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Hitting Women.

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  • #31
    see now if it had been the opposite way around and the chick tapped the dude and he filed for harassment, they would have laughed at him and called him gay! literally

    Originally posted by GWARGHOUL View Post
    Dude, I live with a Bi-Polar wife, while the occasion restraint in her frenzies may be necessary, thats jacked up.

    However, your mom should never have hit him, even playfully.
    On both sides of the fence, that is inappropriate interaction. It actually borders into sexual harassment. I would go the administrative/legal route, and encourage your mom to do so. Beating his ass isn't going to do anything but get you and your mom into more trouble.

    forget the intimidation route too. I knew a guy that was fired for lightly tapping a female co-worker he was dating for sexual harassment, just for tapping her with a pen. It was not even in the hands of the two involved, an admin oversaw it.

    I'm telling you, your mother needs to hurry and file a grievance/complaint about harassment and unwanted contact. If no action is taken, there are plenty of state and federal laws that will yield you better results.


    • #32
      Originally posted by guitarnut1980 View Post
      two things

      or better yet 3 things
      1. Latex gloves
      2. Pliers
      3. His nuts.
      Nothing like a spot of CBT to get a party started!
      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

      I nearly broke her back


      • #33
        It would be hard for me to refrain from a beat down but unfortunately if your mom reports it at work they both could possibly get fired for violence in the workplace.

        I would however confront him offsite somewhere and let him know that type of shit will not be tolerated and by whatever means necessary do NOT to let it happen again or there WILL be a smack down.

        Do this one on one, you and the pathetic dickhead and leave your cousins out of it, otherwise it could get out of control and you or you cousins will be in jail looking at assult charges and the financial setbacks because of it.


        • #34
          Have her call the cops and file assault and battery charges. Then tell her boss and file a written complaint at work and have him fired for assualt, then file a sexual harrasment charge to boot just for shits and grins (she said no so he hit her = millions of dollors). Then have her file a restraining order against him.

          Then call the thugs to finish the job 12 months after all the legal stuff is over..

          In AZ. we stiff carry firearms in public so I probably would have put a knife in his hand and delt with it personally.

          I'm the nicest guy on the planet till you touch my family...if you do that

          "Game Over"
          USA Doublerhoads Custom Shop
          USA King V Custom Shop X Series


          • #35
            Are you guys reading the same post that I did? She punched him first. You can't ever hit someone and then be upset that they hit back - even if they were instigating in the first place. If her "solution" was to punch him then she has no room to complain about him doing the same.

            Do we treat women as equals or not? You can't have it both ways.


            • #36
              I was involved in a car accident once, this lady rear ended our car when the traffic light turned green.
              She did not know, see or acknowledged that a funeral caravan was coming through the intersection. She just wanted me to plow through.
              We got off the cars and I told her "Mam do you see all of those cars with headlights on and that magnet on all of their doors? That is a funeral caravan, have some respect".
              All the while she was calling me every name in the book.
              There was no damage, she kept screaming and I just waved at her and told her the conversation was over.
              As I just about to get into the car she hit me from behind and grabbed me by the arm. "'Cause I had to let her finish ripping me a new one and taught me how to drive".

              I just turned around, once again, got in the car, locked the door and made sure the window was all the way up.

              I did not feel like hitting her back, she was older than me and I remembered what my parents taught me. Never, ever hit a woman.

              But tell you one thing, my favorite show in the universe COPS shows that women could be far crazier than most men under the same intoxication level. If I was living with some of those skanks I am sure I would have clocked one or two by now.
              Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


              • #37
                Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                Are you guys reading the same post that I did? She punched him first. You can't ever hit someone and then be upset that they hit back - even if they were instigating in the first place. If her "solution" was to punch him then she has no room to complain about him doing the same.

                Do we treat women as equals or not? You can't have it both ways.
                Color me old school, but under this post I still would not hit a female. Equal or not, I can't justify it. Judgement has to comes in to play. the fact is most women can not give out the punisment that a man can, nor I don't think a female in most cases can take a hit. Plus just how proud would you be after the fact. Just because you can, don't mean you should.
                Last edited by ABSOLUT CHARVEL; 08-11-2008, 07:43 PM.
                ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                • #38
                  I wasn't implying that the guy was right to do it since I'm assuming it was just retaliation rather than self-defense. I'm just saying that both people were in the wrong - no reason to single him out.


                  • #39
                    you have to wonder if it was retaliation.

                    "one of her co-workers was relentless and wouldn't leave her alone, he kept harassing her and so she finally told him to leave her alone, he proceeds to continue harassing her, so my mom tells him to go away and punches him in the arm. The dude retaliates by punching her his hardest in the arm.

                    It sounds like she was provoked, so yes, I do single him out. Honestly, bottom line what a chicken shit act. If it was another guy, I don't think the dude wouldn't have the balls to do what he did. Trying to intimadate a woman? Nuff said.
                    Last edited by ABSOLUT CHARVEL; 08-11-2008, 09:29 PM.
                    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Thrust View Post
                      You can't rationalize with an irrational person. His behavior toward your mother already indicates he's unstable. I think lerxstcat's suggestion (except for the robbing part )above would be the best course of action. Otherwise, don't do anything and choose a course of action if it happens again. If you just talk to him, you'll potentially escalate the situation. As well, he'll also know who you are and your options for future retaliation will be limited.
                      I only suggested the robbery so the guy'd think it was random and that robbery was the motive. If a bunch of guys randomly grab him, beat his ass and DON'T rob him, that might start him to wondering why....

                      Then he might think, "Hey! those guys all looked vaguely like that lady at work that I had a run-in with."

                      Of course we'd hope the concussion would inhibit such thoughts, but you never know....
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #41
                        I'm old school. You don't hit women. Period.


                        • #42
                          Male or female, I don't care. I let the attacker throw the first punch, then I finish it.
                          Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                          "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                            I'm old school. You don't hit women. Period.
                            I don't care if they are having their period or not, I don't hit them.
                            "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                            • #44
                              i agree with both robrr and uforocks. either one of those will do!!

                              oh and a word of advice. if you come across a suggestion you like, dont reply and say yeah thats what i think i'll do. i would hate to think the culprit is a member here, but you never know. keep quiet about your decision so there is no way what so ever that one could say its premeditated.
                              Last edited by jdr94; 08-12-2008, 08:10 AM.


                              • #45
                                I'm surprised that I'm the first Canadian to chime in on this. Well, one with their location posted. So, as Canadians do, I'll do my bit in the peace effort!

                                One phrase; "Communication is key."

                                I don't know the circumstance that started that dude to go off on your mom. Without all the facts, {other than what's been posted in here,} I just can't recommend you go and give the guy a pounding.

                                Yes, he went off on your mom. Yes, he persisted and didn't let up. Yes, your mom's action of pushing and hitting him was provoked by his persistent verbal aggression. Yes, he did hit her back in retaliation.

                                Your mom initiated aggressive contact first and his was a simple act of retaliation. It was in his nature to strike back hard. The first clue of a physical retaliation should've been realized by his persistent aggressive verbal assault. In short, your mom should've just walked away.

                                The dude is either normally like that, or was just having a bad day and took it out on your mom.

                                If he's normally like that, then he'll get what's coming to him in due time and any kind of pummeling you might give him isn't going to change things. He'll still be a monumental assbag! However, if he was just having a bad day, then all is not lost and having a talk with him might settle the score. I mean a talk between your mom and him, not you. You must stay out of it for now.

                                Sometimes things are said and done in the heat of the moment. We think rationally most times until buttons are pushed and then we react instinctively without thinking of our actions.

                                So in short, let your mom and this guy iron things out at work. If your mom says she doesn't want to stir things up because he's a wife and kids, then maybe your mom see's a side of him that you don't see. After all, she does work with him.

                                It's good to see you've chilled out some. However, I do understand fully how you feel though. If some f#cker hit my mother, I'd be looking to pulverize him as well!

