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New Metallica SINGLE is OUT

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  • El Chiguete
    Seriusly, this guys could never do what Maiden did on there last record tour and that was to play the entire album start to finish... if they did no one would show up for this crap!

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  • m2pmd70
    Umm wow. Just wow. Not the good kind of wow either. It sounds better than St. Anger, I guess. bleh.

    Was that deedle deedle deedle noise the solo you guys were talking about?

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  • dg
    I heard it a couple more times flipping channels on the radio while driving. I liked it less than I did the first time, when I was websurfing & half-listening. Those first 4 minutes are really tedious when you give it your undivided attention.

    I also have to agree with what Rob & others said about Lars. He's clearly gotten even worse, though at least the overall drum sound is better than it has been recently. He's a huge handicap for the band, especially at a time when the drumming bar is being raised constantly by committed musicians who give a shit.

    The listener comments on one station that took calls were mixed, just like here, but most liked it better than their other recent stuff. I almost called in to at least thank them for the 7 Nickelback-free minutes. Hey, at least I didn't change the channel like I do for 90% of the shit they play these days, so that's kind of an endorsement, right?

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  • audiophile

    Not impressed

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  • Mr.C
    Originally posted by zeegler View Post
    It's lame, weak, boring, pointless, and not very good at all. I hate it very much. I was so pumped about this album. I really wanted it to be good, but from the sounds of it so far, it's the opposite of good. Fuck you Metallica for getting my hopes up again you has-been douchebags.

    get out of my head already.............damn mind readers.....

    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post

    lame drums, nothing great guitar wise & the song cyanide blows even f*cking harder.......

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  • Cygnus X1
    Lars awful!
    Is it me, but he keeps losing his timing, not to mention just bashing the hell
    out of the snare with no real dynamic.
    What do I know? I'm a Rush fan...
    And Hammet is just wanking, the basic structure of the tune is there, but I just can't stomach it. There are twenty guitarists in my neighborhood alone that sound better.
    (I'm not one of them, in case anyone asks).

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  • Tekky
    Apparently, someone was listening to Mason Williams' "Classical Gas" when they wrote the first part of the song.

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  • RD

    not digging it at all!!!

    James needs to start drinking Jager again and get pissed at the world!

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  • Larz
    I'd settle for a Garage Days Re-Re-Revisited.
    Last edited by Larz; 08-21-2008, 08:43 PM.

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  • Tim
    This is the worst thing I've listened to for a while.

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  • diffrent strings
    I agree with Cleveland Metal,that was terrible

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  • Cleveland Metal

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  • Larz
    I'm interested, its seems an unusual song for the first release, but wtf.........and this is from a Metallica fan from the beginning, like many of us, when Seek & Destory was a single I used to hear on the Metal Shop on WAAF in Boston before buying the Kill em All cassette.

    They'll never recapture the true magic of the first four records, nobody could duplicate the epic Master of Puppets album, even them, but that's just the nature of things evolving, them growing older, having different interests, not having to play their asses off to get a meal, etc.

    I just want something that takes me back in time yet has a current edge to it. If that's possible, ha ha.

    After a few listens, the first half with the vocal up to the four minute mark sounds like a cross between Load (with the slower riffing) and St. Anger (the vocal style at least). Post-vocals, the second half definitely has an AJFA vibe to it, with the last 5 seconds sounding like a gigantic shit burger.
    Last edited by Larz; 08-21-2008, 08:38 PM.

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  • Thrust
    Well, I've probably listened to it 1/2 dozen times now. My thoughts are, is it MOP or AJFA? Nope. Does it please the ear? If I listen to it and don't try to compare it to any of their other material (old or new), it satisfies.

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  • thunderhead
    That was decent... I might even buy the album

    Edit: Listening to it again and it reminds me of so many old metallica songs. I cant really tell which ones though. I guess thats a good thing

    Edit2: Just checked 'Cyanide' out. Sounds slightly wanky to me
    Last edited by thunderhead; 08-21-2008, 06:42 PM.

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