolute END of their wealth and prosperity? NOT A CHANCE. They want to drive their ferraris, they want their US celebrities, they want their Parisian bohemian commodities. They do NOT want to be cut off, isolated and POOR.
Same thing has been true for the US and Europe for a much longer time. None of them wants war, they want MONEY. Putin might seem dangerous and Soviet with his apparent plans to re-annex Georgia, but in the end, the guys he plays golf with or that hang out with him in his billionaire country club are RICH BUSINESS GUYS that have prospered on corruption since the end of the cold war and the fall of the soviet empire. No way in hell are they going to give that up.
China would be FUCKED OUT OF THEIR TREE if they did ANYTHING close to what was suggested above. Europe and the US are flooded with Chinese products every day, if they lose that, they CRUMBLE. They might have gigantic stockpiles, a HUGE army and whatnot. Simple fact is: everything they've been building up would end to be. Without having fired a single nuke. (not even to mention the two watchdogs INDIA and JAPAN)