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New Metallica SINGLE is OUT

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Originally posted by Tekky View Post
    This is a whole slippery slope for Metallica.

    James has said that he physically cannot pull off some of the old Metallica riffs.


    Got proof of that? Cuz I've never heard anything close to what you're claiming there, and I've pretty much seen and heard it all.

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  • Tekky
    This is a whole slippery slope for Metallica.

    James has said that he physically cannot pull off some of the old Metallica riffs. So coming up with something new that is just as fast and furious as old-school Metallica is kind of out of the question. Trying to maintain the status quo doesn't satisfy anyone's hunger for Metallica either.

    So what exactly is the right answer for Metallica? Should they just admit defeat and realize that they will never write an album like KEA, RtL, MoP, or AJFA and disband? By doing that they would be leaving a lot of money on the table.

    Honestly, the answer is exactly what they're doing. Continuing to write their music, record their albums, and - as I like to say - run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it. Some of us like it, some of us don't. But the true test as to whether they're doing something right is if sales of the albums and tours continue to either climb or to stay high.

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  • horns666
    Trem..I've seen that movie about a dozen times with my kid. Yeah gotta check it out!

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  • Trem

    holy shit that kid looks just like jack black, lol :ROTF::ROTF::ROTF:

    shit, i shoulda watched that movie when i was offered, now i gotta get it and check it out. :ROTF:

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  • horns666
    replied I have friends like you. Reminds me of Tenacious D's "The Pick of Destiny" Kickapoo intro..

    My dad turned me onto Black Sabbath. So I turned him onto Opeth..the mellow one. He LOVES it!! So then I burned him "My arms your hearse" ..he couldn't believe that was the same band and couldn't listen to a minute of it. My pop was an old school 60's/70's biker he digs all the old cool stuff!

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  • Trem
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    No, seriously. I mean, once you've made a few million dollars from music, your whole perspective changes, so the things you were angry about (being poor, "the system", etc etc) are washed away by the sea of green, so what do you get angry about?

    Guns-n-Roses are the perfect example: Appetite For Destruction was a brutal album that was made by poor, angry, and hungry kids. They got rich from it. Stinkingly so.
    WHat happened? They were no longer poor and hungry, so they softened up.

    So Metallica don't view the world the same way they did at 18. They grew up. Where's the problem?

    Well, check this out.
    Ok, so i grew up not allowed to have metal albums or anything metal or "satanic" in the house, to the extreme my parents were totaly religious all that bla bla.
    My dad, he grew up in the 50's 60's, he likes oldies, as in the Original oldies
    Aretha Franklin to the Beattles to Ray Charles, Beach boys ect..all that.
    They always raided my room, and tore evereything apart to find any stuff i was stashing, once my dad found Powerslave and he listened to it, i got so chewed out lectured about (demons babies ect) lol And was grounded. Just one of many many examples of the conflicts i had with my folks.

    Anyway, fast forward to the other night, 25 some odd years later.
    I walk into my dads house, and he got a new system and huge tv and stuff, well i walk in, and he's cranking music, i think nothing of it, excpet i slowly start to realize what he is cranking.
    Is, Is That Fucking Metallica?

    My old grey bearded dad, was cranking Metallica, i am still unsure of the long term affects this will have to my psychi, i think that my brain just went into um, ok whatever mode to guard itself from serious damage.

    Moral: i don't know, but, if my dad likes them, they must have really gotten soft

    I'll add that it wasn't just on the radio in passing, he actually bought the CD, and was rocking out to it.
    Last edited by Trem; 08-25-2008, 12:24 AM.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Aaronharmon View Post
    Shit I'm not asking them to top themselves. Even the greatest bands in history, of which Metallica is certainly one, release a turd or two along the way. I just wish that they would reclaim some semblance of their former glory.

    Quit chasing trends and start setting them again.

    That sums it up for me really...that's how I feel. Luckily there is alot of great metal out there..I can't keep up!

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  • Aaronharmon
    Originally posted by UFORocks View Post
    Just a thought.... can you really expect Metallica to top, well, Metallica? I mean, From Kill 'em All through TBA they've written some of the best metal albums ever, period.

    It's pretty hard to top yourself when you're on top....


    Shit I'm not asking them to top themselves. Even the greatest bands in history, of which Metallica is certainly one, release a turd or two along the way. I just wish that they would reclaim some semblance of their former glory.

    Quit chasing trends and start setting them again.

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  • nhspike
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    I think at the end of the day people forget Metallica, as well as any other band, is a product. They've surrounded themselves with resources that let them sell that product for the greatest return. Fuck, if I was in their position I would have done the same.

    Yeah, they're not the same band that released Master of Puppets, but I would bet they're not the same people as well. I also suppose that my dislike of the new material is somehow related to my dislike of me growing older, and not wanting to accept the fact that I'm not 18 any more.

    I'd still sell my soul to be in their position though!
    Is that a boner in your avatar?
    Do you notice it's getting smaller?


    You make more than one excellent point, by the way.

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  • Aaronharmon
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Are we talking lyrics, music, or both?

    If you want to stay on top of the pile, you change direction. While they're not on top of the Thrash pile anymore, they are on top of a different pile. Regardless of whether anyone here considers it crap or not is irrelevant - they're on top and that's all that matters.
    They have been staying on top of the "pile" all right. A big steaming pile. There last good album was Black everthing since has been shit IMO.

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  • UFORocks
    Just a thought.... can you really expect Metallica to top, well, Metallica? I mean, From Kill 'em All through TBA they've written some of the best metal albums ever, period.

    It's pretty hard to top yourself when you're on top....


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  • shobet
    I think at the end of the day people forget Metallica, as well as any other band, is a product. They've surrounded themselves with resources that let them sell that product for the greatest return. Fuck, if I was in their position I would have done the same.

    Yeah, they're not the same band that released Master of Puppets, but I would bet they're not the same people as well. I also suppose that my dislike of the new material is somehow related to my dislike of me growing older, and not wanting to accept the fact that I'm not 18 any more.

    I'd still sell my soul to be in their position though!

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  • zeegler
    Originally posted by JetFixxxer View Post
    And Metallica will still make millions and people will continue to argue about it.

    BTW if my argument was irrelevant, it must have had some relevance you responded..
    Fuck no. I'll respond to any old crap. :ROTF:

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  • horns666
    I say this out of disappointment..but I went into it with low expectations anyway.

    Again, just because I don't like it doesn't mean you can't. I'm NOT attacking any of you. Music is personal and meant to be enjoy.

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  • horns666
    You tell 'em Zeegs..ya da man. You too SG!

    NEWC is speaking musical jargens and whatnots..making a strong artriculate case for himself. You go NEWC...but the proof is in da puddin'..and da puddin' hath long gone spoiled..yuck poowee!

    Hey, I bought VHIII, All Queensryche after Empire, Load/Reload..not ST Angus, Lynch Mob "Smoke This", Risk (perfect name), Cold Lake, mid 90's Dokken, Loudness, Whitesnake "Restless heart", Crimson Glory "Strange and beautiful"..even Ratt. Yeah, I got had lots of times. I took 'em all back and got pennies on the dollar towards good music. My library cases only hold 5000..may as well make it 5000 good ones.

    I still got VHIII...and the Dokken stuff because I'm a completist..but I have morals. Those are actually collecting dust!

    Metallica has been so outta touch and practice for sooooooo long..they can't write anymore. This seems like a step in the right direction. Its just a shadow of what they were. Sounds like lazy slop pieced together. But they're not alone Queenryche blows ass too. There is MANY bands that evolved into something better or at least maintained a place in the heart of their original fanbase.

    Hey, They kicked much ass and their name they did earned it. They are a metal pop band. Mandatory Metallica on the radio..that's what they write..that's what they do. Good for them. But I have no use for 'em. I'm a metalhead thru and true...always was and will be, and I'm not alone! Until now I couldn't tell much difference between 90's Metallica and Godsmack, They were starting to blur..unless Godsmack followed their lead..I dunno..and don't care.

    Hail Nevermore..Hail Testament..Hail Exodus..and ect...with metal like that, there's no room for any Metallica ..'cept for the classics. When they wrote something I connected with..great metal!

    This is no personal attack on anyone guys are the goods. But I haven't gave a crap about this band for a very very very very long time...did I say very?

    Enjoy your music..its yours. Music is a personal choice that makes you happy. If this makes you But you can't sell me on it...The expiration date says 1990 on it.

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