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New Metallica SINGLE is OUT

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  • MartinBarre
    I wouldn't be surprised if Fleming Rasmussen produces the next album.
    And it'll STILL be shit.

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  • shobet
    I used to like Metallica.

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  • toejam
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    Nice solo from Kirk although the solo and a lot of the lead lines sound suspiciously like stuff he's done before.
    Reminded me of Am I Evil and Blitzkrieg a little bit.

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  • Ben...
    I truly disliked that. I wasn't pleasantly surprised as I thought I might be. to be honest I'm not really shocked anyways.

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  • Trem
    well, i havent really been a fan since justice, and have not heard a single album since the black album, but i wouldn't call it shit, i'll enjoy it when it comes on the radio.

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  • MartinBarre
    I TOLD you it'd be shite. Yeah there are elements of Justice and stuff, but it's still basically a Load/Reload song. Crap vocals, no urgency about it until half way in, padded out for no reason, very odd drumming, aimless overall although with some good riffage. Pretty much like everything they've done since TBA and if anyone had any hopes they'd recapture their glory again at some point, I think it's time to give up if St Anger didn't already make you see it.

    Nice solo from Kirk although the solo and a lot of the lead lines sound suspiciously like stuff he's done before.

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Their approach seemed more chordal on this song, with some old-style pure hetfield riffage thrown in.

    Still diggin' it.

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  • Trem
    Just heard it and dashed to punch out for lunch see what everyone elses impression was.
    I listened to it on a mono clock radio, but sound of the band/mix was good, drums sounded good, nice snare. I actually thought james sounded great, as did kirk.
    Now the song, well, it is deffinatley better than i thought it would be, it kinda mostly sounds like justice "lite" and a little bit of the black album thrown in there, well the first half sounds like it could have been on the black album, the second half, while entirely disconnected from the first part of the song was very much like justice, but the song as a whole was just like what my impression of the cyanide track, it's very forced and disconjointed, like theyre trying to hard. It just doesnt have that cohesivness that just makes it flow like justice (the bands highest point imo, AJFA to me is without a doubt their peak as a band and musicianship).
    If it didn't sound like they were trying to be this for these fans and that for those fans it would be much better.

    i give this tune a 6.5, doesn't suck, but the arrangement is a bit sporadic.
    soundwise i think was great, at least for thru a mono clock radio.
    Sounds like Metallica again at least.

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  • RobRR
    Ive been looking forward to hearing it, we caught it on the radio, and am listening again.

    First of all, let me say that Lars is the lamest drummer in the fucking world. How is it possible to get progressively worse year after year? Doesent anyone in the band have the balls to say anything to him?

    James seems to be still stuck on his "whiny" singing style... which is a shame, because he was THE most powerful vocalist ever black album and pre.

    The song itself feels very much like load era in the beginning... their tone is a bit better though, sounds like theyre using a bit more gain again. The later part of the song 3:54 and it starts to kick in pretty good, but the solo riffage is damn nice, good groove, best part of the song IMHO. though the solo is Kirks usual predictable style... no ooohhs and ahhhhs with this one, but hell, atleast it has a solo.

    Overall, I think one of the main downfalls of the song is the drums... they are lame and simple. Some of the stupidest "fills" Ive ever heard, its almost like Lars only has a bass drum and a snare, no toms? WTF. Same 1-2-3-4 beat thought the whole song, no off beats like the days of old... Could have added so much more in the opening instead of just two consecutive hits... hes lacking feeling and originality is really bringing Metallica down. I know KIDS who have been playing 2 years who could run circles around him... and Im not talking just fast double bass, Im talking about tasteful playing. Come on, use the rid once in a while for christ sakes! The closed hihat constantly gets REAL old.

    Overall though, hey, its better than St. Anger and may be even better than the Loads!
    Last edited by RobRR; 08-21-2008, 02:24 PM.

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  • guitarzan2
    I was thinking this song really, really sucks and yes Metallica is dead until the end when they finally shut up and started rocking. If they would just take James's mike away they might just be listenable again.

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  • toejam
    I think the beginning is a little lame. Sounds like it's off Load or Reload until it hits the 4:00 mark, then it reminds me a little of stuff from Kill 'Em All, Ride The Lightning and MOP, with a little twist of St. Anger thrown in. Could have been better, but it was pretty decent.

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  • GodOfRhythm
    That ending is kicking my fucking balls.

    Fuck that shit sounds good.

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  • CharvelRocker
    Not bad. reminds me of the Black Album and some AJFA. I don't think Kirk though quite had the devastating solos though from AJFA on back. Must be due to him trying to solo without a wah rehab Enjoyable track. Could of been better, could of been worse, but I'll at least probably buy the album now once it comes out,

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
    Can't stream audio at work...what album would you say it's most like?
    It's reminiscent of all their previous works + some new stuff thrown in.

    I'm diggin' it quite a lot, especially for the single, which has never been the strongest track on the previous albums.

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  • missionguitars1
    Originally posted by thebigz View Post
    I thought it was decent. The second half was pretty cool, as has been said, when they were finally rocking out.
    +1 - Holding out hope for the rest of the album, but then again, I have been for 20+ years since their last listenable effort...

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