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New Metallica SINGLE is OUT

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  • horns666
    Weird..I have AM I Blood's first three. In the early 90's they were known as ST MUCUS..

    They seemed to have a Load/Reload sound thru the mid to late 90's. I don't have their last The Truth Inside the Dying Sun (2005), the one posted on youtube. But I know exactly where to get a used copy for 5 bucks..I'm there!!

    I actually wonder If Metallica knew about them, well I did. I was showing my freind an old '82 Cirith Ungol song and he .."Holy shit, that's "Orion"..that's what I thought, and why I put it on.

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  • horns666

    Here's a Finnish band I've known about for 12 years or so..

    The rest of that album is posted there too...check the links with the same cover art.

    Here's their wiki page..

    I don't have this release, but I have a couple of theirs on Nuclear Blast records. I always thought they sounded like Metallica. There's also a few more bands that do..I have to look thru my stuff to recall 'em tho..
    Last edited by horns666; 08-24-2008, 04:36 AM.

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  • Sidk
    I'm trying, I lose it when he sings " love is a four letter word". WTF.

    Sorry guy's, I'm frickin old school. Kinda reminds me of David Lee Roth.

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  • slash-ed
    Wow. That was shit. That's all I've got to say. Weak. Weak. Weak.

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  • toejam
    The part at 4:10 reminds me of Orion. The song is actually growing on me the more I listen to it.

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Seriously, the song is actually good.

    This guy covering it, lays bare the essentials:

    NO TABS, sorry...Lars Ulrich thank you, I'm honored: you enjoy it....PLEASE don't ask for tabs, I don't have ...

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  • markD
    well, at least you are a fan boy with sense!!!! i am proud that you can openly admit that your boys are pretty lame these days. they can still put on a decent live show, but they can't write songs at all!!!!

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  • AK47
    I am a Metallica Fan Boy and I have to come home this weekend to this shit!

    I mean what did they do use all the fills and unused edits from the last 5 albums and splice them together with "New Het Emo" lyrics.

    I really liked the Load and Reload albums. St. Anger sucked but to me had two or three decent tracks.

    As a true Fanboy I am dissapointed and I am stuck in 94 not 86 like most of you guys and I will continue to lock myself in my room with my neck thru Ouija and pretend the last 14 years never happened...

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  • XxKilgannonxX
    Hahah Metallica is so shit. Maybe they should invited Mustaine for a day and use his leftover scraps....

    I mean it worked for Metallica's first 3 albums...

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  • Aaronharmon
    Best albums are AJFA (I don't give a fuck about the mix or master quality), Master, Black and RTL in that order. I wouldn't waste a piss on any of the albums following black even if they were on fire.

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  • MartinBarre
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    Born in the US then moved to convict land when he was 12. He does not sound Australian to me, as he hasn't got that annoying habit of the end of his sentences going up in pitch, making everything sound like a question.
    I honestly never thought you'd stoop to stealing that shirt lifter Stephen Fry's patter.
    If he's American, Angus and Malcolm Young are both Scottish, as was Bon Scott and Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.
    We Scots fucking RULE man!

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  • nsubulysses
    This band is stupid

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  • shobet
    Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
    You mean an Australian accent?
    Born in the US then moved to convict land when he was 12. He does not sound Australian to me, as he hasn't got that annoying habit of the end of his sentences going up in pitch, making everything sound like a question.

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  • Rsmacker
    Oh, I stopped liking Metallica after "No Life Till Leather", they've been shit ever since, they sold out etc etc.

    And I haven't heard the new single. Cos I'm a miser, and they don't play it on BBC Radio 4.

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  • Gartron
    Christopher Lambert should have been hunted down and burned for his accent in Highlander.

    back on topic though , I still think it;s a cool song, can't wait for the album and will continue to swing from Metallica's nuts for as long as I Goddamn well please!!,

    however I agree with the comments about Kirk's solo. I've never been a fan of his soloing.

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