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Jerry Reed Dead at 71

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  • #16
    named him after a man with a claw...called him Amos Moses



    • #17
      R.I.P. Jerry

      helluva player....................
      “The modern definition of "racist" is "someone who is winning an argument with a liberal”


      • #18
        i think we should all watch smoky and the bandit as a tribute.
        no sig.....


        • #19
          Originally posted by Soap View Post
          He'll be remembered more for his Smokey and the Bandits flicks then anything else and that's a shame.
          maybe, but if it wasn't for those movies I wouldn't even know about him. I don't listen to country, but I loved the Snowman, and then I find out he was a killer guitarist too? Awesome!

          RIP. A helluva picker
          Hail yesterday


          • #20
            I'll tell you guys something, Jerry Reed was THE reason I started playing guitar. I loved that man so much. He was an original in every sense of the word. I used to listen to 8-tracks my parents had of his when I was 8~9 years old down in our basement just over and over.

            There are several good videos on youtube but I can't find the song I want. He did an incredible version of "Alabama Jubilee" on this 8-track that always just tore me up. None of the videos do it justice.

            Here are a couple that I really like...

            Jerry & Chet... enough said.

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            The Claw in 2002

            His style is so unique that only Eric Johnson and a few country pickers really claim him as a big influence. He was almost imposible to copy.

            Chet Atkins also just passed, and he was also a God to me.

            Alabama Jubilee

            Muleskinner Blues

            Jerry's Breakdown from 2000

            Lightning Rod

            I'm sorry, but I'm really screwed up by Jerry's death. I hope some of you will visit the youtube stuff if you haven't heard how he played.

            If you really want to cry, just watch this by Chet...
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


            • #21
              Damn, sorry all the youtube links don't seem to work, they were live earlier this evening.

              Just do a search for Jerry Reed and dig it. You won't be sorry!


              • #22
                man I am bummed...another one gone...RIP sandman.


                • #23
                  I've had his version of "Pretty Mary Sunlite" stuck in my head since seeing his episode of Scooby Doo as a child. We'll miss ya snowman.
                  |My CSG gallery|


                  • #24
                    ever wonder what he was thinking when he agreed to dress up like Burt R in the Smoket and the Bandits 3?


                    • #25
                      "They call you the outlaw untamed.."



                      • #26
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