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New Metallica SINGLE is OUT

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  • robfromthedeep
    The thing with Slayer is... yeah they haven't sold out etc etc. BUT they haven't moved on, i think its good for bands to evolve and progress, otherwise it would just be boring.

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  • Evol
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    Anthrax can go fuck themselves.
    Says the guy who also said :

    "Nothing Else Matters". I love that song - it's a great SONG.


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  • robfromthedeep
    Haha the backing to one of the random solos IS Motorbreath.

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  • MartinBarre
    Originally posted by Evol View Post
    Oh, they'll be back, you can count on that, besides they were still rocking LONG after Metallica started sucking.

    Uhm, sure, *lol*, soon as Slayer does "Nothing Else Matters" or some other pussy shit like that, I might agree with you. Slayer has been Slayer since the time they came into existence.

    I still don't recall them ever selling out.
    Anthrax won't be back - they've sold out worse than even Metallica with the way they treated Bush. I was a die hard Thrax fan until they fucked that guy over, and now they have some crappy Bush soundalike doing vocals? Fuck 'em.
    Slayer didn't sell out, but they stopped writing good songs years ago. I'd rather listen to Vader's "The Beast" than any Slayer album of the past 10 years or so. They also have a horrible guitar tone now, I don't know what the problem is with that, but they sound like shit now.

    I have no problem with bands "selling out" to do stuff like "Nothing Else Matters". I love that song - it's a great SONG.
    I have a problem with good bands writing shite songs. Metallica and Slayer don't write good songs any more, and Anthrax can go fuck themselves.

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  • Evol
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    We don't. Anthrax are effectively dead since their habit of selling out their singers finally caught up to them.
    Oh, they'll be back, you can count on that, besides they were still rocking LONG after Metallica started sucking.

    And Slayer? They suck nearly as bad as Metallica now.
    Uhm, sure, *lol*, soon as Slayer does "Nothing Else Matters" or some other pussy shit like that, I might agree with you. Slayer has been Slayer since the time they came into existence.

    I still don't recall them ever selling out.

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  • UFORocks
    I can't say that I hated it... But I didn't love it. My first comment about the song was, "well Kirk's playing hasn't changed". The second comment about the song was something along the lines of "Wow, James went EMO".

    Overall the song feels like they really did string bits of songs from old albums together and have James "sing" over them.

    I know that I would have liked the song better if they got the tone right, which I think is one place where this song fails miserably. The tone has this "almost, but not quite" feel to it throughout the whole song, it's just weak.

    The song "Cyanide" gave me hope, but this.... song.... man...


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  • guitarzan2
    Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
    What's with all the techno-computer dance music posts? You must be one of the european guys in the latest AT&T cell phone commercials (USA guys will get this)
    Last edited by guitarzan2; 08-22-2008, 05:23 PM.

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  • MartinBarre
    Originally posted by Evol View Post
    Kirk, ugh, sorry to say to the fanboys and all, but he was one of the most, if not *THE* most over-rated lead guitar player, especially in the 80's when he was on the cover of every freaking magazine that praised his "chops".
    Well, although I hate "new" Metallica I must admit I love Kirk's early playing to fucking death. What he did on songs like Ktulu was just awe inspiring. Maybe he didn't have the technical skills of guys like Skolnick, but he was a better guitarist back then IMO than near enough anyone other than Murray/Smith.

    Originally posted by Evol View Post
    Thank God (or Satan if one prefers) that we still have Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax and Testament.
    We don't. Anthrax are effectively dead since their habit of selling out their singers finally caught up to them.
    And Slayer? They suck nearly as bad as Metallica now.
    Thank fuck for Megadeth though, UA was great!

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  • MartinBarre
    Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
    Yeah, the only war story we have around here is of the local tribe singlehandedly wiping the floor with 10 of Caesar's best legions and being mentioned in De Bello Gallico. Fuck, we're complete cowards!
    Ha ha, your war story is from 2000 fuckin' years ago?! What have you done since then, other than listen to St Anger Frantically?
    Anyway, I find it really hard to believe a "local tribe" of you lot managed to defeat ten legions. You're talking about something like 50,000 Romans against some "local tribe"?
    Are you sure? If you wiped the floor with ten legions how come you capitulated to Roman rule?

    WE fucking didn't.

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  • Evol
    I wouldn't even call this a song. It sounds to me like the producer strung together 6 or 7 snippets of riffs in protools, then had James whine over them and call it good.

    Kirk, ugh, sorry to say to the fanboys and all, but he was one of the most, if not *THE* most over-rated lead guitar player, especially in the 80's when he was on the cover of every freaking magazine that praised his "chops". Give him back the wah pedal already, at least it will be predictable suckage. Geez, I even almost half liked "Remember Tomorrow", they did such a decent version of it until he was allowed to play such a horrible solo on it. Not sure what they're thinking anymore.

    Lars' drumming on this "song" is a joke, I found myself constantly annoyed at the fills and wanting to slap him.

    It sounds to me like they have just given up and aren't even trying anymore.

    Thank God (or Satan if one prefers) that we still have Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax and Testament.

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, anyone that loves Metallicas modern shit IS a fanboy. And how come you call me Scottish like it's an insult? What have any of you Belgian fuckers ever done for ANYONE? Nothin for nobody. You should be thanking me, personally, for saving you assholes from the Nazis!
    Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
    ** Hey when you have retreated all your life..and had everyone else
    save your have a different slant on life! We charged half
    naked into the worlds greatest Calvalry! And kicked ass! I do like Belguim Waffles though !! :ROTF:
    Yeah, the only war story we have around here is of the local tribe singlehandedly wiping the floor with 10 of Caesar's best legions and being mentioned in De Bello Gallico. Fuck, we're complete cowards!

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  • GodOfRhythm

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  • Robert Burns
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, anyone that loves Metallicas modern shit IS a fanboy. And how come you call me Scottish like it's an insult? What have any of you Belgian fuckers ever done for ANYONE? Nothin for nobody. You should be thanking me, personally, for saving you assholes from the Nazis!
    ** Hey when you have retreated all your life..and had everyone else
    save your have a different slant on life! We charged half
    naked into the worlds greatest Calvalry! And kicked ass! I do like Belguim Waffles though !! :ROTF:

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  • Robert Burns
    Its "Too, all over the place"..imo. Like they cant decide if it should be
    their last 3 albums mixed together...of just a more odd metered, disjointed
    "Unforgiven" ? On a scale of 1 to give the 2 songs ive heard a 4.
    Maybe they will have one song that kicks ass?

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  • GodOfRhythm
    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, anyone that loves Metallicas modern shit IS a fanboy. And how come you call me Scottish like it's an insult? What have any of you Belgian fuckers ever done for ANYONE? Nothin for nobody. You should be thanking me, personally, for saving you assholes from the Nazis!
    I'd rather be speaking German right now, actually. At least they'd have fried your ass a long time ago for being.....uhm 'slowed'.

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