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Hitting Women.

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  • #16
    Since your mum hit him first the guy might even just get moved not let go at all.

    If it were me I'd leave him without teeth. I'd see how likely a jail term would be for him (highly unlikely) then take it into my own hands. Then yell at my moms for being rash and making me do it.


    • #17
      i would give that little bitch a permanent limp, probably hits his wife too.


      • #18
        I'd beat that sick fugger into dust. No intimidation, no lectures, no witnesses. Wouldn't let him see you coming or going. Keep the encounter short and make your getaway clean. Leave no trace of who you are. Work out the details, whatever you do and don't let the rage you feel guide you.


        • #19
          I would follow him somewhere away from work, beat the fuck out of him and NOT tell him why, or who you are. Don't connect it to your mom.

          If he was crazy enough to punch her in the arm, he might be crazy enough to cut her throat in retaliation for YOUR retaliation. Best if he just thinks he got a random beatdown - maybe even rob him.

          I don't blame you for being steamed to the core, but you don't know just how crazy this guy really is.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #20
            You have to becareful with the whole intimidation thing. Think about it, a guy is already pussy enough to hit a women (because he is not a man himself) gets intimidated by real men. Yeh I WILL SHOW HER. Think about it buddy, short dicks bring short thoughts. get him fired and away from your mom and family.


            • #21
              just make sure that he (and any witnesses) doesn't have a gun before you attack him. He might use it to defend himself from a guy who appears to be about to rob him, or worse, kill him. And a socially minded bystander might come to his rescue and cap your ass.

              Or you could recommend to your mother that she speak to her manager or HR department and see what can be done legally. Her injuries should be taken into consideration, even though she slugged him first. I'm sure his injuries don't compare to hers. And since her initial reaction was due did to his continued harassment, there may be some recourse there too, given that she was feeling so hassled that she felt she had to resort to getting physical with the guy
              Hail yesterday


              • #22
                defo something worth thinking about ...i'd definately wade in if someone was touching my close family or friends in my presence. I would probably (and probably have done under the influence) push a girl who's pissing me off and would want to really shove or hit one (though probably not full force) who was showing violence, but i don't know if i actually could. In fact there's a few people i've wanted to absolutely fuck up over the years - but i've always kept those thoughts inside me. Go see the manger and lodge a complaint. Put yourself above that idiot's violence-and remember this guy can argue that your mum punched him first- and from his perspective he may have felt provoked enough to retaliate. Not everyone deals with aggression the right way....
                Last edited by sonicsamurai; 08-11-2008, 01:41 AM.


                • #23

                  Dude, simple.. report EXACTLY what you stated here and make a assault named/supsect report. A simple police follow up may squash any further stupidity or possible harm. If your mom was in any fear , she could have called the police immediately. From the info you have given I would confer with the police. They may advise both parties, take whatever action. Of course he's going to cop pleae..he was just kidding ..she hit me first..or cries and denies

                  Putting it on papper could cover your ass if you lump him up if he keeps with the bs ..explain your actions. Hey..the po po have moms your anger/emotions strike home often times.
                  Last edited by horns666; 08-11-2008, 03:13 AM.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                    i would follow him somewhere away from work, beat the fuck out of him and not tell him why, or who you are. Don't connect it to your mom.
                    Best if he just thinks he got a random beatdown - maybe even rob him.


                    • #25
                      Eventhough what Bill said is THE way to go, if that happened to my mom, I would absolutely DESTROY that guy.
                      You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                      • #26
                        Same here, I would be making a post along the lines of "Some bloke punched my Mum and I caved his fucking head in, who can hide me till the heat dies down?"
                        The fact you have had a good think about it, posted on the Interwebs etc means you can't exactly say "he punched Mum and I flipped". Anything you do now has more than a little bit of pre-meditation attached.

                        Next time, fly down there and kick him into the middle of next week with your Mum dragging on your arm trying to stop you.

                        Maybe if you calmly accosted him and told him in VERY COOL tones that your Mother is expecting an apology and a nice bunch of flowers, then he probably won't have to be looking over his shoulder every time he leaves his house, and you won't be looking at a GBH charge, he might get the message.

                        BTW, I hit women regularly. With sticks. And straps. And paddles. And floggers. And lunge whips. They LUUUUUURVE it!!!!
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back


                        • #27
                          Well, quite a bit of time has passed and I'm a lot less heated, still pretty pissed, but I don't have the adrenaline to snap his neck without hesitation.

                          As for the cops, my mom knows him, she says he has a kid, a wife, and doesn't really want him to be put away.

                          She doesn't want to get her work involved, at the risk of losing her job.

                          A few of you made a really valid point, if he's pathetic enough to hit a women, what would make him stop there after he gets pulverized.

                          I'd really love to beat this mother fucker into the ground, put his god damn teeth on a curb and end his life, but..I think I'm just going to install fear into him, bring me and my cousins to him, and "talk" to him. I want him to understand that he fucked with the wrong people, he's in deep shit, and that if he ever does it again.. I WILL kill him.

                          As of this moment though, I don't think I'll be beating the shit out of him, I really can't afford any of the hospital fee's that he would be suing me for, and I'm really not the jail type (Skins too white, sexy, and smooth).

                          This is far from over though..
                          Originally posted by horns666
                          The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                            I would follow him somewhere away from work, beat the fuck out of him and NOT tell him why, or who you are. Don't connect it to your mom.

                            If he was crazy enough to punch her in the arm, he might be crazy enough to cut her throat in retaliation for YOUR retaliation. Best if he just thinks he got a random beatdown - maybe even rob him.

                            I don't blame you for being steamed to the core, but you don't know just how crazy this guy really is.
                            Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                            I'd really love to beat this mother fucker into the ground, put his god damn teeth on a curb and end his life, but..I think I'm just going to install fear into him, bring me and my cousins to him, and "talk" to him. I want him to understand that he fucked with the wrong people, he's in deep shit, and that if he ever does it again.. I WILL kill him.
                            You can't rationalize with an irrational person. His behavior toward your mother already indicates he's unstable. I think lerxstcat's suggestion (except for the robbing part )above would be the best course of action. Otherwise, don't do anything and choose a course of action if it happens again. If you just talk to him, you'll potentially escalate the situation. As well, he'll also know who you are and your options for future retaliation will be limited.


                            • #29
                              Dude, I live with a Bi-Polar wife, while the occasion restraint in her frenzies may be necessary, thats jacked up.

                              However, your mom should never have hit him, even playfully.
                              On both sides of the fence, that is inappropriate interaction. It actually borders into sexual harassment. I would go the administrative/legal route, and encourage your mom to do so. Beating his ass isn't going to do anything but get you and your mom into more trouble.

                              forget the intimidation route too. I knew a guy that was fired for lightly tapping a female co-worker he was dating for sexual harassment, just for tapping her with a pen. It was not even in the hands of the two involved, an admin oversaw it.

                              I'm telling you, your mother needs to hurry and file a grievance/complaint about harassment and unwanted contact. If no action is taken, there are plenty of state and federal laws that will yield you better results.


                              • #30
                                two things
                                1. Sugar
                                2. His gas tank

                                or better yet 3 things
                                1. Latex gloves
                                2. Pliers
                                3. Brake lines


